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2024Energy Research & Social Science: Vol. 108Good fences make good neighbors: Stakeholder perspectives on the local benefits and burdens of large-scale solar energy development in the United StatesDouglas L. Bessette, Ben Hoen, Joseph Rand, Karl Hoesch, Jacob White, Sarah B. Mills, Robi Nilson
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2023Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning: Vol. 25, Issue 3It’s not all about the money—landowner motivation and high voltage grid developmentMark Koelman, Thomas Hartmann, Tejo J. M. Spit
2022Energies: Vol. 15, Issue 21Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Behaviors of Generation Z in Poland Stimulated by Mobile ApplicationsEwa Jaska, Agnieszka Werenowska, Agata Balińska
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2022Energy Research & Social Science: Vol. 92Why energy models should integrate social and environmental factors: Assessing user needs, omission impacts, and real-word accuracy in the European UnionDiana Süsser, Nick Martin, Vassilis Stavrakas, Hannes Gaschnig, Laura Talens-Peiró, Alexandros Flamos, Cristina Madrid-López, Johan Lilliestam
2022Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition: Vol. 2The sustainability of decarbonizing the grid: A multi-model decision analysis applied to MexicoRodrigo Mercado Fernandez, Erin Baker
2021Energy Economics: Vol. 100Preferences for community renewable energy investments in EuropeJed J. Cohen, Valeriya Azarova, Andrea Kollmann, Johannes Reichl
2021Energies: Vol. 14, Issue 12Energy Community Flexibility Solutions to Improve Users’ WellbeingAdriana Mar, Pedro Pereira, João Martins
2021Global Environmental Change: Vol. 71The drivers of individual climate actions in EuropeJohannes Reichl, Jed J. Cohen, Christian A. Klöckner, Andrea Kollmann, Valeriya Azarova
2021Journal of Building Engineering: Vol. 43Co-model for urban density permutations and building form optimization with high-performance energy criteriaMostafa M. Saad, Mohamad T. Araji
2021Energy Policy: Vol. 151Public acceptance of renewable electricity generation and transmission network developments: Insights from IrelandManuel Tong Koecklin, Genaro Longoria, Desta Z. Fitiwi, Joseph F. DeCarolis, John Curtis
2021Energies: Vol. 14, Issue 15Integrating Behavioural Aspects in Energy System Modelling—A ReviewDavid Huckebrink, Valentin Bertsch
2021The Energy Journal: Vol. 42, Issue 4Drivers of People’s Preferences for Spatial Proximity to Energy Infrastructure Technologies: A Cross-country AnalysisJason Harold, Valentin Bertsch, Thomas Lawrence, Magie Hall
2020Sustainability: Vol. 12, Issue 12Econometric Studies on the Development of Renewable Energy Sources to Support the European Union 2020–2030 Climate and Energy Framework: A Critical AppraisalConsolación Quintana-Rojo, Fernando-Evaristo Callejas-Albiñana, Miguel-Ángel Tarancón, Isabel Martínez-Rodríguez
2020Regional Science and Urban Economics: Vol. 85Do financial incentives increase the acceptance of power lines? Evidence from GermanyMichael Simora, Manuel Frondel, Colin Vance
2020Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 133Analysing the potential of citizen-financed community renewable energy to drive Europe's low-carbon energy transitionC. Pons-Seres de Brauwer, J.J. Cohen
2020Energy Research & Social Science: Vol. 60Barriers to onshore wind energy implementation: A systematic reviewJamil Ramsi Farkat Diógenes, João Claro, José Coelho Rodrigues, Manuel Valentim Loureiro
2020Journal of Economic Literature: Vol. 58, Issue 3Model Averaging and Its Use in EconomicsMark F. J. Steel
2020Sustainability: Vol. 13, Issue 1The Role of Renewable Energy in Regional Energy Transitions: An Aggregate Qualitative Analysis for the Partner Regions Bavaria, Georgia, Québec, São Paulo, Shandong, Upper Austria, and Western CapeSebastian Goers, Fiona Rumohr, Sebastian Fendt, Louis Gosselin, Gilberto M. Jannuzzi, Rodolfo D. M. Gomes, Stella M. S. Sousa, Reshmi Wolvers
2019Energy Policy: Vol. 132Designing local renewable energy communities to increase social acceptance: Evidence from a choice experiment in Austria, Germany, Italy, and SwitzerlandValeriya Azarova, Jed Cohen, Christina Friedl, Johannes Reichl
2019Energy Policy: Vol. 131Does change in ownership affect community attitudes toward renewable energy projects? Evidence of a status quo biasK. Linnerud, P. Toney, M. Simonsen, E. Holden
2019Energy Policy: Vol. 132Risk hidden in plain sight: Explaining homeowner perceptions of electricity transmission infrastructureDavid A. Wadley, Jung Hoon Han, Peter G. Elliott
2019Energy Policy: Vol. 132How detailed value of lost load data impact power system reliability decisionsMarten Ovaere, Evelyn Heylen, Stef Proost, Geert Deconinck, Dirk Van Hertem
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2019Electric Power Systems Research: Vol. 168Fairness and inequality in power system reliability: Summarizing indicesEvelyn Heylen, Marten Ovaere, Stef Proost, Geert Deconinck, Dirk Van Hertem
2019Land Use Policy: Vol. 81Bad news is bad news: Information effects and citizens’ socio-political acceptance of new technologies of electricity transmissionIsabelle Stadelmann-Steffen
2018Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 82Assessing long-term energy security: The case of electricity in the United KingdomEmily Cox
2018The Energy Journal: Vol. 39, Issue 4Optimal Electricity Transmission Reliability: Going Beyond the N-1 CriterionMarten Ovaere, Stef Proost
2018Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 93How Decarbonization, Digitalization and Decentralization are changing key power infrastructuresMaria Luisa Di Silvestre, Salvatore Favuzza, Eleonora Riva Sanseverino, Gaetano Zizzo
2018Energy Economics: Vol. 73Valuing electricity-dependent infrastructure: An essential-input approachJed Cohen, Klaus Moeltner, Johannes Reichl, Michael Schmidthaler
2018Energy Economics: Vol. 76Electricity storage and transmission: Complements or substitutes?Paul Neetzow, Anna Pechan, Klaus Eisenack
2018Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions: Vol. 29Power transmission: Where the offshore wind energy comes homeJeremy Firestone, Alison W. Bates, Adam Prefer
2018Ecological Economics: Vol. 146The Role of Community Involvement Mechanisms in Reducing Resistance to Energy Infrastructure DevelopmentMarie Hyland, Valentin Bertsch
2017Energy Policy: Vol. 105A mast is a mast is a mast…? Comparison of preferences for location-scenarios of electricity pylons and wind power plants using conjoint analysisBarbara S. Zaunbrecher, Anika Linzenich, Martina Ziefle
2017Energy Policy: Vol. 111Effects of spatial proximity to proposed high-voltage transmission lines: Evidence from a natural experiment in Lower SaxonyChristoph Emanuel Mueller, Silke Inga Keil, Christian Bauer
2017Energy Research & Social Science: Vol. 30From wire evil to power line poetics: The ethics and aesthetics of renewable transmissionDaniel Wuebben
2016Resource and Energy Economics: Vol. 45Linking the value of energy reliability to the acceptance of energy infrastructure: Evidence from the EUJed J. Cohen, Klaus Moeltner, Johannes Reichl, Michael Schmidthaler
2016SSRN Electronic Journal Electricity Transmission Reliability: The Impact of Reliability CriteriaMarten Ovaere, Stef Proost
2016SSRN Electronic Journal How Detailed Value of Lost Load Data Impact Power System Reliability Decisions: A Trade-Off between Efficiency and EquityMarten Ovaere, Evelyn Heylen, Stef Proost
2016Computer Science - Research and Development: Vol. 31, Issue 3Assessing the socio-economic effects of power outages ad hocMichael Schmidthaler, Johannes Reichl


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