Cited By
2020Science of The Total Environment: Vol. 720Considering environmental costs of greenhouse gas emissions for setting a CO2 tax: A reviewTill M. Bachmann
2019Sustainability: Vol. 11, Issue 5Study on the Functional Improvement of Economic Damage Assessment for the Integrated Assessment ModelChangxin Liu, Hailing Zhang, Zheng Wang
2019Environmental Research Letters: Vol. 14, Issue 3Robust climate change research: a review on multi-model analysisHongbo Duan, Gupeng Zhang, Shouyang Wang, Ying Fan
2018Natural Resource Modeling: Vol. 31, Issue 2On the farsightedly and myopically stable international environmental agreementsDritan Osmani, Richard S.J. Tol
2018Journal of Public Economic Theory: Vol. 20, Issue 2Prices versus quantities in the presence of a second, unpriced, externalityGuy Meunier
2017Ecological Economics: Vol. 131Requirements to metrics of greenhouse gas emissions, given a cap on temperatureAsbjørn Aaheim, Torben Mideksa
2015WIREs Climate Change: Vol. 6, Issue 4Climate change and the ethics of discountingMarc D. Davidson
2015Resource and Energy Economics: Vol. 41Can price volatility enhance market power? The case of renewable technologies in competitive electricity marketsIrena Milstein, Asher Tishler
2014Ecological Economics: Vol. 105Zero discounting can compensate future generations for climate damageMarc D. Davidson
2013Climatic Change: Vol. 117, Issue 3The uncertainty about the social cost of carbon: A decomposition analysis using fundDavid Anthoff, Richard S. J. Tol
2012Climatic Change: Vol. 113, Issue 3-4The benefits of climate change mitigation in integrated assessment models: the role of the carbon cycle and climate componentAndries F. Hof, Chris W. Hope, Jason Lowe, Michael D. Mastrandrea, Malte Meinshausen, Detlef P. van Vuuren
2011Environmental Research Letters: Vol. 6, Issue 3The response of the climate system to very high greenhouse gas emission scenariosBenjamin M Sanderson, Brian C O’Neill, Jeffrey T Kiehl, Gerald A Meehl, Reto Knutti, Warren M Washington
2011Environmental and Resource Economics: Vol. 48, Issue 4(In)Efficient Environmental Policy with Interacting PollutantsTimo Kuosmanen, Marita Laukkanen
2011Biomass and Bioenergy: Vol. 35, Issue 6A conceptual framework for estimating the climate impacts of land-use change due to energy crop programsMark Delucchi
2010Journal of Environmental Economics and Management: Vol. 60, Issue 1On international equity weights and national decision making on climate changeDavid Anthoff, Richard S.J. Tol
2009Environmental and Resource Economics: Vol. 43, Issue 3The Impact of Climate Change on the Balanced Growth Equivalent: An Application of FUNDDavid Anthoff, Richard S. J. Tol
2009Ecological Economics: Vol. 68, Issue 5Data Envelopment Analysis of different climate policy scenariosValentina Bosetti, Barbara Buchner
2009Economics: Vol. 3, Issue 1Discounting for Climate ChangeDavid Anthoff, Richard S.J. Tol, Gary W. Yohe
2009Energy Policy: Vol. 37, Issue 4Marginal abatement costs of greenhouse gas emissions: A meta-analysisOnno Kuik, Luke Brander, Richard S.J. Tol
2009Environmental Research Letters: Vol. 4, Issue 2Risk aversion, time preference, and the social cost of carbonDavid Anthoff, Richard S J Tol, Gary W Yohe
2009Journal of Public Economic Theory: Vol. 11, Issue 3Toward Farsightedly Stable International Environmental AgreementsDRITAN OSMANI, RICHARD TOL
2007Energy & Environment: Vol. 18, Issue 7Biased Policy Advice from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeRichard S.J. Tol
2007Climatic Change: Vol. 83, Issue 4Infinite uncertainty, forgotten feedbacks, and cost-benefit analysis of climate policyRichard S. J. Tol, Gary W. Yohe
2006SSRN Electronic JournalThe Polluter Pays Principle and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Climate Change: An Application of FundRichard S. J. Tol


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