Cited By
2024IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: Vol. 39, Issue 2Price-Responsive Prosumers in Transmission-Constrained Power Markets: Pricing, Investment, and Social WelfareKazuya Ito, Makoto Tanaka, Yihsu Chen, Ryuta Takashima
2024Operations Research: Vol. 72, Issue 4Harvesting Solar Power Foments Prices in a Vicious Cycle: Breaking the Cycle with Price MechanismsFariba F. Mamaghani, Metin Çakanyildirim
2024Resource and Energy Economics: Vol. 77The political economy of financing climate policy — Evidence from the solar PV subsidy programsOlivier De Groote, Axel Gautier, Frank Verboven
2024Solar Energy: Vol. 269Optimizing solar capacity for commercial-scale PV systems: An empirical cost-benefit framework for all stakeholdersAndre M. Eanes, Anthony E. Smith
2024Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource EconomistsMicroeconomics of the Solar Rebound under Net MeteringMatthew E. Oliver, Juan Moreno-Cruz, Kenneth T. Gillingham
2024Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists: Vol. 11, Issue 6Backup Power: Public Implications of Private Substitutes for Electric Grid ReliabilityPaul A. Brehm, Sarah Johnston, Ross Milton
2023Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 188Rooftop solar with net metering: An integrated investment appraisalMajid Hashemi, Glenn Jenkins, Frank Milne
2023Energy Economics: Vol. 120The role of electricity tariff design in distributed energy resource deploymentElisheba Spiller, Ricardo Esparza, Kristina Mohlin, Karen Tapia-Ahumada, Burçin Ünel
2023Eng: Vol. 4, Issue 3Commercial Level Analysis of P2P vs. Net-Metering Comparing Economic and Technical IndexesEsteban A. Soto, Alexander Vizcarrondo Ortega, Andrea Hernandez, Lisa Bosman
2023International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems: Vol. 154Recovering fixed costs in the presence of prosumersYihsu Chen, Makoto Tanaka, Ryuta Takashima
2023The Journal of Industrial Economics: Vol. 71, Issue 3Local Energy Markets*Pio Baake, Sebastian Schwenen, Christian von Hirschhausen
2023The Energy Journal: Vol. 44, Issue 1Compensating Solar Prosumers Using Buy-All, Sell-All as an Alternative to Net Metering and Net Purchasing: Total Use, Rebound, and Cross SubsidizationPeter M. Schwarz, Nathan Duma, Ercument Camadan
2023SSRN Electronic JournalThe Energy Community and the GridAxel Gautier, Julien Jacqmin, Jean-Christophe Poudou
2023The Energy Journal: Vol. 44, Issue 5Distributed Renewable Energy Investment: The Effect of Time-of-Use PricingLu-Miao Li, Peng Zhou, Wen Wen
2023SSRN Electronic JournalMicroeconomics of the Solar Rebound Under Net MeteringMatthew Oliver, Juan Moreno-Cruz, Kenneth Gillingham
2023IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation: Vol. 1, Issue 3Optimal Retail Tariff Design With Prosumers: Pursuing Equity at the Expenses of Economic Efficiencies?Yihsu Chen, Andrew L. Liu, Makoto Tanaka, Ryuta Takashima
2022The Electricity Journal: Vol. 35, Issue 1Electric utility death spiral: Revisited in the context of tariff designRasika Athawale, Frank A. Felder
2022Applied Energy: Vol. 326Zero lost profit principle for solar compensation and its impact on bill savingsMahelet G. Fikru
2022Manufacturing & Service Operations Management: Vol. 24, Issue 1That’s Not Fair: Tariff Structures for Electric Utilities with Rooftop SolarSiddharth Prakash Singh, Alan Scheller-Wolf
2022SSRN Electronic JournalElectricity Rate Redesign for African Utilities: Fostering a Fair and Cost-Efficient Energy TransitionTim Schittekatte, Mohamed Hendam, Mohamed Abdel-Rahman, Mohamed Zakaria Kamh
2022iScience: Vol. 25, Issue 8Private vs. public value of U.S. residential battery storage operated for solar self-consumptionSydney Forrester, Galen Barbose, Cesca Ann Miller
2022Applied Energy: Vol. 313Economic inefficiencies of pricing distributed generation under novel tariff designsMohammad Ansarin, Yashar Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, Wolfgang Ketter, John Collins
2022Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 161A review of equity in electricity tariffs in the renewable energy eraMohammad Ansarin, Yashar Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, Wolfgang Ketter, John Collins
2022ACM SIGEnergy Energy Informatics Review: Vol. 2, Issue 2Integrating distributed energy resourcesAhmed S. Alahmed, Lang Tong
2022Energy Policy: Vol. 169Rethinking electricity rate design: Fostering the energy transition in North AfricaMohamed Hendam, Tim Schittekatte, Mohamed Abdel-Rahman, Mohamed Zakaria Kamh
2022SSRN Electronic JournalThe Political Economy of Financing Climate Policy -- Evidence from the Solar Pv Subsidy ProgramsOlivier De Groote, Axel Gautier, Frank Verboven
2021Energy Policy: Vol. 151Impact of distribution tariffs on prosumer demand responseMichiel Avau, Niels Govaerts, Erik Delarue
2021Energy Policy: Vol. 150Network tariffs and the integration of prosumers: The case of WalloniaMiguel Manuel de Villena, Julien Jacqmin, Raphael Fonteneau, Axel Gautier, Damien Ernst
2021Utilities Policy: Vol. 68Optimal grid tariffs with heterogeneous prosumersAxel Gautier, Julien Jacqmin, Jean-Christophe Poudou
2021Energy Economics: Vol. 101Electric utility mergers in the presence of distributed renewable energyMahelet G. Fikru, Luis Gautier
2021Management Science: Vol. 67, Issue 11Net-Metered Distributed Renewable Energy: A Peril for Utilities?Nur Sunar, Jayashankar M. Swaminathan
2021Energy Economics: Vol. 100Solar rebound: The unintended consequences of subsidiesNicolas Boccard, Axel Gautier
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2021SSRN Electronic Journal Harvesting Solar Power Foments Prices in a Vicious Cycle: Breaking the Cycle with Price MechanismsFariba Farajbakhsh Mamaghani, Metin Cakanyildirim
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2020Energy Policy: Vol. 139A transdisciplinary modeling framework for the participatory design of dynamic adaptive policy pathwaysSerafeim Michas, Vassilis Stavrakas, Sotiris Papadelis, Alexandros Flamos
2020The Energy Journal: Vol. 41, Issue 5Least-cost Distribution Network Tariff Design in Theory and PracticeTim Schittekatte, Leonardo Meeus
2020Energy Economics: Vol. 86On the benefits of behind-the-meter rooftop solar and energy storage: The importance of retail rate designRichard Boampong, David P. Brown
2020Journal of Regulatory Economics: Vol. 57, Issue 1PV adoption: the role of distribution tariffs under net meteringAxel Gautier, Julien Jacqmin
2020SSRN Electronic Journal Optimal Electricity Distribution Pricing under Risk and High Photovoltaics PenetrationMaxim Bichuch, Benjamin F. Hobbs, Xinyue Song
2020Journal of Cleaner Production: Vol. 262Assessing the effectiveness of China’s net-metering subsidies for household distributed photovoltaic systemsXinyu Jia, Huibin Du, Hongyang Zou, Gang He
2020SSRN Electronic Journal The Role of Electricity Tariff Design in Distributed Energy Resource DeploymentElisheba Spiller, Ricardo Esparza, Kristina Mohlin, Karen Tapia-Ahumada, Burcin Unel
2020Mathematical Methods of Operations Research: Vol. 91, Issue 2A McKean–Vlasov approach to distributed electricity generation developmentRené Aïd, Matteo Basei, Huyên Pham
2020Energies: Vol. 13, Issue 21The Clean Energy Package and Demand Response: Setting Correct IncentivesBert Willems, Juulia Zhou
2019Energy Economics: Vol. 84Spillover effects of distribution grid tariffs in the internal electricity market: An argument for harmonization?Niels Govaerts, Kenneth Bruninx, Hélène Le Cadre, Leonardo Meeus, Erik Delarue
2019The Energy Journal: Vol. 40, Issue 3Restructuring Revisited Part 2: Coordination in Electricity Distribution SystemsScott P. Burger, Jesse D. Jenkins, Carlos Batlle, Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga
2019Energy Economics: Vol. 83Network tariff design with prosumers and electromobility: Who wins, who loses?Quentin Hoarau, Yannick Perez
2018Energy Economics: Vol. 69On the role of maximum demand charges in the presence of distributed generation resourcesDavid P. Brown, David E.M. Sappington
2018The Energy Journal: Vol. 39, Issue 5Optimal Procurement of Distributed Energy ResourcesDavid P. Brown, David E.M. Sappington
2018Journal of Regulatory Economics: Vol. 53, Issue 1The prosumers and the gridAxel Gautier, Julien Jacqmin, Jean-Christophe Poudou
2017SSRN Electronic Journal The Coordination of Centralised and Distributed GenerationRenn AAd, Matteo Basei, Huyyn Pham
2017Journal of Regulatory Economics: Vol. 52, Issue 2Optimal policies to promote efficient distributed generation of electricityDavid P. Brown, David E. M. Sappington
2017The Energy Journal: Vol. 38, Issue 3Designing Compensation for Distributed Solar Generation: Is Net Metering Ever Optimal?David P. Brown, David E.M. Sappington
2017SSRN Electronic Journal Willingness to Pay for Solar Panels and Smart GridsTunn Durmaz, Aude Pommeret, Ian Ridley
2017SSRN Electronic JournalOptimal Procurement of Distributed Energy ResourcesDavid P. Brown, David E.M. Sappington
2017The Electricity Journal: Vol. 30, Issue 5Electricity markets in transition: Market distortions associated with retail price controlsDavid P. Brown, Andrew Eckert, Heather Eckert
2016SSRN Electronic Journal On the Role of Maximum Demand Charges in the Presence of Distributed Generation ResourcesDavid P. Brown, David E.M. Sappington


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