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2017Review of Industrial Organization: Vol. 51, Issue 4Economics at the FCC, 2016–2017: Auction Designs for Spectrum Repurposing and Universal Service SubsidiesJames B Bushnell, Erin T Mansur, Celeste Saravia
2017Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique: Vol. 50, Issue 3Measuring market power and the efficiency of Alberta's restructured electricity market: An energy‐only market designDavid P. Brown, Derek E. H. Olmstead
2017Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 79A framework to evaluate security of supply in the electricity sectorErik R. Larsen, Sebastian Osorio, Ann van Ackere
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2016Cuadernos de Economía: Vol. 35, Issue 68Efectos del cargo por confiabilidad sobre el precio spot de la energía eléctrica en ColombiaJuan Pablo Botero Duque, John J. García, Hermilson Velásquez
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2016Review of Industrial Organization: Vol. 48, Issue 3The Power and the Limits of Industrial OrganizationSeverin Borenstein
2016SSRN Electronic Journal A Framework to Evaluate Security of Supply in the Electricity SectorErik Larsen, Sebastian Osorio, Ann van Ackere
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2015Journal of Economics & Management Strategy: Vol. 24, Issue 4Contracting with Private Knowledge of Production CapacityLeon Yang Chu, David E. M. Sappington
2015Energy Economics: Vol. 49Competitiveness assessment of Iran's restructured electricity marketAli Nazemi, Mehdi Mashayekhi
2015The Energy Journal: Vol. 36, Issue 2Competition in the Dutch Electricity Market: An Empirical Analysis over 2006-2011 Haoyu Zhou, Zhiyong Tu, S. Talukdar, K.C. Marshall
2015Utilities Policy: Vol. 36Analysis of electricity industry liberalization in Great Britain: How did the bidding behavior of electricity producers change?Sherzod N. Tashpulatov
2015Economic Analysis and Policy: Vol. 48Vertical integration in energy-only electricity marketsTamer Çetin, Fuat Oguz
2015The Energy Journal: Vol. 36, Issue 2Market Power in Power Markets: An Analysis of Residual Demand Curves in California’s Day-ahead Energy Market (1998-2000)Steven L. Puller
2014The Journal of Industrial Economics: Vol. 62, Issue 1Effects of Deregulation and Vertical Unbundling on the Performance ofChina's Electricity Generation SectorHang Gao, Johannes Van Biesebroeck
2014Energy Policy: Vol. 68Do regulatory mechanisms promote competition and mitigate market power? Evidence from Spanish electricity marketJAMES B. BUSHNELL, ERIN T. MANSUR
2014The Energy Journal: Vol. 35, Issue 3The Impact of Imperfect Competition in Emission Permits Trading on Oligopolistic Electricity MarketsTanachai Limpaitoon, Yihsu Chen, Shmuel S. Oren
2013Journal of Regulatory Economics: Vol. 44, Issue 1Prices versus quantities: environmental regulation and imperfect competitionErin T. Mansur
2013Energy Economics: Vol. 36The role of storage in a competitive electricity market and the effects of climate changeFrank A. Wolak
2013Energy Economics: Vol. 36Mothballing in power markets: An experimental studySantiago Arango, Jaime A. Castañeda, Erik R. Larsen
2013Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy: Vol. 2, Issue 1Market Power and Generation from Renewables: the Case of Wind in the South Australian Electricity MarketBruce Mountain
2012Energy Economics: Vol. 34, Issue 4Real-Time Pricing in the Nordic Power marketsEvangelina Dardati
2012American Economic Journal: Economic Policy: Vol. 4, Issue 1Sacred Cars? Cost-Effective Regulation of Stationary and Nonstationary Pollution SourcesJohn Kwoka, Vladlena Sabodash
2012The Energy Journal: Vol. 33, Issue 3Market Structure Scenarios in International Steam Coal TradeTunç Durmaz, Sevil Acar, Simay Kızılkaya
2012The Energy Journal: Vol. 33, Issue 1Blowing in the Wind: Vanishing Payoffs of a Tolling Agreement for Natural-gas-fired Generation of Electricity in TexasChi-Keung Woo, Ira Horowitz, Brian Horii, Ren Orans, Jay Zarnikau
2012Energy Economics: Vol. 34, Issue 2Power marketer pricing behavior in the California Power ExchangeLester Hadsell, Achla Marathe, Hany A. Shawky
2012Applied Energy: Vol. 96Avoided cost estimation and cost-effectiveness of permanent load shifting in CaliforniaP. Sreedharan, D. Miller, S. Price, C.K. Woo
2012American Economic Journal: Applied Economics: Vol. 4, Issue 4Deregulation, Consolidation, and Efficiency: Evidence from US Nuclear PowerLucas W Davis, Catherine Wolfram
2011Energy Policy: Vol. 39, Issue 7Wind generation and zonal-market price divergence: Evidence from TexasC.K. Woo, J. Zarnikau, J. Moore, I. Horowitz
2011Managerial and Decision Economics: Vol. 32, Issue 4Cross-hedging and forward-contract pricing of electricity in the Pacific NorthwestChi-Keung Woo, Ira Horowitz, Arne Olson, Andrew DeBenedictis, David Miller, Jack Moore
2011SSRN Electronic JournalThe Financial Regulation of European Wholesale Energy and Environmental MarketsIvan Diaz-Rainey, Mathias M. Siems, John K. Ashton
2011Journal of Infrastructure Development: Vol. 3, Issue 1The Effect of UI Regulation on the Electricity MarketHao Kong, Jiawen Shen, Yuning Zhao, Qinqin Sun
2011European Transactions on Electrical Power: Vol. 21, Issue 6Empirical assessment of strategic behavior in the Italian power exchangeDmitri Perekhodtsev, Rossella Baselice
2011Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance: Vol. 19, Issue 4The financial regulation of energy and environmental marketsJohannes Tröby, Moritz Paulus
2011Applied Economics: Vol. 43, Issue 5Inefficiency in deregulated wholesale electricity markets: the case of the New England ISOLester Hadsell
2011Review of Industrial Organization: Vol. 38, Issue 3Price Spikes in Energy Markets: “Business by Usual Methods” or Strategic Withholding?David P. Brown, David E. M. Sappington
2010Academy of Management Journal: Vol. 53, Issue 4Earnings Pressure and Competitive Behavior: Evidence from the U.S. Electricity IndustrySven-Olof Fridolfsson, Thomas P. Tangerås
2010IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: Vol. 25, Issue 3Large-Scale Market Power Modeling: Analysis of the U.S. Eastern Interconnection and Regulatory ApplicationsTae-Woo Kim, Yenjae Chang, Dae-Wook Kim, Man-Keun Kim
2010Energy Policy: Vol. 38, Issue 3Ex post monitoring of market power in hydro dominated electricity marketsMaria Sandsmark, Berit Tennbakk
2010Decision Support Systems: Vol. 48, Issue 3Beyond economics for guiding large public policy issues: Lessons from the Bell System divestiture and the California electricity crisisToshiyuki Sueyoshi, Gopalakrishna R. Tadiparthi, Mika Goto
2010Utilities Policy: Vol. 18, Issue 4Using restructured electricity supply industries to understand oligopoly industry outcomesKaushal Kishore
2010INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research: Vol. 48, Issue 4Dynamic Competition under Cap and Trade ProgramsKumar Jeev, Enrique Campos-Náñez
2010Australian Economic Review: Vol. 43, Issue 2The Entry Cost Shock and the Re‐rating of Power Prices in New South Wales, AustraliaPaul Simshauser, Elizabeth Molyneux, Michelle Shepherd
2009Southern Economic Journal: Vol. 75, Issue 3How Options Provided by Storage Affect Electricity PricesLewis Evans, Graeme Guthrie
2009The Energy Journal: Vol. 30, Issue 3Impacts of the German Support for Renewable Energy on Electricity Prices, Emissions, and FirmsDavid M. Newbery, Thomas Greve
2009European Transactions on Electrical Power: Vol. 19, Issue 4Electricity pricing and market power—evidence from GermanyM. Janssen, M. Wobben
2009Energy Policy: Vol. 37, Issue 2Assessing the impact of regulatory reforms on China's electricity generation industryLimin Du, Jie Mao, Jinchuan Shi
2009American Economic Journal: Economic Policy: Vol. 1, Issue 2Incomplete Environmental Regulation, Imperfect Competition, and Emissions LeakageEdward P. Kahn
2009The Electricity Journal: Vol. 22, Issue 3Divestitures in the Electricity Sector: Conceptual Issues and Lessons from International ExperiencesFrédéric Marty
2009American Economic Journal: Economic Policy: Vol. 1, Issue 1Greenhouse Gas Reductions under Low Carbon Fuel Standards?Stephen P Holland, Jonathan E Hughes, Christopher R Knittel
2009The Energy Journal: Vol. 30, Issue 2_supplMarket Power in Pollution Permit MarketsMaria Kopsakangas Savolainen, Rauli Svento
2009Journal of Economics & Management Strategy: Vol. 18, Issue 1Averting Regulatory Enforcement: Evidence from New Source ReviewNoah Dormady
2009Management Science: Vol. 55, Issue 11Composition of Electricity Generation Portfolios, Pivotal Dynamics, and Market PricesAlbert Banal-Estañol, Augusto Rupérez Micola
2009Energy Policy: Vol. 37, Issue 9Market power in the Nordic electricity wholesale market: A survey of the empirical evidenceMeredith Fowlie, Christopher R Knittel, Catherine Wolfram
2008The Energy Journal: Vol. 29, Issue 2_supplLessons Learned From Electricity Market LiberalizationPaul L. Joskow
2008Energy Policy: Vol. 36, Issue 4Competition policy and regulation in hydro-dominated electricity marketsUdi Helman, Benjamin F Hobbs
2008The RAND Journal of Economics: Vol. 39, Issue 3What changes energy consumption? Prices and public pressuresPeter C. Reiss, Matthew W. White
2008Review of Economics and Statistics: Vol. 90, Issue 2Measuring Welfare in Restructured Electricity MarketsErin T. Mansur
2008The RAND Journal of Economics: Vol. 39, Issue 1Understanding strategic bidding in multi‐unit auctions: a case study of the Texas electricity spot marketMajah-Leah V. Ravago, Karl Robert Jandoc, Miah Maye Pormon
2008IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews): Vol. 38, Issue 6Why Did the California Electricity Crisis Occur?: A Numerical Analysis Using a Multiagent Intelligent SimulatorHeesun Jang
2008American Economic Review: Vol. 98, Issue 1Vertical Arrangements, Market Structure, and Competition: An Analysis of Restructured US Electricity MarketsYin Chu, Chun-Ping Chang
2007Energy Policy: Vol. 35, Issue 3Restructuring the Russian electricity sector: Re-creating California?Ross Baldick
2007Economics Letters: Vol. 95, Issue 1The impact of virtual bidding on price volatility in New York's wholesale electricity marketJuan-Pablo Montero
2007International Journal of Industrial Organization: Vol. 25, Issue 6Bidding asymmetries in multi-unit auctions: Implications of bid function equilibria in the British spot market for electricityGregory S. Crawford, Joseph Crespo, Helen Tauchen
2007Review of Economics and Statistics: Vol. 89, Issue 1Pricing and Firm Conduct in California's Deregulated Electricity MarketFELIX MÜSGENS
2007American Economic Review: Vol. 97, Issue 4Do Markets Reduce Costs? Assessing the Impact of Regulatory Restructuring on US Electric Generation EfficiencyKira R Fabrizio, Nancy L Rose, Catherine D Wolfram
2007Energy: Vol. 32, Issue 8Power plant investment in restructured marketsJuha Teirilä, Robert A. Ritz
2007Revue de l'OFCE: Vol. n o 101, Issue 2La sécurité de l'approvisionnement électriqueIvan Diaz-Rainey, Mathias Siems, John K. Ashton
2007The Journal of Law and Economics: Vol. 50, Issue 1Upstream Competition and Vertical Integration in Electricity MarketsMark Skidmore, James Peltier, James Alm
2007Energy Policy: Vol. 35, Issue 2Modeling market power in Korea's emerging power marketWeixuan Lin, Eilyan Bitar
2007Energy Policy: Vol. 35, Issue 7The reform in the Turkish natural gas market: A critical evaluationToshiyuki Sueyoshi, Gopalakrishna Reddy Tadiparthi
2007The Energy Journal: Vol. 28, Issue 2Market Power and Network Constraint in a Deregulated Electricity MarketIn-Koo Cho, Hyunsook Kim
2007Journal of Applied Econometrics: Vol. 22, Issue 7Quantifying the supply‐side benefits from forward contracting in wholesale electricity marketsIvan Diaz‐Rainey, Mathias Siems, John K. Ashton
2007Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung: Vol. 76, Issue 1Aktive Wettbewerbspolitik für effiziente Elektrizitätserzeugungsmärkte – Instrumente, internationale Erfahrungen und wirtschaftspolitische SchlussfolgerungenSelahattin Murat Sirin, Ercument Camadan, Ibrahim Etem Erten, Alex Hongliang Zhang
2007The RAND Journal of Economics: Vol. 38, Issue 1Does divestiture crowd out new investment? The “make or buy” decision in the U.S. electricity generation industryJun Ishii, Jingming Yan
2006The Energy Journal: Vol. 27, Issue 1Markets for Power in the United States: An Interim AssessmentAlexander Hill
2006Utilities Policy: Vol. 14, Issue 3Why has the Nordic electricity market worked so well?Eirik S. Amundsen, Lars Bergman
2006The Energy Journal: Vol. 27, Issue 4The Short-Run Effects of Time-Varying Prices in Competitive Electricity MarketsMachiel Mulder
2006The Journal of Industrial Economics: Vol. 54, Issue 4BIASES IN STATIC OLIGOPOLY MODELS? EVIDENCE FROM THE CALIFORNIA ELECTRICITY MARKET*A. Arcos-Vargas, F. Nuñez, R. Román-Collado
2006The Energy Journal: Vol. 27, Issue 3From Investor-owned Utility to Independent Power ProducerJun Ishii
2006The Journal of Industrial Economics: Vol. 54, Issue 4QUANTIFYING MARKET POWER IN THE GERMAN WHOLESALE ELECTRICITY MARKET USING A DYNAMIC MULTI‐REGIONAL DISPATCH MODEL*Chiara Lo Prete, William W. Hogan, Bingyuan Liu, Jia Wang
2006Electric Power Systems Research: Vol. 76, Issue 5Medium term system load forecasting with a dynamic artificial neural network modelM. Ghiassi, David K. Zimbra, H. Saidane
2006Energy Policy: Vol. 34, Issue 15Bi-directional causality in California's electricity and natural-gas marketsChi-Keung Woo, Arne Olson, Ira Horowitz, Stephen Luk
2006Journal of Economic Literature: Vol. 44, Issue 2Regulation, Competition, and LiberalizationMark Armstrong, David E. M Sappington
2005International Journal of Industrial Organization: Vol. 23, Issue 3-4Price wars and collusion in the Spanish electricity marketErin T. Mansur
2005Journal of Regulatory Economics: Vol. 27, Issue 3Price-Cost Margins and Profit Rates in New Zealand Electricity Distribution Networks Since 1994: the Cost of Light Handed RegulationGeoff Bertram, Dan Twaddle
2005Review of Industrial Organization: Vol. 26, Issue 2Regulation and Deregulation after 25 Years: Lessons Learned for Research in Industrial OrganizationPaul L. Joskow
2005Proceedings of the IEEE: Vol. 93, Issue 11Design of Efficient Generation MarketsR. Baldick, U. Helman, B.F. Hobbs, R.P. O'Neill
2005Energy Economics: Vol. 27, Issue 2Transmission of prices and price volatility in Australian electricity spot markets: a multivariate GARCH analysisAndrew Worthington, Adam Kay-Spratley, Helen Higgs
2005Journal of Urban Economics: Vol. 57, Issue 1Do state motor fuel sales-below-cost laws lower prices?Veronika Grimm, Mirjam Ambrosius, Bastian Rückel, Christian Sölch, Gregor Zöttl
2005Annual Review of Environment and Resources: Vol. 30, Issue 1ECONOMICS OF POLLUTION TRADING FOR SO2AND NOXRussell Pittman
2004The Energy Journal: Vol. 25, Issue 4Estimating the Volatility of Wholesale Electricity Spot Prices in the USJoão Soares, Tiago Pinto, Fernando Lezama, Hugo Morais, Pietro De Lellis
2004IEEE Power and Energy Magazine: Vol. 2, Issue 4Watching watts to prevent abuse of powerA.Y. Sheffrin, Jing Chen, B.F. Hobbs
2004The Electricity Journal: Vol. 17, Issue 10Effective Load Carrying Capability of Wind Generation: Initial Results with Public DataToshiyuki Sueyoshi
2002American Economic Review: Vol. 92, Issue 5Measuring Market Inefficiencies in California's Restructured Wholesale Electricity MarketChiara Lo Prete, Benjamin F. Hobbs
2001Energy Conversion and Management: Vol. 42, Issue 6Economic potential of natural gas fired cogeneration plants at malls in Rio de JaneiroMaurı́cio Tiomno Tolmasquim, Alexandre Salem Szklo, Jeferson Borghetti Soares
2001Energy Policy: Vol. 29, Issue 3Incentive policies for natural gas-fired cogeneration in Brazil's industrial sector — case studies: chemical plant and pulp millJ.B. Soares, A.S. Szklo, M.T. Tolmasquim
2000Applied Energy: Vol. 67, Issue 3Economic potential of natural gas-fired cogeneration in Brazil: two case studiesAlexandre Salem Szklo, Jeferson Borghetti Soares, Maurı́cio Tiomno Tolmasquim


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