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2024IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution: Vol. 18, Issue 11A customised artificial neural network for power distribution system fault detectionArnav Bhagwat, Soham Dutta, Vinay Kumar Jadoun, Arigela Satya Veerendra, Sourav Kumar Sahu
2023Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports: Vol. 10, Issue 3Regulatory Challenges for Energy Infrastructure—Do Electricity Distribution Remuneration Schemes in Europe Promote the Use of Flexibility from Connected Users?Miguel A. Ruiz, Tomás Gómez, José P. Chaves, Rafael Cossent
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2022Competition and Regulation in Network Industries: Vol. 23, Issue 4Where next for the electricity distribution system operator? Evidence from a survey of European DSOs and National Regulatory AuthoritiesKarim L. Anaya, Monica Giulietti, Michael G. Pollitt
2021International Journal of Business Analytics: Vol. 8, Issue 4Opportunities and Challenges in Wind EnergyXinxin Hu, Cathy Zishang Liu, Steve Zhou
2021The Energy Journal: Vol. 42, Issue 3Are Carbon Prices Redundant in the 2030 EU Climate and Energy Policy Package?Finn Roar Aune, Rolf Golombek
2021The Energy Journal: Vol. 42, Issue 1_supplConditional Yardstick Competition in Energy RegulationTimo Kuosmanen, Andrew L. Johnson
2021Energy Economics: Vol. 97Pricing effects of the electricity market reform in BrazilToby Daglish, Gabriel Godofredo Fiuza de Bragança, Sally Owen, Teresa Romano
2020The Energy Journal: Vol. 41, Issue 1_supplConditional Yardstick Competition in Energy RegulationTimo Kuosmanen, Andrew L. Johnson
2020Utilities Policy: Vol. 63Flexibility markets: Q&A with project pioneersTim Schittekatte, Leonardo Meeus
2020SSRN Electronic Journal Wholesale Electricity Market Design for Decarbonization: Research OpportunitiesChristopher Holt
2019SSRN Electronic Journal Flexibility Markets: Q&A with Project PioneersTim Schittekatte, Leonardo Meeus


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