Cited By
2023Energy Policy: Vol. 180Reacting to changing paradigms: How and why to reform electricity marketsKarsten Neuhoff, Jörn C. Richstein, Mats Kröger
2023Energy SystemsConvex hull pricing as a risk mitigation device in unit commitmentNajmaddin Akhundov, Marzieh Bakhshi, James Ostrowski
2023Energies: Vol. 16, Issue 13Factors Affecting Market Participant Decision Making in the Spanish Intraday Electricity Market: Auctions vs. Continuous TradingShilpa Bindu, José Pablo Chaves Ávila, Luis Olmos
2023Energy Policy: Vol. 175Intraday markets, wind integration and uplift payments in a regional U.S. power systemCody Hohl, Chiara Lo Prete, Ashish Radhakrishnan, Mort Webster
2022Energy Strategy Reviews: Vol. 40A survey comparing centralized and decentralized electricity marketsVictor Ahlqvist, Pär Holmberg, Thomas Tangerås
2022The Energy Journal: Vol. 43, Issue 2Do We Need to Implement Multi-Interval Real-Time Markets?Darryl R. Biggar, Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh
2022Energy Policy: Vol. 170Fighting the wrong battle? A critical assessment of arguments against nodal electricity prices in the European debateAnselm Eicke, Tim Schittekatte
2022IEEE Access: Vol. 10An Intraday Market Design for Colombia’s Energy TransitionEdwar A. Rendon-Cardona, Harold Salazar, Jorge E. Tobon-Villa
2021Energies: Vol. 14, Issue 13Impact of Imbalance Pricing on Variable Renewable Energies with Different Prediction Accuracies: A Korean CaseHeeseung Moon, Dongsu Lee, Jeongmin Han, Yongtae Yoon, Seungwan Kim
2021Energy Policy: Vol. 149Missing incentives for flexibility in wholesale electricity marketsJacob Mays
2021Energy Policy: Vol. 148Electricity market design for low-carbon and flexible systems: Room for improvement in ChileFrancisco D. Muñoz, Carlos Suazo-Martínez, Eduardo Pereira, Rodrigo Moreno
2021The Electricity Journal: Vol. 34, Issue 4Increasing DER integration through discrete intraday settlementsJonathan Newman, Pamela MacDougall
2021INFORMS Journal on Optimization: Vol. 3, Issue 4Quasi-Stochastic Electricity MarketsJacob Mays
2020Energy Policy: Vol. 139Reforming the colombian electricity market for an efficient integration of renewables: A proposalPaolo Mastropietro, Pablo Rodilla, Lina Escobar Rangel, Carlos Batlle
2020SSRN Electronic Journal Missing Incentives for Flexibility in Wholesale Electricity MarketsJacob Mays
2019Energy Policy: Vol. 134Cross-product manipulation with intertemporal constraints: An equilibrium modelNongchao Guo, Chiara Lo Prete
2018SSRN Electronic Journal Central- versus Self-Dispatch in Electricity MarketsVictor Ahlqvist, Par Holmberg, Thomas Tangerås


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