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2024SSRN Electronic JournalPublic Support and Willingness to Pay for a Carbon Tax in Hungary: Can Revenue Recycling Make a Difference?Simon Feindt, Ulrike Kornek, José M. Labeaga, Thomas Sterner, Hauke Ward
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2023SSRN Electronic JournalCost sharing mechanisms for carbon pricing: What drives support in the housing sector?
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2023International Journal of Sustainable Energy: Vol. 42, Issue 1Wicked facets of the German energy transition – examples from the electricity, heating, transport, and industry sectorsJuliane Biehl, Leonard Missbach, Franziska Riedel, Ruben Stemmle, Julian Jüchter, Jessica Weber, Johanna Kucknat, Adrian Odenweller, Christian Nauck, Laura J. Lukassen, Matthias Zech, Marie Grimm
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2021SSRN Electronic Journal Rewarding Countries for Pricing Carbon Emissions: Optimal Mechanisms under Exogenous BudgetsLennart Stern
2021Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy: Vol. 10, Issue 2The employment double dividend of environmental tax reforms: exploring the role of agent behaviour and social interactionFranziska Klein, Jeroen van den Bergh
2021Energy Policy: Vol. 157Carbon pricing in Germany's road transport and housing sector: Options for reimbursing carbon revenuesManuel Frondel, Stefanie A. Schubert
2021Nature Climate Change: Vol. 11, Issue 12Climate action with revenue recycling has benefits for poverty, inequality and well-beingFRÉDÉRIC BABONNEAU, MARC VIELLE
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2020Regards croisés sur l'économie: Vol. n° 26, Issue 16. La taxe carbone et son acceptabilité socialeEmilien Ravigné, Frédéric Ghersi, Franck Nadaud
2020SSRN Electronic Journal When Standards Have Better Distributional Consequences Than Carbon TaxesLeif Jacobs, Lara Quack, Mario Mechtel


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