Cited By
2023Energy Policy: Vol. 180Market failure or politics? Understanding the motives behind regulatory actions to address surging electricity pricesSelahattin Murat Sirin, Ercument Camadan, Ibrahim Etem Erten, Alex Hongliang Zhang
2022Utilities Policy: Vol. 79Open Water: Impacts of Retail Competition on Service Performance and Water-Use Efficiency in EnglandMaitreyee Mukherjee, Olivia Jensen
2021The Energy Journal: Vol. 42, Issue 3Demand Response: Smart Market Designs for Smart ConsumersNicolas Astier, Thomas-Olivier Léautier
2021Energy Exploration & Exploitation: Vol. 39, Issue 4Causality nexus between oil production, industries energy consumption and unemployment in IranMuhammad Imran Shah, Irfan Ullah, Alam Rehman, Fakhr E Alam Afridi, Muhammad Zeeshan
2020Energy Policy: Vol. 143Understanding the coevolution of electricity markets and regulationBusra Gencer, Erik Reimer Larsen, Ann van Ackere
2019Utilities Policy: Vol. 57Detecting collusion in retail electricity markets: Results from Japan for 2005 to 2010Isamu Matsukawa
2018SSRN Electronic JournalUnderstanding the Coevolution of Electricity Markets and RegulationBusra Gencer, Erik Larsen, Ann van Ackere
2018Energy Policy: Vol. 118The effect of default rates on retail competition and pricing decisions of competitive retailers: The case of AlbertaDavid P. Brown, Andrew Eckert
2017SSRN Electronic Journal The EffEct of Default Rates on Retail Competition and Pricing Decisions of Competitive Retailers: The Case of AlbertaDavid P. Brown, Andrew Eckert
2017The Electricity Journal: Vol. 30, Issue 5Electricity markets in transition: Market distortions associated with retail price controlsDavid P. Brown, Andrew Eckert, Heather Eckert
2017Energies: Vol. 11, Issue 1The Next-Generation U.S. Retail Electricity Market with Customers and Prosumers—A Bibliographical SurveyTao Chen, Qais Alsafasfeh, Hajir Pourbabak, Wencong Su
2017Energy Policy: Vol. 108Pricing decisions and market power in the UK electricity market: A VECM approachChrysovalantis Amountzias, Hulya Dagdeviren, Tassos Patokos
2017Competition & Change: Vol. 21, Issue 1A waste of energy? A critical assessment of the investigation of the UK energy market by the Competition and Markets AuthorityChrysovalantis Amountzias, Hulya Dagdeviren, Tassos Patokos
2016SSRN Electronic Journal An Application of a Revealed Preference Test of the Cournot Model to a Retail Electricity Market: Evidence from JapanIsamu Matsukawa
2016The Energy Journal: Vol. 37, Issue 2Non-discrimination Clauses: Their Effect on British Retail Energy PricesCatherine Waddams Price, Minyan Zhu
2015Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 47Demand side management in China: The context of China’s power industry reformKaile Zhou, Shanlin Yang
2012SSRN Electronic JournalRedefining the Poverty Debate – Why a War on Markets is No Substitute for a War on PovertyKristian Peter Niemietz
2011SSRN Electronic JournalStrategic Pricing, Market Entry and Competition: Evidence from German Electricity SubmarketsVigen Nikogosian, Tobias Veith
2011Energy Policy: Vol. 39, Issue 12Did residential electricity rates fall after retail competition? A dynamic panel analysisAdam Swadley, Mine Yücel
2011Flux: Vol. n° 84, Issue 2L'ouverture à la concurrence du secteur électrique : rôle et gains du clientMarcelo Saguan, Olivier Sautel
2011Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy: Vol. 225, Issue 8Modelling of green electricity effects on oligopoly marketM T Meszaros, S O Bade Shrestha
2010Energy Economics: Vol. 32, Issue 6Determinants of the number of bidders in the competitive procurement of electricity supply contracts in the Japanese public sectorToru Hattori
2009SSRN Electronic JournalElectricity Retailing in NorwayNils-Henrik M. von der Fehr, Petter Vegard Hansen
2009Utilities Policy: Vol. 17, Issue 1Evaluating the evidence on electricity reform: Lessons for the South East Europe (SEE) marketMichael Pollitt
2009SSRN Electronic JournalHedging and Vertical Integration in Electricity MarketsRené Aïd, Gilles Chemla, Arnaud Porchet, Nizar Touzi
2008The Energy Journal: Vol. 29, Issue 2_supplLessons Learned From Electricity Market LiberalizationPaul L. Joskow
2008SSRN Electronic JournalGain or Pain: Does Consumer Activity Reflect Utility Maximisation?Yoonhee Tina Chang, Catherine Waddams Price
2008The Energy Journal: Vol. 29, Issue 2_supplThe Future of Retail Energy MarketsCatherine Waddams Price
2005SSRN Electronic JournalDecentralized Energy Supply and Electricity Market StructuresPhilip Vogel, Christoph Weber
2005The Energy Journal: Vol. 26, Issue 1_supplElectricity Market Reform in the European Union: Review of Progress toward Liberalization &Integration*Tooraj Jamasb, Michael Pollitt


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