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2022Annual Review of Resource Economics: Vol. 14, Issue 1When and How to Use Economy-Wide Models for Environmental Policy AnalysisJared C. Carbone, Linda T.M. Bui, Don Fullerton, Sergey Paltsev, Ian Sue Wing
2019Ecological Economics: Vol. 158National Policies for Global Emission Reductions: Effectiveness of Carbon Emission Reductions in International Supply ChainsStefan Nabernegg, Birgit Bednar-Friedl, Pablo Muñoz, Michaela Titz, Johanna Vogel
2019Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists: Vol. 6, Issue 6Exploring the General Equilibrium Costs of Sector-Specific Environmental RegulationsAlex L. Marten, Richard Garbaccio, Ann Wolverton
2016SSRN Electronic Journal Transparency, Policy Surveillance, and the Comparison of Mitigation EffortsJoseph E. Aldy, William A. Pizer, Keigo Akimoto
2015Environment and Development Economics: Vol. 20, Issue 5Equity criterion for initial rights CO2emissions allocations under emissions trading: cooperation or conflict among nations?Je-Liang Liou, Pei-Ing Wu
2015Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists: Vol. 2, Issue 3Efficiency Costs of Social Objectives in Tradable Permit ProgramsKailin Kroetz, James N. Sanchirico, Daniel K. Lew
2013Ecological Economics: Vol. 87The cost of reducing CO2 emissions: Integrating abatement technologies into economic modelingO. Kiuila, T.F. Rutherford
2012Journal of Public Economics: Vol. 96, Issue 5-6Fiscal federalism and interjurisdictional externalities: New results and an application to US Air pollutionH. Spencer Banzhaf, B. Andrew Chupp
2012Biofuels: Vol. 3, Issue 6Global economic effects of US biofuel policy and the potential contribution from advanced biofuelsGbadebo Oladosu, Keith Kline, Paul Leiby, Rocio Uria-Martinez, Maggie Davis, Mark Downing, Laurence Eaton
2011The Energy Journal: Vol. 32, Issue 1_supplImpact of Relative Fuel Prices on CO2 Emission PoliciesNick Macaluso, Robin White
2009The Energy Journal: Vol. 30, Issue 3Issues in Designing U.S. Climate Change PolicyJoseph E. Aldy, William A. Pizer
2009The Energy Journal: Vol. 30, Issue 2_supplAn Integrated Approach to Simulate the Impacts of Carbon Emissions Trading SchemesXavier Labandeira, Pedro Linares, Miguel Rodriguez
2009Climate Policy: Vol. 9, Issue 4Establishing a transatlantic carbon marketWOLFGANG STERK, JOSEPH KRUGER
2009SSRN Electronic JournalAllowance Allocation in a CO2 Emissions Cap-and-Trade Program for the Electricity Sector in CaliforniaKaren L. Palmer, Dallas Burtraw, Anthony C. Paul
2008SSRN Electronic JournalA Meaningful U.S. Cap-and-Trade System to Address Climate ChangeRobert N. Stavins
2008SSRN Electronic JournalIssues in Designing U.S. Climate Change PolicyJoseph E. Aldy, William A. Pizer
2008Climate Policy: Vol. 8, Issue 6Regulating CO2in electricity markets: sources or consumers?DALLAS BURTRAW
2007Energy Economics: Vol. 29, Issue 4Macroeconomic effects of efficiency policies for energy-intensive industries: The case of the UK Climate Change Agreements, 2000–2010Terry Barker, Paul Ekins, Tim Foxon
2007SSRN Electronic JournalA U.S. Cap-and-Trade System to Address Global Climate ChangeRobert N. Stavins
2007SSRN Electronic JournalState Efforts to Cap the Commons: Regulating Sources or Consumers?Dallas Burtraw
2007Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board: Vol. 2017, Issue 1Macroeconomic Effects of Climate Policies on Road TransportTerry Barker, Jonathan Rubin


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