Cited By
2024Applied Economics Letters: Vol. 31, Issue 11Asymmetric adjustment of clean energy demand in the OECD countriesChunfei Weng, Jingong Huang, Chew Lian Chua
2023Open Research Europe: Vol. 3Modelling energy demand under discontinuities from an energy economic point-of-viewReinhard Haas, Claudia Kemfert, Hans Auer, Amela Ajanovic, Sebastian Zwickl-Bernhard
2022Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization: Vol. 197Reference dependence in the demand for gasolineLaurence Levin, Matthew S. Lewis, Frank A. Wolak
2022Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice: Vol. 165Your mileage may vary: Have road-fuel demand elasticities changed over time in middle-income countries?Brantley Liddle, Fakhri J. Hasanov, Steven Parker
2022Energy Economics: Vol. 114One more for the road: Reconsidering whether OECD gasoline income and price elasticities have changed over timeBrantley Liddle, Steven Parker
2022The Journal of Economic Asymmetries: Vol. 26Gasoline demand in the United States: An asymmetric economic analysisNajmeh Kamyabi, Benaissa Chidmi
2022Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization: Vol. 203Is the price elasticity of demand asymmetric? Evidence from public transport demandFirat Yaman, Kingsley Offiaeli
2021Environmental and Resource Economics: Vol. 80, Issue 1Stick or Carrot? Asymmetric Responses to Vehicle Registration Taxes in NorwayAlice Ciccone, Emilia Soldani
2021SSRN Electronic Journal Is There a Preference in the OECD Countries to Shift Towards Clean Energy Consumption?Chunfei Weng, JINGONG HUANG, Chew Lian Chua
2021SSRN Electronic Journal ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ПЕРЕНОСА РОЗНИЧНЫХ ЦЕН НА НЕФТЕПРОДУКТЫ НА РЕГИОНАЛЬНЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ ИНФЛЯЦИИ (Research Transfer of Retail Prices for Petroleum Products to the Regional Level of Inflation)Dmitry Gordeev, Ruslan Naumyanov
2021Energy Economics: Vol. 98Modelling asymmetric price responses of industrial energy demand with a dynamic hierarchical modelAkinsehinwa Sharimakin
2021SSRN Electronic JournalYour mileage may vary: Have road-fuel income and price elasticities changed over time in middle-income countries?Brant Liddle, Fakhri Hasanov, Steven Parker
2021Energy Policy: Vol. 156Modelling U.S. gasoline demand: A structural time series analysis with asymmetric price responsesZafer Dilaver, Lester C. Hunt
2020Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice: Vol. 142‘On the Road Again’: A 118 country panel analysis of gasoline and diesel demandBrantley Liddle, Hillard Huntington
2020SSRN Electronic Journal Have Road-Fuel income and Price Elasticities Changed Over Time? Evidence from Two OECD Panels and Two Methodological ApproachesBrant Liddle, Steven Parker
2020Empirical Economics: Vol. 58, Issue 5Asymmetric pricing dynamics with market power: investigating island data of the retail gasoline marketWoo-Hyung Hong, Daeyong Lee
2020Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization: Vol. 180Between preferences and references: Asymmetric price elasticities and the simulation of fiscal policiesBeatrice Biondi, Laura Cornelsen, Mario Mazzocchi, Richard Smith
2019Energy Efficiency: Vol. 12, Issue 8Estimating car use rebound effects from Swedish microdataDavid Andersson, Ross Linscott, Jonas Nässén
2019OPEC Energy Review: Vol. 43, Issue 2Modelling and forecasting world oil demand: a regional analysis accounting for asymmetric price responses and technical progressMahmud Suleiman
2019Tourism Economics: Vol. 25, Issue 3Seasonal forecasting performance considering varying income elasticities in tourism demandEgon Smeral
2018Journal of Travel Research: Vol. 57, Issue 7Variations in Seasonal Outbound Travel across the Business CyclesEgon Smeral
2018Empirical Economics: Vol. 55, Issue 4Revisiting income and price elasticity of gasoline demand in India: new evidence from cointegration testsKakali Kanjilal, Sajal Ghosh
2018Transport Policy: Vol. 71Imperfect reversibility of fuel demand for road transport: Asymmetric and hysteretic effects of income and price changes in KoreaJunwook Chi
2018Agribusiness: Vol. 34, Issue 2Retail promotion with price cut and the imperfect price responses of orange juice demand in the U.S.Hyeyoung Kim, Marisa Zansler, Lisa A. House
2018Energy Economics: Vol. 69How (a)symmetric is the response of import demand to changes in its determinants? Evidence from European energy importsSvetlana Fedoseeva, Rodrigo Zeidan
2017Energy Economics: Vol. 68Airfares and oil prices: ‘Feathers and Rockets’ adjustmentsRobert K. Kaufmann
2017Journal of Travel Research: Vol. 56, Issue 7Tourism Forecasting Performance Considering the Instability of Demand ElasticitiesEgon Smeral
2017Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment: Vol. 57Asymmetry in transport fuel demand: Evidence from household level dataZia Wadud
2017Energy Efficiency: Vol. 10, Issue 5Empirical evidence of direct rebound effect in Indian two-wheeler sectorBalagopal G. Menon
2017International Journal of Tourism Research: Vol. 19, Issue 3European outbound tourism in times of economic stagnationUlrich Gunter, Egon Smeral
2017Energy Economics: Vol. 61Energy rebound effect in China's Industry: An aggregate and disaggregate analysisYue-Jun Zhang, Hua-Rong Peng, Bin Su
2016SSRN Electronic JournalA Meta-Analysis on the Price Elasticity of Energy DemandXavier Labandeira, J. Maria Labeaga Azcona, Xiral LLpez-Otero
2016OPEC Energy Review: Vol. 40, Issue 2Asymmetries in US demand for gasolineHamid Baghestani, Ismail Genc, Samer Kherfi
2016Middle East Development Journal: Vol. 8, Issue 1The oil cycle, the Federal Reserve, and the monetary and exchange rate policies of QatarKhalid Rashid Alkhater, Syed Abul Basher
2015Revue de l'OFCE: Vol. N° 139, Issue 3La taxe carbone : une idée toujours d’avenir si...Jean-Charles Hourcade
2014Applied Mechanics and Materials: Vol. 707Information Processing for Analysis of Consumption Flexibility of Global Natural Gas DemandXin Min Zhang, Kuang Cen, Wan Li Xing
2013The Energy Journal: Vol. 34, Issue 4Re-Identifying the Rebound: What About Asymmetry?Manuel Frondel, Colin Vance
2013International Review of Economics & Finance: Vol. 25Modeling OECD energy demand: An international panel smooth transition error-correction modelChien-Chiang Lee, Yi-Bin Chiu
2013Journal of Development Economics: Vol. 101Boom–bust cycle, asymmetrical fiscal response and the Dutch diseaseRabah Arezki, Kareem Ismail
2013Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability: Vol. 5, Issue 2Rebound effect: how much to worry?Debalina Chakravarty, Shyamasree Dasgupta, Joyashree Roy
2012Annals of Tourism Research: Vol. 39, Issue 1International tourism demand and the business cycleEgon Smeral
2012International Journal of Energy Sector Management: Vol. 6, Issue 3Effects of fuel efficiency improvements in personal transportationBalagopal G. Menon, Biswajit Mahanty
2011SSRN Electronic JournalRe-Indentifying the Rebound: What About Asymmetry?Manuel Frondel, Colin Vance
2011Energy Policy: Vol. 39, Issue 5The rebound effect on road freight transport: Empirical evidence from PortugalFernando J.F. Matos, Francisco J.F. Silva
2011SSRN Electronic JournalRe-Identifying the Rebound – What About Asymmetry?Manuel Frondel, Colin Vance
2010Applied Energy: Vol. 87, Issue 1Natural gas demand in TurkeyErkan Erdogdu
2010The Energy Journal: Vol. 31, Issue 4Stochastic Trends and Technical Change: The Case of Energy Consumption in the British Industrial and Domestic SectorsPaolo Agnolucci
2009Economic Record: Vol. 85, Issue 268An Exploration of Australian Petrol Demand: Unobservable Habits, Irreversibility and Some Updated Estimates*ROBERT V. BREUNIG, CAROL GISZ
2008Energy Economics: Vol. 30, Issue 5A meta-analysis of the price elasticity of gasoline demand. A SUR approachMartijn Brons, Peter Nijkamp, Eric Pels, Piet Rietveld
2008Energy Economics: Vol. 30, Issue 5The effect of standards and fuel prices on automobile fuel economy: An international analysisSofronis Clerides, Theodoros Zachariadis
2008Ecological Economics: Vol. 65, Issue 3The rebound effect: Microeconomic definitions, limitations and extensionsSteve Sorrell, John Dimitropoulos
2008SSRN Electronic JournalAn Exploration of Australian Petrol Demand: Lagged Adjustment, Unobservable Habits, Irreversibility, and Some Updated EstimatesRobert V. Breunig, Carolyn Murphy
2007Energy Policy: Vol. 35, Issue 2Electricity demand analysis using cointegration and ARIMA modelling: A case study of TurkeyErkan Erdogdu
2007SSRN Electronic JournalOn the Role of Regulatory Standards: Specification and Some Empirical Evidence from Motor Vehicle Fuel EconomyTheodoros Zachariadis
2006The Energy Journal: Vol. 27, Issue 1Does Oil Price Uncertainty Affect Energy Use?Gerard H. Kuper, Daan P. van Soest
2006The Energy Journal: Vol. 27, Issue 4Energy Prices and Turning Points: The Relationship between Income and Energy Use/Carbon EmissionsAmy K. Richmond, Robert K. Kaufmann
2006The Energy Journal: Vol. 27, Issue 3A Note on Price Asymmetry as Induced Technical ChangeHillard G. Huntington
2004Energy Economics: Vol. 26, Issue 3Shares, gaps and the economy's response to oil disruptionsHillard G Huntington
2004The Energy Journal: Vol. 25, Issue 1The Mechanisms for Autonomous Energy Efficiency Increases: A Cointegration Analysis of the US Energy/GDP RatioRobert K. Kaufmann
2003SSRN Electronic JournalDoes Oil Price Uncertainty Affect Economic Activity?Gerard H. Kuper, Daan P. van Soest
2002The Energy Journal: Vol. 23, Issue 1The Asymmetric Effects of Changes in Price and Income on Energy and Oil DemandDermot Gately, Hillard G. Huntington
2001The Energy Journal: Vol. 22, Issue 1Oil Production in the Lower 48 States: Economic, Geological, and Institutional DeterminantsRobert K. Kaufmann, Cutler J. Cleveland
2000SSRN Electronic JournalThreshold Effects of Energy Price ChangesDaan P. van Soest, Gerard H. Kuper, Jan P.A.M. Jacobs
1999Energy Economics: Vol. 21, Issue 4Decomposition of aggregate carbon intensity for freight: trends from 10 OECD countries for the period 1971–1993Lorna A Greening, Mike Ting, William B Davis
1998Energy Economics: Vol. 20, Issue 4Residential energy demand in OECD-countries and the role of irreversible efficiency improvementsReinhard Haas, Lee Schipper
1998Energy Economics: Vol. 20, Issue 1Decomposition of aggregate carbon intensity for the manufacturing sector: comparison of declining trends from 10 OECD countries for the period 1971–1991Lorna A. Greening, William B. Davis, Lee Schipper
1997Transportation Research Part B: Methodological: Vol. 31, Issue 1The demand for transportation fuels: Imperfect price-reversibility?Joyce Dargay, Dermot Gately
1996The Energy Journal: Vol. 17, Issue 2Gasoline Tax as a Corrective Tax: Estimates for the United States, 1970-1991Jonathan Haughton, Soumodip Sarkar
1995Energy Economics: Vol. 17, Issue 1The imperfect price reversibility of non-transport oil demand in the OECDJoyce Dargay, Dermot Gately
1995Ecological Economics: Vol. 13, Issue 3Resource degradation, technical change, and the productivity of energy use in U.S. agricultureCutler J. Cleveland
1995OPEC Review: Vol. 19, Issue 3Sudden oil price changes: the effect on US gasoline demandRajeev K. Goel, Mathew J. Morey
1994The Energy Journal: Vol. 15, Issue 1_supplOil Demand in the Industrialized Countries*Joyce Dargay, Dermot Gately
1993The Energy Journal: Vol. 14, Issue 4Another Look at U.S. Passenger Vehicle Use and the ‘Rebound’ Effect from Improved Fuel EfficiencyClifton T. Jones
1993The Energy Journal: Vol. 14, Issue 1OECD Oil Demand Dynamics: Trends and AsymmetriesWilliam W. Hogan


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