Cited By
2009CESifo Economic Studies: Vol. 55, Issue 2Climate Policy after 2012V. Bosetti, C. Carraro, M. Tavoni
2009Climatic Change: Vol. 96, Issue 3Delayed action and uncertain stabilisation targets. How much will the delay cost?Valentina Bosetti, Carlo Carraro, Alessandra Sgobbi, Massimo Tavoni
2008SSRN Electronic JournalDelayed Action and Uncertain Targets: How Much Will Climate Policy Cost?Valentina Bosetti, Carlo Carraro, Alessandra Sgobbi, Massimo Tavoni
2002Journal of Environmental Economics and Management: Vol. 44, Issue 1A Dynamic Analysis of the Marketable Permits Approach to Global Warming Policy: A Comparison of Spatial and Temporal FlexibilityBrandt Stevens, Adam Rose
2000SSRN Electronic Journal Climate Change PolicyJason Shogren, Michael Toman
2000Resource and Energy Economics: Vol. 22, Issue 4Accumulative pollution, “clean technology,” and policy designMichael A. Toman, Cees Withagen
1999Annual Review of Energy and the Environment: Vol. 24, Issue 1THEECONOMICS OF“WHEN” FLEXIBILITY IN THEDESIGN OFGREENHOUSEGASABATEMENTPOLICIESMichael A. Toman, Richard D. Morgenstern, John Anderson
1999Ecological Economics: Vol. 30, Issue 3New directions in emissions trading: the potential contribution of new institutional economicsBarry D Solomon
1999IFAC Proceedings Volumes: Vol. 32, Issue 2On environmental tax for total emission control of carbon dioxideHiroyuki Tamura, Masaru Hotehama, Shinji Tomiyama, Itsuo Hatono
1998Energy & Environment: Vol. 9, Issue 4Do Differences in Climate Change Policy Reflect Different Cultures and Vice Versa?Eberhard Jochem
1998IFAC Proceedings Volumes: Vol. 31, Issue 20Evaluating the Effectiveness of Carbon Tax for Total Emission Control of Carbon DioxideHiroyuki Tamura, Makoto Abe, Shinji Tomiyama, Itsuo Hatono
1997Energy Policy: Vol. 25, Issue 2Technologies, energy systems and the timing of CO2 emissions abatementMichael Grubb
1996Nature: Vol. 379, Issue 6562Economic and environmental choices in the stabilization of atmospheric CO2 concentrationsT. M. L. Wigley, R. Richels, J. A. Edmonds


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