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2015Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research: Vol. 7, Issue 2-3The allocation of energy conservationFranz Wirl
2008Energy Policy: Vol. 36, Issue 9Implementing energy efficiency: Challenges and opportunities for rural electric co-operatives and small municipal utilitiesElizabeth J. Wilson, Joseph Plummer, Miriam Fischlein, Timothy M. Smith
2006Annual Review of Environment and Resources: Vol. 31, Issue 1Energy Efficiency Policies: A Retrospective ExaminationKenneth Gillingham, Richard Newell, Karen Palmer
2000The Energy Journal: Vol. 21, Issue 1Lessons from Ltility Conservation ProgramsFranz Wirl
1999Technological Forecasting and Social Change: Vol. 61, Issue 1Can Free Information Really Accelerate Technology Diffusion?Richard D. Morgenstern, Saadeh Al-Jurf
1995Journal of Regulatory Economics: Vol. 7, Issue 1Impact of regulation on demand side conservation programsFranz Wirl
1995The Energy Journal: Vol. 16, Issue 4Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction: A Case Study of Sri LankaPeter Meier, Mohan Munasinghe


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