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2019Management Science: Vol. 65, Issue 2Strategic Commitment to a Production Schedule with Uncertain Supply and Demand: Renewable Energy in Day-Ahead Electricity MarketsB.F. Hobbs, U. Helman, Jong-Shi Pang
2018European Journal of Operational Research: Vol. 271, Issue 3On supply-function equilibria in radial transmission networksTalat S. Genc
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2017Manufacturing & Service Operations Management: Vol. 19, Issue 1Understanding How Generation Flexibility and Renewable Energy Affect Power Market CompetitionA.K. David, Fushuan Wen
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2015Energy: Vol. 91Electricity price forecasting with a BED (Bivariate EMD Denoising) methodologyPar Holmberg
2015IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid: Vol. 6, Issue 4Demand Response Using Linear Supply Function BiddingMarcelle Caroline Thimotheo de Brito, Amaro O. Pereira Junior, Mario Veiga Ferraz Pereira, Julio César Cahuano Simba, Sergio Granville
2015SSRN Electronic JournalUnderstanding How Generation Flexibility and Renewable Energy Affect Power Market CompetitionM. R. Hesamzadeh, M. Amelin
2015SSRN Electronic Journal Price Instability in Multi-Unit AuctionsJohn R. Morris
2013SSRN Electronic JournalCentral Bank Liquidity Auction Mechanism Design and the Interbank MarketC. Todem
2013SIMULATION: Vol. 89, Issue 11Bidding behaviors in duopoly electricity markets with aspirant market share goalsMatthias P. Nowak, R�diger Schultz, Markus Westphalen
2013IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: Vol. 28, Issue 4Designing Rule for Price-Based Operation With Reliability Enhancement by Reducing the Frequency DeviationGuido Pepermans, Bert Willems
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2012Logistics Research: Vol. 5, Issue 3-4New mechanisms in decentralized electricity trading to stabilize the grid system: a study with human subject experiments and multi-agent simulationHui Gao, Fushuan Wen, Iain MacGill
2011International Journal of Industrial Organization: Vol. 29, Issue 4Supply function equilibria with capacity constraints and pivotal suppliersDavid M. Quick, Janis M. Carey
2011Energy Policy: Vol. 39, Issue 10Industry evolution, rational agents and the transition to sustainable electricity production
2010IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: Vol. 25, Issue 2Analysis of the Nonlinear Response of Electricity Prices to Fundamental and Strategic FactorsMajid Al-Gwaiz, Xiuli Chao, Owen Q. Wu
2010International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems: Vol. 32, Issue 6A supply function model for representing the strategic bidding of the producers in constrained electricity marketsZhi Zhou, Wai Kin Victor Chan, Joe H. Chow, Serhiy Kotsan
2010Electric Power Systems Research: Vol. 80, Issue 5Electricity market equilibrium of nonlinear power systems with reactive power controlPar Holmberg, David M. G. Newbery, Daniel Ralph
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2008Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa: Vol. 14, Issue 1EFECTOS DE LA LIBERALIZACIÓN EN LA INVERSIÓN DE GENERACIÓN DE ELECTRICIDAD. REFERENCIA AL CASO ESPAÑOL Youfei Liu, F.F. Wu
2008American Economic Review: Vol. 98, Issue 1Vertical Arrangements, Market Structure, and Competition: An Analysis of Restructured US Electricity MarketsD.W. Bunn, F.S. Oliveira
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2007European Journal of Operational Research: Vol. 181, Issue 3Bidding under price uncertainty in multi-unit pay-as-bid procurement auctions for power systems reserveH. Chen, K.P. Wong, C.Y. Chung, D.H.M. Nguyen
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2006IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: Vol. 21, Issue 3A Coevolutionary Approach to Analyzing Supply Function Equilibrium ModelJ.J. Sanchez, D.W. Bunn, E. Centeno, J. Barquin
2005SSRN Electronic JournalThe Potential Impact of Cross-Ownership in Transmission: An Application to the Belgian Electricity MarketAlfredo Garcia, Enrique Campos-Nañez, James Reitzes
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2004International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems: Vol. 26, Issue 4Economic efficiency of pool coordinated electricity marketsMajid Al-Gwaiz, Xiuli Chao, Owen Q. Wu
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1999The Energy Journal: Vol. 20, Issue 4Market Power in Electricity Markets: Beyond Concentration MeasuresKarolina Safarzynska, Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh


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