Cited By
2025Frontiers of Engineering ManagementExamining the interactions of carbon, electricity, and natural gas marketsWenjun Chu, Liwei Fan, Peng Zhou
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2024Energy Economics: Vol. 138Extreme spillovers across carbon and energy markets: A multiscale higher-order moment analysisWen-Jun Chu, Li-Wei Fan, P. Zhou
2024Applied Sciences: Vol. 14, Issue 24Carbon Quota Allocation Prediction for Power Grids Using PSO-Optimized Neural NetworksYixin Xu, Yanli Sun, Yina Teng, Shanglai Liu, Shiyu Ji, Zhen Zou, Yang Yu
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2022Journal of Cleaner Production: Vol. 342Regional allowance allocation in China based on equity and efficiency towards achieving the carbon neutrality target: A composite indicator approachMeihui Tian, Yu-Jie Hu, Honglei Wang, Chengjiang Li
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2022Environmental Modeling & Assessment: Vol. 27, Issue 6On Market Power, Permit Banking Borrowing, and Interactions with the Firm’s Production MarketLiqing Huang, Bangzhu Zhu, Minxing Jiang, Ping Wang, Julien Chevallier
2022Energy Economics: Vol. 105An imperfectly competitive permit market under a rate-based schemeWenxin Geng, Ying Fan
2022Energy Economics: Vol. 108Does China's carbon emissions trading scheme affect the market power of high-carbon enterprises?Wei Wang, Yue-Jun Zhang
2021Energies: Vol. 14, Issue 24Blockchain-Enabled Energy Demand Side Management Cap and Trade ModelAlain Aoun, Hussein Ibrahim, Mazen Ghandour, Adrian Ilinca
2021Energy Economics: Vol. 103Manipulation via endowments: Quantifying the influence of market power on the emission trading schemeXu Wang, Lei Zhu, Pengfei Liu


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