Cited By
2023The Journal of Industrial Economics: Vol. 71, Issue 3Missing Price Information and Its Impact on Equilibrium Price Dispersion: Evidence From Gasoline Signboards*Michael D. Noel, Hongjie Qiang
2022Energy Economics: Vol. 105Won’t Get Fooled Again: A supervised machine learning approach for screening gasoline cartelsDouglas Silveira, Silvinha Vasconcelos, Marcelo Resende, Daniel O. Cajueiro
2022Sustainability: Vol. 14, Issue 13The Effect of Market Isolation on Competitive Behavior in Retail Petrol MarketsArezoo Ghazanfari, Armin Razmjoo
2022The Annals of Regional Science: Vol. 68, Issue 1Convergence in retail gasoline prices: insights from Canadian citiesMark J. Holmes, Jesús Otero, Theodore Panagiotidis
2021Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade: Vol. 21, Issue 4Why Abandon the Paradise? Stations’ Incentives to Reduce Gasoline Prices at FirstThomas Wein
2021EconomiA: Vol. 22, Issue 1Cartel screening in the Brazilian fuel retail marketDouglas Silveira, Silvinha Vasconcelos, Paula Bogossian, Joaquim Neto
2019Journal of Economics & Management Strategy: Vol. 28, Issue 2Calendar synchronization of gasoline price increasesMichael D. Noel
2019Energy Economics: Vol. 80The role of information in retail gasoline price dispersionMichael D. Noel, Hongjie Qiang
2019SSRN Electronic Journal Cartel Screening in the Brazilian Fuel Retail MarketDouglas Silveira, Silvinha Vasconcelos, Paula Bogossian, Joaquim Henriques Vianna Neto
2019Review of Industrial Organization: Vol. 55, Issue 2Gasoline Pricing in the Country and the CityDavid P. Byrne
2018The Journal of Industrial Economics: Vol. 66, Issue 3Gasoline Price Dispersion and Consumer Search: Evidence from a Natural ExperimentMichael D. Noel
2015International Journal of Industrial Organization: Vol. 42Do Edgeworth price cycles lead to higher or lower prices?Michael D. Noel
2015SSRN Electronic JournalGasoline Pricing in the Country and the CityDavid P. Byrne


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