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2020The Energy Journal: Vol. 41, Issue 3Global Climate Change Mitigation: Strategic IncentivesSigit Perdana, Rod Tyers
2017Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 79A review of energy and power planning and policies of PakistanNayyar Hussain Mirjat, Mohammad Aslam Uqaili, Khanji Harijan, Gordhan Das Valasai, Faheemullah Shaikh, M. Waris
2013Australian Economic Review: Vol. 46, Issue 2Modelling the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System's Energy Consumption Under‐CoverageKay Cao, Jason Wong, Anil Kumar
2012Journal of Economics and Finance: Vol. 36, Issue 4Recent evidence on determinants of per residential customer electricity consumption in the U.S.: 2001-2005Richard J. Cebula
2009Energy Policy: Vol. 37, Issue 2Economically optimized electricity trade modeling: Iran–Turkey caseH. Shakouri G., M. Eghlimi, D. Manzoor
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2007Energy Policy: Vol. 35, Issue 1Modelling the world oil market: Assessment of a quarterly econometric modelStéphane Dées, Pavlos Karadeloglou, Robert K. Kaufmann, Marcelo Sánchez
2006Journal of Cleaner Production: Vol. 14, Issue 5Empirical analysis of energy management in Danish industryLine Block Christoffersen, Anders Larsen, Mikael Togeby
2001Energy Economics: Vol. 23, Issue 5Industrial companies’ demand for electricity: evidence from a micropanelThomas Bue Bjørner, Mikael Togeby, Henrik Holm Jensen
2000IEEE Technology and Society Magazine: Vol. 19, Issue 4Restoring legitimacy to the systems approachC.J. Andrews
1999Review of Economics and Statistics: Vol. 81, Issue 3Measuring the Energy Savings from Home Improvement Investments: Evidence from Monthly Billing DataGilbert E. Metcalf, Kevin A. Hassett
1997The Energy Journal: Vol. 18, Issue 2Fairness Measures and Importance Weights for Allocating Quotas to OPEC Member CountriesAhmad Saleh Alsalem, Subhash C. Sharma, Marvin D. Troutt
1996The Energy Journal: Vol. 17, Issue 2Gasoline Tax as a Corrective Tax: Estimates for the United States, 1970-1991Jonathan Haughton, Soumodip Sarkar
1995OPEC Review: Vol. 19, Issue 1Carbon taxation and unexpected switching behaviourGarry J. Brennand


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