Cited By
2024Energy Research & Social Science: Vol. 109Beyond short-term savings: A ten-year analysis of energy efficiency program outcomes in swiss householdsD. Cabrera, C. Lambert, P. Naef, J.-L. Bertholet, M.K. Patel
2024Energy Efficiency: Vol. 17, Issue 6Energy efficiency and energy depletion analysis in oil-exporting developing countriesKarla Arias, Maria Colmenarez
2024Regional Science and Urban Economics: Vol. 107How is rooftop solar capitalized in home prices?Kenneth T. Gillingham, Asa Watten
2023SN Business & Economics: Vol. 3, Issue 7Estimating consumers’ discount rates in energy-saving investment decisions: a comparison of revealed and stated approachesMitsutsugu Hamamoto
2023Energy Policy: Vol. 179Energy retrofitting of firms after a natural disaster: A ‘build back better’ strategyMaria Giovanna Bosco, Elisa Valeriani
2021Perspectives on Psychological Science: Vol. 16, Issue 3Economics and EpicyclesSatoshi Kanazawa
2021AIMS Energy: Vol. 9, Issue 2Economic viability of building energy efficiency measures: a review on the discount rateSergio Copiello
2021The Energy Journal: Vol. 42, Issue 2Energy Cost Information and Consumer Decisions: Results from a Choice Experiment on Refrigerator Purchases in IndiaManisha Jain, Anand B. Rao, Anand Patwardhan
2021Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization: Vol. 183The decade after tomorrow: Estimation of discount rates from realistic temporal decisions over long time horizonsPatrick Lloyd-Smith, Wiktor Adamowicz, Alicia Entem, Eli P. Fenichel, Mani Rouhi Rad
2021Energy Research & Social Science: Vol. 77Climate change and carbon pricing: Overcoming three dimensions of failureChristian Stoll, Michael A. Mehling
2020Sustainability: Vol. 12, Issue 21Financing the (Environmental) Quality of Cities with Energy Efficiency InvestmentsLuca Caneparo
2020Energy Policy: Vol. 146Exploring the role of households’ hurdle rates and demand elasticities in meeting Danish energy-savings targetKristoffer Steen Andersen, Catharina Wiese, Stefan Petrovic, Russell McKenna
2019Marketing Science: Vol. 38, Issue 5Time Inconsistency and Product Design: A Strategic Analysis of Feature CreepSanjay Jain
2019International Journal of Economic Policy Studies: Vol. 13, Issue 2Determinants of household energy efficiency investment: analysis of refrigerator purchasing behaviorJiaxing Wang, Makoto Sugino, Shigeru Matsumoto
2018Global Environmental Change: Vol. 53Accelerating demand for residential solar photovoltaics: Can simple framing strategies increase consumer interest?Kimberly S. Wolske, Annika Todd, Michael Rossol, James McCall, Benjamin Sigrin
2018Journal of Cleaner Production: Vol. 197Exploring the perceived image of Energy Efficiency Measures in residential buildings: Evidence from Apulia, ItalyCristian Rizzo, Luigi Piper, M. Irene Prete, Giovanni Pino, Gianluigi Guido
2018Technological Forecasting and Social Change: Vol. 137Time preference and consumer discount rates - Insights for accelerating the adoption of efficient energy and transport technologiesGary Haq, Martin Weiss
2017Energy Research & Social Science: Vol. 28Making ‘Smart Meters’ smarter? Insights from a behavioural economics pilot field experiment in Copenhagen, DenmarkSimon Bager, Luis Mundaca
2017Energy Policy: Vol. 110Cost-effective subsidy incentives for room air conditioners in China: An analysis based on a McFadden-type discrete choice modelFei Guo, Shonali Pachauri, Janusz Cofala
2017Energy Policy: Vol. 111Explaining the energy efficiency gap - Expected Utility Theory versus Cumulative Prospect TheoryBjörn Häckel, Stefan Pfosser, Timm Tränkler
2017Renewable Energy: Vol. 103U.S. market for solar photovoltaic plug-and-play systemsAishwarya S. Mundada, Emily W. Prehoda, Joshua M. Pearce
2017Journal of Cleaner Production: Vol. 165An analysis of the costs of energy saving and CO 2 mitigation in rural households in ChinaWeishi Zhang, David Stern, Xianbing Liu, Wenjia Cai, Can Wang
2017SSRN Electronic Journal An Analysis of the Costs of Energy Saving and CO2 Mitigation in Rural Households in ChinaWeishi Zhang, Xianbing Liu, Wenjia Cai, Can Wang
2017Technologies: Vol. 5, Issue 1Emergence of Home Manufacturing in the Developed World: Return on Investment for Open-Source 3-D PrintersEmily Petersen, Joshua Pearce
2016Energy Policy: Vol. 97Making the implicit explicit: A look inside the implicit discount rateJoachim Schleich, Xavier Gassmann, Corinne Faure, Thomas Meissner
2016Environmental Science & Technology: Vol. 50, Issue 12Incentivizing Decentralized Sanitation: The Role of Discount RatesAlison Wood, Michael Blackhurst, Jay L. Garland, Desmond F. Lawler
2014Energy Policy: Vol. 65Subjective discount rates in the general population and their predictive power for energy saving behaviorHeidi Bruderer Enzler, Andreas Diekmann, Reto Meyer
2013SSRN Electronic JournalNudging Energy Efficiency Behavior: Role of Information LabelsRichard G. Newell, Juha Siikammki
2013The Journal of Socio-Economics: Vol. 44Factors affecting soldiers’ time preference: A field study in IsraelTal Shavit, Eyal Lahav, Uri Benzion
2013SSRN Electronic JournalNudging Energy Efficiency Behavior: The Role of Information LabelsRichard G. Newell, Juha Siikamäki
2012Judgment and Decision Making: Vol. 7, Issue 5Normative arguments from experts and peers reduce delay discountingNicole Senecal, Teresa Wang, Elizabeth Thompson, Joseph W. Kable
2012Economics Letters: Vol. 115, Issue 1Is there an energy paradox in fuel economy? A note on the role of consumer heterogeneity and sorting biasAntonio M. Bento, Shanjun Li, Kevin Roth
2011Judgment and Decision Making: Vol. 6, Issue 2The effect of military service on soldiers’ time preferences — Evidence from IsraelEyal Lahav, Uri Benzion, Tal Shavit
2010Annual Review of Environment and Resources: Vol. 35, Issue 1Evaluating Energy Efficiency Policies with Energy-Economy ModelsLuis Mundaca, Lena Neij, Ernst Worrell, Michael McNeil
2010The Journal of Socio-Economics: Vol. 39, Issue 4Subjective time discount rates among teenagers and adults: Evidence from IsraelEyal Lahav, Uri Benzion, Tal Shavit
2009International Review of Law and Economics: Vol. 29, Issue 1What discount rate should bankruptcy judges use? Estimates from Canadian reorganization dataFabrice Barthélémy, Timothy C.G. Fisher, Jocelyn Martel
2009Proceedings of the IEEE: Vol. 97, Issue 3The Transition to Solid-State LightingInÊs Lima Azevedo, M. Granger Morgan, Fritz Morgan
2009Annual Review of Resource Economics: Vol. 1, Issue 1Energy Efficiency Economics and PolicyKenneth Gillingham, Richard G. Newell, Karen Palmer
2009SSRN Electronic JournalEnergy Efficiency Economics and PolicyKenneth Gillingham, Richard G. Newell, Karen L. Palmer
2008Organization & Environment: Vol. 21, Issue 4Overcoming the Social and Psychological Barriers to Green BuildingAndrew J. Hoffman, Rebecca Henn
2007Annual Review of Environment and Resources: Vol. 32, Issue 1Models of Decision Making and Residential Energy UseCharlie Wilson, Hadi Dowlatabadi
2006Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal: Vol. 12, Issue 3Integrating Air Pollution, Climate Change, and Economics in a Risk-Based Life-Cycle Analysis: A Case Study of Residential InsulationYurika Nishioka, Jonathan I. Levy, Gregory A. Norris
2005SSRN Electronic JournalThe Superiority of an Ideal Consumption Tax Over an Ideal Income TaxJoseph Bankman, David A. Weisbach
2002Journal of Economic Literature: Vol. 40, Issue 2Time Discounting and Time Preference: A Critical ReviewShane Frederick, George Loewenstein, Ted O’donoghue
2002SSRN Electronic Journal Environmental Policy and Technological ChangeRobert N. Stavins, Adam B. Jaffe, Richard G. Newell
2000SSRN Electronic JournalTechnological Change and the EnvironmentAdam B. Jaffe, Richard G. Newell, Robert N. Stavins
1999SSRN Electronic Journal Energy-Efficient Technologies and Climate Change Policies: Issues and EvidenceAdam B. Jaffe, Richard G. Newell, Robert N. Stavins
1998Annual Review of Energy and the Environment: Vol. 23, Issue 1ENGINEERING-ECONOMIC STUDIES OF ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES TO REDUCE GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS: Opportunities and ChallengesMarilyn A. Brown, Mark D. Levine, Joseph P. Romm, Arthur H. Rosenfeld, Jonathan G. Koomey
1998Ecological Economics: Vol. 24, Issue 1Albedo and vegetation demand-side management options for warm climatesDarwin C Hall
1996The Energy Journal: Vol. 17, Issue 4CO2, Emission Reduction Costs in the Residential Sector: Behavioral Parameters in a Bottom-Up Simulation ModelMark Jaccard, Alison Bailie, John Nyboer
1996International Journal of Social Economics: Vol. 23, Issue 4/5/6Geoeconomic time and global warming: renewable energy and conservation policyDarwin C. Hall
1995Contemporary Economic Policy: Vol. 13, Issue 3DISCOUNT RATES AND ENERGY EFFICIENCYRichard B. Howarth, Alan H. Sanstad
1994Energy: Vol. 19, Issue 11Dynamics of appliance energy efficiency in SwedenJoel N. Swisher
1994The Energy Journal: Vol. 15, Issue 2Energy-Efficiency Investments and Public PolicyAdam B. Jaffe, Robert N. Stavins
1993Contemporary Economic Policy: Vol. 11, Issue 1ENERGY UTILITIES, CONSERVATION, AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCYVINAYAK Bhattacharjee, CHARLES J. Cicchetti, WILLIAM F. Rankin
1993The Energy Journal: Vol. 14, Issue 4Appliance Standards and the Welfare of Poor FamiliesSteven Stoft
1993Energy Economics: Vol. 15, Issue 4Market barriers to energy efficiencyRichard B. Howarth, Bo Andersson
1992Environmental & Resource Economics: Vol. 2, Issue 5Social cost of CO2 abatement from energy efficiency and solar power in the United StatesDarwin C. Hall
1992Energy Policy: Vol. 20, Issue 9'Twixt cup and lip organizational behaviour, technical prediction and conservation practicePeter B. Cebon
1991The Electricity Journal: Vol. 4, Issue 4The electric utility as investment bank for energy efficiencyStephen Wiel
1991The Energy Journal: Vol. 12, Issue 3Market Barriers to Energy-Efficiency InvestmentsRonald J. Sutherland
1990Energy: Vol. 15, Issue 11An overview of analysis tools for integrated resource planningJoseph H. Eto
1989The Energy Journal: Vol. 10, Issue 1Short Papers, Notes, and Comments The Incidence of Welfare Losses Due to Appliance Efficiency StandardsMark F. Morss


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