Cited By
2024Energy Economics: Vol. 136US gasoline response to vehicle fuel efficiency: A contribution to the direct rebound effectHillard G. Huntington
2024Journal of Cleaner Production: Vol. 470Multidisciplinary perspectives on rebound effects in sustainability: A systematic reviewElise Andrew, Daniela C.A. Pigosso
2022Journal of Environmental Economics and Management: Vol. 115CAFE in the city — A spatial analysis of fuel economy standardsWaldemar Marz, Frank Goetzke
2021Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science: Vol. 5, Issue 1Quantitative analysis of optimum corrective fuel tax for road vehicles in Bangladesh: achieving the greenhouse gas reduction goalMohammad Haider Kamruzzaman, Takeshi Mizunoya
2021Economic Analysis and Policy: Vol. 69A theoretical analysis of the direct rebound effect caused by energy efficiency improvement of private consumersJiayu Wang, Shuao Yu, Tiansen Liu
2020Energy Policy: Vol. 137Consumer responses to gasoline price and non-price policiesSaeed Moshiri
2020Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Vol. 7Air emission impacts of low-level automated vehicle technologies in U.S. metropolitan areasSaeed Vasebi, Yeganeh M. Hayeri
2019Journal of Economic Studies: Vol. 46, Issue 3Do low gasoline prices cause more traffic fatalities in the 50 states of the USA? The importance of other factorsShawkat Hammoudeh, Seong-Min Yoon, Ali Kutan
2019Energy Economics: Vol. 84Hybrid vehicles, social signals and household driving: Implications for miles traveled and gasoline consumptionShanxia Sun, Michael S. Delgado, Neha Khanna
2019Energy Efficiency: Vol. 12, Issue 8Estimating car use rebound effects from Swedish microdataDavid Andersson, Ross Linscott, Jonas Nässén
2018Energy Economics: Vol. 75The rebound effect in road transport: A meta-analysis of empirical studiesAlexandros Dimitropoulos, Walid Oueslati, Christina Sintek
2018Journal of Choice Modelling: Vol. 28Vehicle choice and utilization: Improving estimation with partially observed choices and hybrid pairsAlicia Lloro, David Brownstone
2018Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy: Vol. 37, Issue 2Fuel Prices and Road Deaths in AustraliaPaul J. Burke, Ataklti Teame
2018Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board: Vol. 2672, Issue 24Low-Level Automated Light-Duty Vehicle Technologies Provide Opportunities to Reduce Fuel ConsumptionSaeed Vasebi, Yeganeh M. Hayeri, Constantine Samaras, Chris Hendrickson
2018SSRN Electronic Journal Fuel Prices and Road Deaths in AustraliaPaul J. Burke, Ataklti Teame
2017Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment: Vol. 50The impact of aviation fuel tax on fuel consumption and carbon emissions: The case of the US airline industryHideki Fukui, Chikage Miyoshi
2017Ecological Economics: Vol. 131Rebound effect of efficiency improvement in passenger cars on gasoline consumption in CanadaSaeed Moshiri, Kamil Aliyev
2017SSRN Electronic Journal The Rebound Effect in Swedish Heavy IndustryGolnaz Amjadi, Tommy Lundgren, Lars Persson, Shanshan Zhang
2016SSRN Electronic JournalA Meta-Analysis on the Price Elasticity of Energy DemandXavier Labandeira, J. Maria Labeaga Azcona, Xiral LLpez-Otero
2015Energy Policy: Vol. 85The distributional incidence of the gasoline tax in ChileClaudio A. Agostini, Johanna Jiménez
2015Energy Policy: Vol. 87Direct energy rebound effect for road passenger transport in China: A dynamic panel quantile regression approachYue-Jun Zhang, Hua-Rong Peng, Zhao Liu, Weiping Tan
2015Economic Inquiry: Vol. 53, Issue 3GASOLINE PRICES AND ROAD FATALITIES: INTERNATIONAL EVIDENCEPaul J. Burke, Shuhei Nishitateno
2015Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board: Vol. 2502, Issue 1Effect of Improving Vehicle Fuel Efficiency on Fuel Tax Revenue and Greenhouse Gas EmissionsAli Soltani-Sobh, Kevin Heaslip, Ryan Bosworth, Ryan Barnes
2014SSRN Electronic JournalGasoline Prices and Road Fatalities: International EvidencePaul J. Burke, Shuhei Nishitateno
2014Transportation: Vol. 41, Issue 1Impact of fuel price on vehicle miles traveled (VMT): do the poor respond in the same way as the rich?Tingting Wang, Cynthia Chen
2014Annual Review of Environment and Resources: Vol. 39, Issue 1Consumer End-Use Energy Efficiency and Rebound EffectsInês M.L. Azevedo
2013Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability: Vol. 5, Issue 2Rebound effect: how much to worry?Debalina Chakravarty, Shyamasree Dasgupta, Joyashree Roy
2013Développement durable et territoires, Issue Vol. 4, n°3Face au rebond de la demande de transport automobile, une approche multi-niveaux des effets de l’éco-fiscalité en Belgique et des ressorts de consommationSophie Némoz
2012SSRN Electronic JournalDoes the Substitutability of Public Transit Affect Commuters’ Response to Gasoline Price Changes?Elisheba Spiller, Heather Stephens, Christopher Timmins, Allison Smith
2012SSRN Electronic JournalDoes the Substitutability of Public Transit Affect Commuters’ Response to Gasoline Price Changes?Elisheba Spiller, Heather Marie Stephens, Christopher Timmins, Allison Smith
2012Journal of Policy Analysis and Management: Vol. 31, Issue 2Is There an Association Between Gasoline Prices and Physical Activity? Evidence fromAmerican Time Use DataBisakha Sen
2012Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice: Vol. 46, Issue 6The effect of the price of gasoline on the urban economy: From route choice to general equilibriumAlex Anas, Tomoru Hiramatsu
2011SSRN Electronic JournalEstimates of Statewide and Nationwide Carbon Dioxide Emission Reductions and Their Costs From Cash for ClunkersEdmund J. Zolnik
2011Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board: Vol. 2252, Issue 1Evolution of the Light-Duty Vehicle FleetBinny M. Paul, Kara M. Kockelman, Sashank Musti
2011Energy Policy: Vol. 39, Issue 11Induced motor vehicle travel from improved fuel efficiency and road expansionQing Su
2010Transportation Research Part B: Methodological: Vol. 44, Issue 10Induced demand and rebound effects in road transportKent M. Hymel, Kenneth A. Small, Kurt Van Dender
2010SSRN Electronic JournalThe Effects of Gasoline Differential Taxation on Automobile Demand (Efectos Del Diferencial De Impuestos a Las Gasolinas En La Demanda De Automóviles)Claudio A. Agostini
2009Energy Policy: Vol. 37, Issue 4Empirical estimates of the direct rebound effect: A reviewSteve Sorrell, John Dimitropoulos, Matt Sommerville
2009SSRN Electronic JournalTax Incidence in the Gasoline Market in Chile (Incidencia Tributaria En El Mercado De Las Gasolinas En Chile)Claudio A. Agostini
2006The Energy Journal: Vol. 27, Issue 2Achieving Gasoline Price Stability in the U.S.: A Modest ProposalMark S. LeClair
2006Public Finance Review: Vol. 34, Issue 5The Incidence of State Taxes on Oil and GasJonathan Haughton, David Tuerck
2004Transport Reviews: Vol. 24, Issue 3Elasticities of Road Traffic and Fuel Consumption with Respect to Price and Income: A ReviewPHIL GOODWIN, JOYCE DARGAY, MARK HANLY
2001Ecological Economics: Vol. 36, Issue 1Technological progress and sustainable development: what about the rebound effect?Mathias Binswanger
2000Energy Policy: Vol. 28, Issue 6-7Energy efficiency and consumption — the rebound effect — a surveyLorna A. Greening, David L. Greene, Carmen Difiglio
1999The Energy Journal: Vol. 20, Issue 3Fuel Economy Rebound Effect for U.S. Household VehiclesDavid L. Greene, James R. Kahn, Robert C. Gibson
1998Energy Policy: Vol. 26, Issue 8Why CAFE workedDavid L Greene


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