Cited By
2024Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting: Vol. 35, Issue 1The asset‐pricing implications of carbon risk in KoreaDojoon Park, Jiyoon Lee, Hyejin Park
2023Energy: Vol. 282How would the carbon market affect the choice of input factors for production? A duopolistic modelJihyeok Jung, Saedaseul Moon, Sangmin Yeo, Deok-Joo Lee
2022Energy Economics: Vol. 113Multiple price bubbles in global major emission trading schemes: Evidence from European Union, New Zealand, South Korea and ChinaYigang Wei, Yan Li, Zhicheng Wang
2022SSRN Electronic Journal The Asset-Pricing Implications of Carbon Risk in KoreaDojoon Park, Jiyoon Lee, Hyejin Park
2020The Energy Journal: Vol. 41, Issue 4On the CO2 Emissions Determinants During the EU ETS Phases I and II: A Plant-level Analysis Merging the EUTL and Platts Power DataBenoit Chèze, Julien Chevallier, Nicolas Berghmans, Emilie Alberola


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