Claims Policy

Claims Policy for Missing or Damaged Issues of The Energy Journal and EEEP

IMPORTANT: If your subscription is handled through a subscription agent, please contact your agent regarding claims in the first instance.

Please note the following policies before you submit a claim for a missing or damaged issue.

  1. Subscribers must wait until six (6) weeks after the issue cover date to submit a claim.
  2. Subscribers must submit a claim sooner than twelve (12) weeks after the issue cover date. Late requests will not be honored.
  3. No more than two (2) issues will be replaced without charge in any one calendar year.
  4. Claims will not be accepted for issues originally shipped to a distribution center or agency address (i.e., the issue must have been shipped directly to the subscribing organization or individual).
  5. If your claim does not meet the conditions listed in 1-4 above, missing/damaged and back file issues may be purchased while available stocks last. Please visit our Order Back Issues page.

The following information is required to process your claim:

  • Journal title: The Energy Journal / EEEP
  • Subscription, Customer, or Member number
  • Contact First Name and Last Name
  • Institution Name
  • Mailing address for journal delivery*
  • Missing or damaged volume and issue number(s)
  • If issue was damaged, provide a picture or scan of the damage. When damage makes an issue difficult to read, the issue may be claimed as damaged. A torn or creased cover is not considered a damaged issue.

*If your address has changed, please note that you are listing a new address.

Allow 6 weeks for receipt of the replacement issue for U.S. addresses and 10 weeks for non-U.S. addresses.

Agents: Please do not submit a claim for more than one customer in each e-mail or submit the same claim more than once in a 6-week period.

INSTITUTIONAL OR INDIVIDUAL SUBSCRIBERS: E-mail the requested information to

IAEE MEMBERS: E-mail the requested information to


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