Cited By
2022Nuclear Technology: Vol. 208, Issue 4Separating Nuclear Reactors from the Power Block with Heat Storage to Improve Economics with Dispatchable Heat and ElectricityCharles Forsberg
2022Energy: Vol. 239Impact of heat price regulation on the optimal district heating production mix and its policy implicationsSaesin Oh, Sang-Kee Kim
2019SSRN Electronic Journal Design and Operations of On-Site Combined Heat and Power Generators Under Fuel Price UncertaintyWenbin Wang, Owen Q. Wu, Gilvan Souza
2018IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science: Vol. 200Cogeneration policy to contest climate changes and the future of sustainable energyM Arshad
2016Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 54Cogeneration through bagasse: A renewable strategy to meet the future energy needsMuhammad Arshad, Sibtain Ahmed
2014Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences: Vol. 4, Issue 3The sustainability of preference power allocations: an exploration of the Niagara Preference Power Program through the lens of the three E’sCurt D. Gervich, Damian R. Pitt
2013Electric Power Systems Research: Vol. 103Economic models for cogeneration facilities and host utilities under the right to sell provisionShantha Daniel, Chenlu Lou, K. Jo Min
2013SSRN Electronic JournalVertical Integration as Firm-Level Response to Electricity Shortages: Does Transaction Cost Economics Explain?Ranjan Kumar Ghosh, Vinish Kathuria
2010The Engineering Economist: Vol. 55, Issue 1A New Market Risk Mitigating Approach to Combined Heat and Power Project Finance Without the Benefits of a Power Purchase AgreementTimothy Lockwood, Irmak Renda-Tanali
2010SSRN Electronic JournalDevelopment of Cogeneration in Germany: A Dynamic Portfolio Analysis Based on the New Regulatory FrameworkGünther Westner, Reinhard Madlener
2009SSRN Electronic JournalDevelopment of Cogeneration in Germany: A Dynamic Portfolio Analysis Based on the New Regulatory FrameworkGünther Westner, Reinhard Madlener
2007Energy Economics: Vol. 29, Issue 4Optimal technology choice and investment timing: A stochastic model of industrial cogeneration vs. heat-only productionMarcel Wickart, Reinhard Madlener
2005The Energy Journal: Vol. 26, Issue 1Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches To Energy-Economy Modeling Using Discrete Choice MethodsNic Rivers, Mark Jaccard
2004Energy & Environment: Vol. 15, Issue 2Diffusion of Cogeneration in Swiss Industries: Economics, Technical Change, Field of Application, and Framework ConditionsReinhard Madlener, Marcel Wickart
1999Resource and Energy Economics: Vol. 21, Issue 2Cogeneration and electric power industry restructuringDavid E Dismukes, Andrew N Kleit
1991Journal of Regulatory Economics: Vol. 3, Issue 1Entry into the electric power industryJohn Tschirhart
1990The Energy Journal: Vol. 11, Issue 2The Efficient Design of Contracts To Purchase Cogenerated PowerEdward C. Hall, John E. Parsons
1989Journal of Regulatory Economics: Vol. 1, Issue 3Industrial cogeneration and regulatory policyPaulette Barclay, Douglas Gegax, John Tschirhart
1987The Energy Journal: Vol. 8, Issue 4On Marginal Cost Pricing When Consumers Can Also ProduceAbraham S. Ravid
1987The Energy Journal: Vol. 8, Issue 1Productivity Growth and Technical Change in the Generation of ElectricityPaul L. Joskow


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