Cited By
2024Energy Policy: Vol. 191The impact of hydroelectric storage in Northern Italy’s power marketFilippo Beltrami
2023Energy and Climate Change: Vol. 4The effect of demand response on CO2 Emissions in the Iberian electricity market – Combining economic and environmental perspectivesJoana Sousa, Isabel Soares
2023SSRN Electronic JournalTime is Money: The Social Benefits of Time-of-Use TariffsBowei Guo, Ao Sun, Feng Song
2023Journal of Environmental Economics and Management: Vol. 121The spillover effect of peak pricingBowei Guo
2023The Energy Journal: Vol. 44, Issue 1The Cost of Carbon Leakage: Britain’s Carbon Price Support and Cross-border Electricity TradeBowei Guo, Newbery David
2023International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and ManagementEnvironmental Kuznets curve, balanced growth, and influencing factors: evidence from economic development in ChinaJing Li
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2023International Journal of Industrial Organization: Vol. 89Market dynamics and investment in the electricity sectorJoseph A. Cullen, Stanley S. Reynolds
2023Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 183The impacts of consumer-funded renewable support schemes in the UK: From the perspective of consumers or the electricity sector?Jing Shao, Jinke Li, Guy Liu
2023Environmental Science and Pollution Research: Vol. 30, Issue 26The effects of carbon pricing instruments on carbon emission reduction in China’s refining industry: an evolutionary game between heterogeneous refineriesTianyuan He, Jian Guo
2022Energy Reports: Vol. 8Analysis of carbon emission, carbon displacement and heterogeneity of Guangdong power industryJian Zuo, Yashan Zhong, Yun Yang, Cong Fu, Xiangzhen He, Bo Bao, Feng Qian
2021Energy Policy: Vol. 156A comparative study on the environmental and economic effects of a resource tax and carbon tax in China: Analysis based on the computable general equilibrium modelHaisheng Hu, Wanhao Dong, Qian Zhou
2021The Energy Journal: Vol. 42, Issue 5National Climate Policies and Corporate Internal Carbon PricingNuno Bento, Gianfranco Gianfrate, Joseph E. Aldy
2020Technological Forecasting and Social Change: Vol. 159Rethinking the choice of carbon tax and carbon trading in ChinaZhijie Jia, Boqiang Lin


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