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Energy, Economy, Environment

San Francisco, CA, USA

Plenary Session
Climate Change Policy: Cap & Trade Vs Carbon Tax

Brian Flannery

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Plenary Session
Speaking Notes - Gary Mar

Gary Mar

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Plenary Session
Overview of Energy Modeling Forum Study #22: Climate Policy Scenarios: U.S. Domestic and International Policy Architechtures

John Weyant

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Plenary Session
Pickens' Peak Redux: Fundamentals, Speculation, or Market Structure

Robert McCullough

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Plenary Session
BP Statistical Review of World Energy

Mark Finley

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Plenary Session
Crude Oil

Jeffrey Harris

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Plenary Session
Oil Price Drivers: Elasticities, NYMEX, and Traders

Ronald Ripple

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Plenary Session
Asian Oil and Gas: (IM)Pertinent Questions

Michael Lynch

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Plenary Session
Role of Coal in China

David Fridley

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Coal

Plenary Session
Nuclear Application in Asia

Makoto Takada

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Energy Specializations: Nuclear Power

Plenary Session
Climate Policy in the U.S. and Canada: Learning from Past Policy Failures

Mark Jaccard

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Plenary Session
Energy Market and Policy in Europe: the Way to Copenhagen

Carlo Andrea Bollino

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Plenary Session
Energy Security in an Interdependent World

Guy Caruso

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Plenary Session
The Role of Nuclear Power

Chris Larsen

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Energy Specializations: Nuclear Power

Plenary Session
Private Energy Investment in Uncertain Times: Industry Approaches

Bill Kemp

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Plenary Session
Measuring and Pursuing Energy Security

Paul Leiby

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Plenary Session
Achieving Gas Supply Security in Europe

Pierre Noel

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Plenary Session
Overview of Renewable Energy Technologies: Transforming Our Energy Economy

Robert Margolis

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Renewables

Plenary Session
Observations on U.S. Renewable Energy Trends

Ryan Pletka

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Renewables

Plenary Session
Renewables: A California Perspective

Todd Strauss

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Plenary Session
Effects of Recent and Future Developments in LNG Markets on the Interconnectedness of Regional Gas Markets

Fisoye Delano

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Plenary Session
Unconventional Resources: Potential and Challenges

Frits Eulderink

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Energy Specializations: Unconventional Fossil Resources

Plenary Session
The Dynamics of Abundance of North American Domestic Natural Gas Supply

Gordon Pickering

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Plenary Session
Global Natural Gas Markets: Trends and Selected Uncertainties

Bill Pepper

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Plenary Session
LNG and Natural Gas Perspectives: Competition, Contracts, Cartel

Christian von Hirschhausen

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Plenary Session
Affordable, Low-Carbon Diesel Fuel from Domestic Coal and Biomass

John Wimer

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Coal

Plenary Session
EDF's Development Strategy

Jean-Pierre Benque

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Energy Specializations: Nuclear Power

Plenary Session
A change in Climate for Nuclear Energy

Ana Palacio

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Energy Specializations: Nuclear Power

Concurrent Session
The Impact of a Growing Ethanol Market on the Demand Elasticity of Gasoline in Brazil

Gisele Ferreira Tiryaki, Giovani Ferreira da Silva, Luiz Magalhães Pontes

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
The Effect of Missing Data on Wind Resource Estimation

Aidan Coville, Afzal Siddiqui, Klaus-Ole Vogstad

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Hubbert Oil Peak and Hotelling Rent Revisited By a Simulation Model

Aline Sutter, Pierre-Noel Giraud, Timothee Denis

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Global Natural Gas Market: Reality or Expectation?

Marcela Ramos, Amanda Carlos, Rafael Souza

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Price Effects and Security of Supply During the Russian-Ukrainian Gas Conflict – A Model-Based Analysis

Stefan Lochner

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Chinese Gasoline and Diesel Demand

Huei-Chu Liao, Yi-Huey Lee

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
The Cloudy Future of U.S. LNG Imports

Robert Borgstrom, David Foti

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Modelling the Long Term Economic Implications of Buildings Efficiency in China

Jun Li

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Decision Support Tool for a TSO for Efficient Integration of Renewable Energy into Electricity Market

Valeriia Algeier, Sebastian Stotz, Dirk Westermann

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
The Greening of . . . Texas?

Jay Zarnikau

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Efficient RES-E Support in Europe and its Impact on the Conventional Power Market

Marco Nicolosi, Ralf Wissen

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Why Natural Gas Cogeneration Does Not Develop in Brazil?

Lucélia Raad

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Relational Contracting in the LNG Industry - An Empirical Analysis

Sophia Ruester

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
GHG Regulation of Transportation Fuels: Comparing Firm Incentives Under Upper-bond and Emission Quota

Deepak Rajagopal

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Subprime U.S. Greentech Venture Investments

James Plummer

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
Estimating the Value of Energy Storage in Concentrating Solar Thermal Plants

Ramteen Sioshansi, Paul Denholm

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Capacity Value Of A Demand Response Resource

Robert Borlick

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Assessment of Global Mitigation Progress: A Decomposition of CO2 Emissions for the World's Top Emitting Countries

Dirk Bohm

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Estimation of Capacity Payments in Hydro Dominated Systems

Rafael Campo

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
Impact of Transition of China's Industrial Location on Energy Consumption

XiaoLi Zhao

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
The Value of Unused Transmission: Estimating the Opportunity Cost for the Province of Quebec, Canada

Pierre-Olivier Pineau

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Models for Understanding Residential Electricity Use

Sara Banaszak

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
The Effect of Energy Saving Voluntary Agreements on Energy Efficiency and Environmental Improvements

Gahyeong Hur, Jinwoo Lee

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Cooperation Among Liquefied Natural Gas Suppliers: Is Rationalization the Sole Objective?

Olivier Massol, Stephane Tchung-Ming, Nadine Bret-Rouzaut

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Mixing and Transportation of Hydrogen via the Natural Gas Network in Rozenburg

Anish Patil

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Influence of the Market Structure on the Installed Capacity of PSPP - Benchmarking Analysis

David Surla

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Incorporating CO2 Risks in Valuation Practice: A Capital Market Approach for European Utilities

Sebastian Rothe, Alexander Bassen

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
Productivity Gains from Electricity Reform In Australia: A Dynamic Assessment

Reza Fathollahzadeh

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
An Experimental Study on the Gap Between Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Donate for Green Electricity

Roland Menges, Stefan Traub

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Applications of Information Policy Principles from Auction Theory in the Deregulated Electricity Market

Julia Frayer, Zvika Neeman, Matthew Wittenstein

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Concentrating on the Future: The Benefits of Large-Scale Solar Electric Technologies

Lori Smith Schell

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Effects of Allowances Allocation Schemes on the Emissions Leakage and Contract Shuffling

Andrew Liu, Chen Yihsu

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The Rapid Evolution of the French Electricity Market from 2001 to 2008

Margaret Armstrong, Alain Galli

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Evaluating an NGCC Project: Technical Optimisation versus Real Options

Alain Galli, Salaheddine Belkas, Margaret Armstrong

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
Income Risk of EU Coal-Fired Power Plants After Kyoto

Jose Chamorro, Luis Abadie

Concurrent Session
The Challenge of Brazilian Pre-Salt Oil Fields

Luciano Losekann, Adilson De Oliveira, Carlos Frederico Rocha

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
The Impact of Climate Policy on the International Competitiveness of Canadian Industry: How Big and How To Mitigate?

Nic Rivers

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Prospects and Limitations of Public-Private Partnerships as a Means for Technology Transfer: The Case of Nuclear Energy in India

Udoy Ghose

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Energy Specializations: Nuclear Power

Concurrent Session
Integrated Electricity and Natural Gas Market Modeling – The Effects of Market Liberalization in Europe

Martin Lienert, Stefan Lochner

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
The Emission Intensity Approach Toward GHG Emission Reduction: The Case of the Pulp and Paper Industry

Jean-Thomas Bernard

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
RPS in Texas - Lessons Learned & Way Forward

Gurcan Gulen, Michelle Foss, Dimitry Volkov, Ruzanna Makaryan

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Econometric Modeling of Deepwater Petroleum Exploration and Development Operations in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico Region, 1983-2005

Omowumi Iledare

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Market Power in the Nordic Electricity Wholesale Market: A Survey of the Empirical Evidence

Thomas Tangeras, Sven-Olof Fridolfsson

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Subsidizing Biomass Combustion in a Co-Firing Fossil Fuel Plant - The Effects on State Level Electricity Production and CO2 Emissions

Jussi Lintunen, Hanna-Liisa Kangas

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Biofuel Sustainability According to Emergy Analysis

Marcos Watanabe, Enrique Ortega

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Environmental Awareness and Household Energy Efficiency

David Ryan

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Risk Sharing Under Renewable Portfolio Standards

Becky Lafrancois

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Decisions Between Risk and Uncertainty – Experiences From Major LNG Projects

John Holding, Dieter Beike

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Wind Power Variability, Wind Power Forecasting Errors, and the Cost of Balancing Power: Evidence from the EON Transmission System in Central Germany

Kevin Forbes, Marco Stampini, Ernest Zampelli

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Industrial Consolidation Profiles: M&A Activities in the Latin American Electricity and Gas Market

Marc Petz, David Edgar, Bryan Temple, Klaus-Dieter Maier, Michael Zettl

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
Kicking the Fossil Fuel Habit: Was New Zealand’s 90% Renewable Target for Electricity Feasible?

Geoffrey Bertram

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The Impact of Commonwealth Emissions Trading Policy on Australian Electricity Markets

Regina Betz, Anthony Owen

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Generation Capacity Adequacy: Capacity Mechanisms in a Regional Perspective

Mauricio Cepeda, Dominique Finon

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Transitioning to a Low Carbon Transport System in Developing Nations: Future Scenarios for India

Prasoon Agarwal

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Productivity in Exploration Drilling

Ragnar Tveteras, Petter Osmundsen, Kristin Roll

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Volatility and Risk Sharing in European Gas Markets

Frank Asche

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Ramsey Pricing and Allocation of GHG Emissions from Oil Refining: Use or Abuse of Economic Theory?

Alireza Tehrani Nejad M, Lorna Greening

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Collateral at Risk: A Practical Approach for Energy Trading Organizations to Estimate Potential Future Collateral Requirements

Jay Lindgren, Charles Breeden

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
Impacts of State-Level Limits on Greenhouse Gases per Mile in the Presence of National CAFE Standards

Lawrence Goulder, Mark Jacobsen, Arthur van Benthem

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Economic Valuation of Multi-Unit Nuclear Plant Programs based on Real Options Analysis

Arturo Reinking

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
Energy Market Simulations Under Climate Stabilization Transitions

Donald Hanson, John Marano, Anant Vyas, Tito Homem-de-Mello, En Zhu

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Plain Vanilla Options for Price-Quantity Hedging in the Colombian Wholesale Electricity Market

Gabriel Vizcaino, Juan Alzate, Angela Cadena, Juan Benavides

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
Energy and Water: Managing The Long-Term Power Portfolio in the Face of Changing Cooling Water Supplies

Vincent Tidwell, Peter Kobos, Leonard Malczynski, Geoffrey Klise, William Hart

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
The Economics of Climate Change Regimes: A Sustainable Post-Kyoto Framework

Youngho Chang

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Network Design Optimization of Novel Fuel Cell Systems and Distributed Energy Devices

Whitney Colella, Aerel Rankin, Melahn Parker

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Improving China's Small Scale Renewable Energy Program

Willem Groenendaal

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
A Dynamic and Structural Analysis Of Sectoral Energy Intensities In China

Baiding Hu

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
A Stochastic Dynamic Game Analysis of Strategic Petroleum Reserve Policy for Developing Countries

Ying Fan, Xiao-Bing Zhang, Yi-Ming Wei

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Concurrent Session
Price Forecasting and Unit Commitment in Electricity Markets

Julian Bouchard, Audun Botterud, Prakash Thimmapuram

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Regional Energy Intensity Evolution in China: Convergence or Divergence

Hua Liao, Wei Yi-Ming

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Issues over Energy Decomposition Methodologies: Laspeyres or LMDI?

Jihyo Kim, Hwa-Young Sin (Kim), Eunnyeong Heo

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Control of Carbon Emissions in Zero-Net-Energy Buildings by Optimal Technology Investments in Smart Energy Systems and Demand-Side-Management

Chris Marnay, Afzal Siddiqui, Michael Stadler, Hirohisa Aki

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Troubling Trends in Energetic and Ecological Indicators in Passenger Transport in Selected OECD Countries

Amela Ajanovic, Lee Schipper, Reinhard Haas

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
The Open Source Stochastic Building Simulation Tool SLBM and its Capabilities to Capture Uncertainty of Policymaking in the U.S. Building Sector

Michael Stadler, Chris Marnay Inês Lima Azevedo, Ryoichi Komiyama, Judy Lai

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
The Effects of a Domestic Market on Export Decisions for a State-Owned Company

Susanna Dorigoni, Luigi Mazzei, Federico Pontoni

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Concurrent Session
The Development of Non Conventional Oil Supply Under Uncertainty: Application to the Canadian Oil Sands

Déborah Bouchonneau

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Energy Specializations: Unconventional Fossil Resources

Concurrent Session
Short-Term and Long-Term Risk Premia in the German Electricity Market

Matthäus Pietz

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Analysis of Tendencies and Structural Breaks on the Car Market and Their Consequences on Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions: An Empirical Analysis for France

Elodie Sentenac-Chemin, Frédéric Lantz

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Is the Asset Light Model of Electricity Retailers Sustainable?

Raphaël Homayoun Boroumand, Georg Zachmann

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
Effectiveness and Efficiency of Renewable Energy Promotion Schemes in the German Space Heating Market

Johannes Henkel

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Nuclear Plan in Italy in Relation to the Oil Price. Analysis with a Markal-TIMES Model Multi-regional

Federico Santi, Maurizio Gargiulo, Manuela Gusmerotti

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
On the CER-EUA Spread: A Time Varying Risk Premia Analysis of Emissions Markets

Emilie Alberola, Julien Chevallier, Maria Mansanet, Morgan Hervé-Mignucci

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Improving Regulation of Natural Gas Storage

Jeroen De Joode

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
UK Household Disaggregated Energy Expenditure Demand: Contributions of Economic and Non-economic Factors

Mona Chitnis, Lester Hunt

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Estimating Cost Function Using Observed Bid Data In Wholesale Electricity Italian Market

Carlo Andrea Bollino, Paolo Polinori

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Assessing the Potential for Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies

Danny Cullenward

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Option Trading, Volatility and Efficiency in the EU ETS

Julien Chevallier, Yannick Le Pen, Benoit Sevi

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Modelling Daily Oil Price Data Using Auto-regressive Jump Intensity GARCH Models

Marc Gronwald

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Optimization of Decentralized Energy Systems Using Biomass Resources for Rural Electrification in Developing Countries

Diego Silva Herran, Toshihiko Nakata

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Distributed Energy - Community Engagement & Resilience

Diane Costello

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Market Prices as a Gauge of Environment Policy’s Efficiency. The Italian Case

Manuela Gusmerotti, Salvatore Zecchini, Ferdinando Zullo

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Beneficial Complexity: A Field Experiment in Technology, Institutions, and Institutional Change in the Electric Power Industry

Lynne Kiesling, David Chassin

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
A Comparison of Regulatory Models in the Natural Gas Industry: Methodology and Empirical Application

Edmar Almeida, Helder Pinto Jr., Marcelo Ferraro

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
The Road Towards Electric Mobility - An Energy Economic View on Hybrid - and Electric Vehicle Technologies and the Influence of Policies on Their Diffusion

Maximilian Kloess, Reinhard Haas

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Innovation Strategies and The Future of the Biofuel Industry

Jose Vitor Bomtempo

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Using Information Disclosure to Design Optimal Electricity Auctions Under Imperfect Competition

Tiago Correia, Gustavo Masili, João Resende, Agnes Costa

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Risk Balancing in Public Private Partnership Project

Martin Benes, Oldrich Stary

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
Determinantes of Trade for Forest Fuels and Products

Robert Lundmark

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Idle Oil Wells: Half Empty or Half Full?

Lucija Muehlenbachs

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
A Model for the Global Oil Market: Optimal Oil Production Levels for Saudi Arabia

Ayed Al-Qahtani

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Implications of Unilateral United States Carbon Policy

Peter Balash, Joseph Dipietro, Christopher Nichols, Nadejda Victor

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Europe Takes the Challenge - The Way Forward in Promoting Renewable Electricity

Christian Panzer, Gustav Resch, Reinhard Haas, Thomas Faber

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Changes in the Automotive Fuel Consumption in Europe and North America and its Consequence on the World-Wide Refining Industry

Frederic Lantz, Valérie Saint Antonin, Emilie Bertout

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Analysis of the Potential Development of the European Biofuel Transforming Industries Using a Frontier Function Approach

Mélissa Clodic

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Agent-Based Simulation of Carbon Policies and Power Generation

Emile Chappin, Gerard Dijkema, Laurens de Vries

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Energy Strategies in North-East Asia: ESPO- and Altay-Pipelines

Vladislav Savin, Tatiana Mitrova, Vladimir Sidorenko, Alexander Zaitsev

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Concurrent Session
Renewable Energy Supply for Electric Vehicle Operations in California

Anthony Papavasiliou, Shmuel Oren Ikhlaq Sidhu, Phil Kaminsky

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Electricity Demand Modelling of German Data Centers: Dealing with Uncertainties

Lars Dittmar, Marc Schaefer, Aaron Praktiknjo

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
De-Carbonizing Electricity Generation

Fereidoon Sioshansi

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Calibrating Residential Buildings for Improved Heating Energy Demand Forecasting and Continuous Performance Monitoring

Christos Papadopoulos

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Are Oil Prices and Oil Costs Related? Thoughs on Whether the Recent Fall in Oil Prices Could be a Blessing in Disguise for Oil Companies

Rafael Pertusier, Mileno Cavalcante

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Regulatory Feasibility Analysis of Policy Mechanisms to Foster Renewable Energy in the Colombian Power Sector

Sergio Botero, Angela Cadena, Daniel Vesga, Luis Betancur

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Modeling the Electricity Spot Markets: A New Tool and a Note on an Ignored Problem

Ozgur Inal

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Biofuels for Africa: An Illusion or or a Sustainable Option to Reduce the Vulnerability to Energy and Poverty?

Nadia Ouedraogo

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Concurrent Session
Decision Making Analysis on Self-Generation Investments by Industrial Customers in The Context of a De-Regualted Electricity Market. The Colombian Case

Ana Escudero, Sergio Botero

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
An Integrated Simulation/Optimization Approach to the Modeling and Analysis of the Decentralized Turkish Market

Kemal Sarica Ilhan Or, Gürkan Kumbaroglu

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Fuel Cell Economics Reloaded - Matching of the Residential Sector with the European Energy Exchange

Boris Heinz, Georg Erdmann

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Barriers to Energy Efficiency for Residential Space-Heating Appliances in Japan

Ken-ichiro Nishio, Yumiko Iwafune

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Strategic Model of LNG Arbitrage: Analysis of LNG Trade in Atlantic Basin

Svetlana Ikonnikova, Dmitry Volkov, Gürcan Gülen, Michelle Foss

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
The Price of Policy Risk - Empirical Insights from Choice Experiments with European Solar Energy Project Developers

Sonja Lüthi

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
The Quest for Dominance: NOC-IOC Rivalries, Alliances and the Shape of the New Global Oil Industry

Ian Nathan, David Knapp

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
The Installed Cost of Photovoltaics in the U.S. From 1998-2007

Carla Peterman, Ryan Wiser, Galen Barbose

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Biobutanol Production and Supply Chain Economics

Paul Bergey, Geoff Parker

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Incentives for Using Contractual Flexibility Provisions in a Market Environment: The Case of the European Gas Industry

Stéphane Tchung-Ming, Olivier Massol

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Managing Local Resources: The Role of Electricity From Biomass Based Cogeneration

Norma Anglani, Giuseppe Muliere

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
The Effects of Nuclear Fuel Storage on Competition in Electricity

Maria Lykidi, Jean-Michel Glachant, Pascal Gourdel

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Energy Specializations: Nuclear Power

Concurrent Session
Lacking Balancing Market Harmonisation in Europe: Room for Trader Profits at the Expense of Economic Efficiency?

Leen Vandezande, Marcelo Saguan, Leonardo Meeus, Vincent Rious, Jean-Michel Glachant, Ronnie Belmans

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Changes In Environmental Legislation And Their Impact On Investment In The UK Power Sector: A Lesson For The Nigerian Power Sector

Imeh Okon, Joseph Akunna

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Potential Disincentives in Regional Emissions Trading Schemes to Implementing Distributed Energy Systems to Reduce GHG Emissions

John Tysseling, Melissa Roberts

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The Role of Transmission Investment in the Coordination Between Generation and Transmission in the Liberalized Power Systems

Vincent Rious, Jean-Michel Glachant, Yannick Perez, Philippe Dessante

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
A Glimpse Into the Future of World Oil Prices

Larry C.H. Chow

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Panel Estimate of the Demand for Refined Oil Products in the Major OPEC Countries

Nourah Al Yousef

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Opportunities and Challenges of Wind Electric Generation: Competitive Renewable Energy Zone, Electricity Storage, and Plug-In Vehicles

Mina Dioun Ingmar Sterzing

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
California’s Electricity Sector GHG Planning: Making Early Investments in CCS to Lower the Long-Term Cost of Achieving a GHG Reduction Target

William Morrow, Amber Mahone, Snuller Price, CK Woo

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
How will the New EU Energy Legislation Affect Investments in Infrastructure?

Hamilcar Knops, Hanneke De Jong, Laurens De Vries

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The Obama Economic Recovery Plan: National and Regional Macroeconomic Effect of Energy and Environmental Policies

Frederick Treyz, Rod Motamedi, Billy Leung, Mario DePillis, Jr.

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Oil Price Spikes and Crashes – How Does Recent History Fit with Some Popular Modeling Approaches?

Christoph Weber

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Estimating the Transmission Value of Combining Wind with Energy Storage

Paul Denholm, Sioshansi Ramteen

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
A Dynamic Oligopolistic Electricity Market Model with Interdependent Segments

Hasina Rasata, Pierre-Olivier Pineau, Georges Zaccour

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Long-term Greenhouse Gas Reductions in California: Vehicle Electrification and Electricity Generation in 2050

Amber Mahone, William Morrow, Snuller Price, C.K. Woo

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The New Governance Structure of the Brazilian Electricity Industry: How is it Possible to Introduce Market Mechanisms?

Elbia Melo, Agnes Costa, Evelina Neves

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Method to calculate the customer Base-Line for a Demand Response program in the Colombian Power Market

Edgar Escobar D`Achiardi, Angela Cadena, Maria Correal, Hernando Duran

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Disaggregating Cost Components of the Supply Function of Wind Power and Welfare Effects for Different Allocation Mechanisms

Lukas Weissensteiner, Hans Auer

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Relative Efficiency and Performance in the Integrated Oil & Gas Industry

Roberto Ferreira da Cunha, Edmar Almeida, Mariana Iooty

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Factors Affecting Economics of Electricty Storage Projects in Competitive Electricity Markets

Rahul Walawalkar, Netra Thakur, Rick Mancini, Jim Harvilla

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
How Much Greener is Really Green? - Carbon Taxation Design and Resource Extraction

Markus Zimmer, Darko Jus

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Brazilian Electricity Demand Estimation: What Has Changed After the Rationing in 2001? An Application of the Time Varying Parameter Error Correction Model

Hilton Notini, Amanda Carlos, Luiz Felipe Maciel

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Managing Prices in the Future U.S. Carbon Market: What might climate policy learn from monetary policy

Bryan Mignone

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Applied Valuation of Demand Response Under Uncertainty: Combining Supply-Side Methods to Value Equivalent Demand-Side Resources

Kenneth Skinner, Jeffrey Ward

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Is Global Gasoline Demand Still as Responsive to Price?

Nasser Al-Dossary, Carol Dahl

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Impact of Market Rules on Energy Storage Economics

Eric Cutter, Lakshmi Alagappan, Snuller Price

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Impact of Aggregated Wind Output on Baseload Wind/Storage Integration Costs

Samir Succar

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Examining the future of nature gas usage in the Australian National Electricity Market.

Liam Wagner, Ariel Liebman, John Foster

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Emissions Trading in Forward and Spot Markets of Electricity

Makoto Tanaka

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Complications and Costs Renewable Portfolio Standards Could Produce in Efforts to Reduce NOx Emissions Under the Clean Air Interstate Rule

Warren Katzenstein

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
HHI an Irrelevant Indicator Without a Relevant Market

Georg Zachmann, Delphine Perrot-Voisard

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
A Simulation Model of Energy Supply and Demand for Climate Policy Analysis

Bill Tubbs

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Econometric Forecasts: A Study on Long-Term Price and Income Elasticity for Natural Gas in the Brazilian Industrial Sector

Renata Cabral, Virginia Parente

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
The Regional Impacts of a National Renewable Portfolio Standard

Audrey Lee, Thomas Alfstad, Peter Whitman

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
International Energy Transport Policies: Do They Matter?

Carol Dahl, Barry Kapilow-Cohen, John Maples, Mark Rodekohr

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Energy Poverty, Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Akinbolaji Iwayemi

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Wind Power Forecasting and Electricity Market Operations

Audun Botterud, Wang Wang, Cláudio Monteiro, Vladimiro Miranda

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Mobility Management and Transportation Systems Modeling

Lauren Stuart

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Energy Efficiency Convergence Across a Sample of U.S. Industrial Sectors, 1958-2000: Energy Shadow Value Approach

Asgar Khademvatani

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Impact Parameters on the Volatility of the World Oil Price

Reinhard Haas, Amela Ajanovic, Hans Auer, Lukas Kranzl, Andreas Muller, Gustav Resch, Christian Redl, Lukas Weissensteiner

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
The Evolution of Traders and Activities in the NYMEX Energy Futures Complex

Ronald Ripple

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
Oil Prices and Economic Growth in Oil-Exporting Countries

Amany El Anshasy

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Biofuels in Europe: Overview and Features of a New Industry

Pietro Lanzini, Augusto Ninni

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Measuring the Social Rate of Return in the Energy Industry: A Study of the OECD countries

David Corderi Novoa, Cynthia Lin

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Price Effect of Domestic Oil Tax Under Vertically-Related Markets Structure

Zesheng Sun, Xiangdong Xu

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
An Analysis of Energy and Income Trends Following Rural Electrification in the State of Bahia, Brazil

Martin Obermaier

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
The Price Impacts of LIinking the EU ETS to the CDM

Fatemeh Nazifi

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Single-Stage Regulation of Global Pollutants From Multi-Stage Production: Policies Based on Lifecycle Emissions

Deepak Rajagopal, Gal Hochman, David Zilberman

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Gone with the Wind? - Electricity Market Prices and Incentives to Invest in Thermal Power Plants under Increasing Wind Energy Supply

Thure Traber, Claudia Kemfert

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Energy Specializations: Energy Modeling

Concurrent Session
Diversifying To Energy and Other Commodity Assets

Sharon Lin, LeiLei Tang

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Energy Specializations: Energy Investment and Finance

Concurrent Session
Russian Gas to Europe: Policy Driving Supply Concerns

Yuli Grigoryev

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Concurrent Session
The Coalition of the Willing: Effect of Country Diversity in an Environmental Treaty Game

Rognvaldur Hannesson

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Feed-in Tariffs for Renewable Energies in Germany: An Efficient Instrument to Promote Economic Development?

Hubertus Bardt, Jan-Welf Selke, Thorsten Lang

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Renewables Portfolio Standards in the United States: A Status Report

Ryan Wiser, Galen Barbose

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Who is Bypassing Whom? Russian, European and Caspian Gas and Oil

Maureen Crandall

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Concurrent Session
Development Methodology for the Management of Energy Conservation

Namejs Zeltins, Karlis Mikelsons, Adrians Davis, Viktors Zebergs

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
The Nature of LNG Arbitrage, and an Analysis of the Main Barriers for the Growth of Global LNG Arbitrage Market

Polina Zhuravleva

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
The Role of Technology in Markets for Environmental Tradable Permits

Parviz Adib, Reiner Musier

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Land Use Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Conventional and Unconventional Oil Production

Sonia Yeh, Sarah Jordaan, Adam Brandt, Sabrina Spatari

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Salience in Upstream versus Downstream Cap-and-Trade

Kenneth Gillingham

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Coal Plant Investment, Carbon Risk, and the Expected Carbon Payment

Merrill Barradale

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
A Benefit Analysis of Development of SiC Inverters by A Japan Energy Model

Hiromi Yamamoto, Masahiro Takasaki

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The History and Politics of Russia’s Relations with OPEC: Economic and Geopolitical Plausibility of a Gas OPEC

Amy Jaffe, Ronald Soligo, Kenneth Medlock, III

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Energy Specializations: Energy Security and Geopolitics

Concurrent Session
The Economic Impact of the Florida Climate Action Plan on the State's Economy

Adam Rose, Dan Wei

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Sectoral Demand for Energy by Fuel Type in Thailand

Fred Joutz, Poonpat Leesombatpiboon

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Modeling and Forecasting Electricity Demand in the Philippines

Fred Joutz, Kotaro Ishi

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Do Carbon Registries Work? An Evaluation of the California Climate Action Registry

J.R. DeShazo

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The New Climate World: Achieving Economic Efficiency in a Federal System for GHG Regulation Through State Planning

Thomas Peterson, Robert McKinstry, Jr., Adam Rose, Dan Wei

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Energy Pathways for the California Economy

David Roland-Holst, Fredrich Kahrl

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment


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