Energy Forum

Special Issue 2016
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"President's Message"
by Gürkan Kumbaroĝlu
"Phasing Out Nuclear Power in Europe"
by Rolf Golombek, Finn Roar Aune and Hilde Hallre Le Tissier
"Ambiguity Aversion and the Expected Cost of Rare Energy Disasters: An Application to Nuclear Power Accidents"
by Romain Bizet and François Lévêque
"Changing Oil Market Fundamentals and the Implications for OPEC Production Strategy"
by Daniel Scheitrum, Amy Myers Jaffe and Lew Fulton
"Nearshore Versus Offshore: Comparative Cost and Competitive Advantages"
by Henrik Klinge Jacobsen, Pablo Hevia-Koch and Christoph Wolter
"Can Accounting Inventory Data Shed Light on Physical Oil Market Speculation? "
by Ivan Diaz-Rainey, Helen Roberts and David Lont
"Cost Overruns in Norwegian Oil and Gas Projects: A Long-tailed Tale"
by Atle Oglend, Petter Osmundsen and Sindre Lorentzen
"Cross-Border Effects of Capacity Remuneration Schemes in Interconnected Markets: Who is Free-Riding?"
by Xavier Lambin and Thomas-Olivier Léautier
"Cross-border Exchange and Sharing of Generation Reserve Capacity"
by Fridrik Mar Baldursson, Ewa Lazarczyk, Marten Ovaere and Stef Proost
"Reducing Rebound Without Sacrificing Macroeconomic Benefits of Increased Energy Efficiency?"
by Karen Turner, Gioele Figus, Patrizio Lecca and Kim Swales
"Problems Created by Financial Trading in U.S. Wholesale Electricity Markets"
by John E. Parsons, Cathleen Colbert, Jeremy Larrieu, Taylor Martin and Erin Mastrangelo
"Remuneration of Flexibility Using Operating Reserve Demand Curves: A Case Study of Belgium"
by Anthony Papavasiliou and Yves Smeers
"Policy Design and Environmental Benefits of Electric Vehicles"
by Amela Ajanovic and Reinhard Haas
"Impact of RE Policy on Technology Costs-PV System Costs in Germany"
by Barbara Breitschopf
"Uncertainity in Benefit Cost Analysis of Smart Grid Demonstration-Projects in the U.S, China, and Italy"
by Nihan Karali, Gianluca Flego, Jiancheng Yu, Silvia Vitiello, Dong Zhang and Chris Marnay
"Assessing the Impact of Renewable Support Policies – Modelling Investors and Investment Decisions"
by Francesco Hipp and Christoph Weber
"Optimal Storage Management Under Uncertainty"
by Joachim Geske and Richard Green
"Optimal Level of Supply Security in the Power Sector with Growing Shares of Fluctuating Renerable Energy"
by Aaron Praktiknjo and Lars Dittmar
"The Impact of Auctioning in the EU ETS: Are Utilities Still Profiting?"
by Dominik Möst, Hannes Hobbie and Matthew Schmidt
"The Political Economy of Carbon Pricing"
by G.G. Dolphin, M.G. Pollitt and D.M. Newbery
"Congestion Management in a Stochastic Dispatch Model for Electricity Markets"
by Endre Bjørndal, Mette Bjørndal, Kjetil Midthun, and Golbon Zakeri

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