Cited By
2013SSRN Electronic JournalOil Markets and Price Movements: A Survey of ModelsHillard Huntington, Saud M. Al-Fattah, Zhuo Huang, Michael Gucwa, Ali Nouri
2012Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft: Vol. 36, Issue 3OPEC’s StrategiesFranz Wirl
2009European Journal of Political Economy: Vol. 25, Issue 4OPEC as a political and economical entityFranz Wirl
2008Energy Policy: Vol. 36, Issue 3Why do oil prices jump (or fall)?Franz Wirl
2004OPEC Review: Vol. 28, Issue 1Beautiful and not So Beautiful Minds: An Introductory Essay on Economic Theory and the Supply of OilFerdinand E. Banks
2000The Energy Journal: Vol. 21, Issue 3OPEC and World Crude Oil Markets from 1973 to 1994: Cartel, Oligopoly, or Competitive?A.F. Alhajji, David Huettner
1993Energy Economics: Vol. 15, Issue 2Does a target-capacity utilization rule fulfill OPEC's economic objectives?Steven M. Suranovic
1991Journal of Policy Modeling: Vol. 13, Issue 4Economics of (oil) price politics: Penalizing price changesFranz Wirl
1991Empirical Economics: Vol. 16, Issue 4Dynamic demand, consumers' expectations and monopolistic resource extraction: An application to OPEC pricing policiesF. Wirl
1990Energy Economics: Vol. 12, Issue 3Dynamic demand and optimal OPEC pricingFranz Wirl
1990The Energy Journal: Vol. 11, Issue 3Future World Oil Prices and Production Levels: A CommentFranz Wirl
1990OPEC Review: Vol. 14, Issue 3Energy modelling – a survey of related topicsFranz Wirl, Elisabeth Szirucsek
1988The Energy Journal: Vol. 9, Issue 3III. The Numbers Say NoDale M. Nesbitt, Thomas Y. Choi


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