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2023Energies: Vol. 16, Issue 7A Comparative Perspective of the Effects of CO2 and Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions on Global Solar, Wind, and Geothermal Energy InvestmentMathijs J. H. M. Harmsen, Maarten van den Berg, Volker Krey, Gunnar Luderer, Adriana Marcucci, Jessica Strefler, Detlef P. Van Vuuren
2023Nature Climate Change: Vol. 13, Issue 6Social cost of carbon estimates have increased over timeJ. Pycroft, L. Vergano, C. Hope, D. Paci, J. C. Ciscar
2022Finance Research Letters: Vol. 47Are carbon futures prices stable? New evidence during negative oilElena Ahonen, Shaen Corbet, John W. Goodell, Samet Günay, Charles Larkin
2022Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment: Vol. 104Integrating sustainability into pavement maintenance effectiveness evaluation: A systematic reviewZhuhuan Liu, Romain Balieu, Niki Kringos
2022Decision Analysis: Vol. 19, Issue 1Modeling Ethical and Operational Preferences in Automated Driving SystemsMarian Radetzki
2022Environmental and Resource Economics: Vol. 81, Issue 1Climate Action for (My) ChildrenAnthony Wiskich
2021Applied Energy: Vol. 298Greenhouse gas emissions vs CO2 emissions: Comparative analysis of a global carbon taxDuy Nong, Paul Simshauser, Duong Binh Nguyen
2021Technological Forecasting and Social Change: Vol. 167Coupling system of carbon emission and social economy: A reviewAndrey Gunawan, Abhishek K. Singh, Richard A. Simmons, Megan W. Haynes, Alexander Limia, Jong Min Ha, Peter A. Kottke, Andrei G. Fedorov, Seung Woo Lee, Shannon K. Yee
2020Agricultural and Resource Economics Review: Vol. 49, Issue 1Estimating the Present Value of Carbon Sequestration in U.S. Forests, 2015–2050, for Evaluating Federal Climate Change Mitigation PoliciesPieter J.H van Beukering, Herman S.J Cesar, Marco A Janssen
2020Advanced Sustainable Systems: Vol. 4, Issue 6A Cost‐Performance Analysis of a Sodium Heat Engine for Distributed Concentrating Solar PowerRichard S.J Tol
2019Ecological Economics: Vol. 164Estimating the benefits of adaptation to extreme climate events, focusing on nonmarket damagesChristin Hoffmann
2019SSRN Electronic Journal Weighing Cows and Coal: Optimal Taxes for Methane and Carbon from a Tipping RiskJiehan Guo, Cameron J. Hepburn, Richard S.J. Tol, David Anthoff
2019International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: Vol. 16, Issue 21Modelling Economic Growth, Carbon Emissions, and Fossil Fuel Consumption in China: Cointegration and Multivariate CausalityZhihui Lv, Amanda M. Y. Chu, Michael McAleer, Wing-Keung Wong
2018IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science: Vol. 207A novelty design of GHG Emission Reduction Cost for the Province of Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia: A quantitative-based scientific viewWilliam D. Nordhaus
2017Climate: Vol. 5, Issue 4The Relationship between Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Global Temperature for the Last 425 Million YearsDetlef P. van Vuuren, John Weyant, Francisco de la Chesnaye
2017Environmental Economics and Policy Studies: Vol. 19, Issue 2An assessment of global warming and biodiversity: CGE EMEDA analysesJason Shogren, Michael Toman
2017Transport Policy: Vol. 53Road fuel taxes in Europe: Do they internalize road transport externalities?David Anthoff, Steven Rose, Richard S. J. Tol, Stephanie T. Waldhoff
2016Climatic Change: Vol. 136, Issue 2How climate metrics affect global mitigation strategies and costs: a multi-model studySujata Manandhar, Vishnu Pandey, Futaba Kazama, So Kazama
2016SSRN Electronic Journal Inequality and the Social Cost of CarbonRobert G. Haight, Randall Bluffstone, Jeffrey D. Kline, John W. Coulston, David N. Wear, Kate Zook
2016Environmental and Resource Economics: Vol. 65, Issue 3Climatic Tipping Points and Optimal Fossil-Fuel UseKatrin Rehdanz, Richard S.J. Tol
2015International Journal of Sustainable Transportation: Vol. 9, Issue 3Decarbonizing the Road Transport Sector: Break-even Point and Consequent Potential Consumers' Behavior for the U.S. CaseJian Liu, Georgina Santos
2015Environmental and Resource Economics: Vol. 61, Issue 2Marginal Abatement Costs of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in China: A Parametric AnalysisLimin Du, Aoife Hanley, Chu Wei
2015SSRN Electronic JournalSelective Reporting and the Social Cost of CarbonJohn P. Weyant, Francisco C. de la Chesnaye, Geoff J. Blanford
2015SSRN Electronic JournalSelective Reporting and the Social Cost of CarbonRichard S. J. Tol
2014Annals of Operations Research: Vol. 220, Issue 1Climate policy under fat-tailed risk: an application of FUNDTomas Havranek, Zuzana Irsova, Karel Janda, David Zilberman
2014Sustainability: Vol. 6, Issue 11Planning Landscape Corridors in Ecological Infrastructure Using Least-Cost Path Methods Based on the Value of Ecosystem ServicesSoumyananda Dinda
2014Economics: Vol. 8, Issue 1The Marginal Damage Costs of Different Greenhouse Gases: An Application of FUNDStephanie Waldhoff, David Anthoff, Steven Rose, Richard S. J. Tol
2014Environmental and Resource Economics: Vol. 57, Issue 3Willingness to Pay for Voluntary Climate Action and Its Determinants: Field-Experimental EvidenceBen Groom, Cameron Hepburn, Phoebe Koundouri, David Pearce
2013Mathematical Problems in Engineering: Vol. 2013Governance Mechanism for Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Stochastic Differential Game ApproachDavid Anthoff, Richard S. J. Tol
2013Environmental Science & Policy: Vol. 29Physico-economic evaluation of climate metrics: A conceptual frameworkOdette Deuber, Gunnar Luderer, Ottmar Edenhofer
2013Energy Economics: Vol. 40Scenario-based energy efficiency and productivity in China: A non-radial directional distance function analysisKoichi Yamaura, Shin Sakaue, Toyoaki Washida
2013Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control: Vol. 37, Issue 5Targets for global climate policy: An overviewRichard S.J. Tol
2013Energy Policy: Vol. 63How the removal of energy subsidy affects general price in China: A study based on input–output modelLawrence W.C. Lai, Marco K.W. Yu
2012Energy Economics: Vol. 34Border tax adjustments in the climate policy context: CO2 versus broad-based GHG emission targetingMadanmohan Ghosh, Deming Luo, Muhammad Shahid Siddiqui, Yunfa Zhu
2011Environmental and Resource Economics: Vol. 48, Issue 4(In)Efficient Environmental Policy with Interacting PollutantsTimo Kuosmanen, Marita Laukkanen
2011Journal of Cleaner Production: Vol. 19, Issue 17-18Ecovalue08–A new valuation set for environmental systems analysis toolsDavid Anthoff, Richard S. J. Tol, Jennifer Helgeson
2011SSRN Electronic JournalThe Time Evolution of the Social Cost of Carbon: An Application of FundR. Brouwer, L. Brander, P. Van Beukering
2011Economics: Vol. 5, Issue 1A Tale of Tails: Uncertainty and the Social Cost of Carbon Dioxide
2011SSRN Electronic JournalRegional and Sectoral Estimates of the Social Cost of Carbon: An Application of FundHong Zhang, Gui Jin, Zhengyu Zhang
2011SSRN Electronic JournalThe Marginal Damage Costs of Different Greenhouse Gases: An Application of FundStephanie T. Waldhoff, David Anthoff, Steven Rose, Richard S. J. Tol
2011SSRN Electronic JournalEstimates of the Social Cost of Carbon: Background and Results from the Rice-2011 ModelDaiju Narita, Richard S.J. Tol, David Anthoff
2011SSRN Electronic JournalA Tale of Tails: Uncertainty and the Social Cost of Carbon DioxideJonathan Pycroft, Lucia Vergano, Chris Hope, Daniele Paci, Juan Carlos Ciscar
2010Journal of Environmental Planning and Management: Vol. 53, Issue 3Economic costs of extratropical storms under climate change: an application of FUNDLouis Kaplow, Elisabeth Moyer, David A Weisbach
2010The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: Vol. 10, Issue 2The Social Evaluation of Intergenerational Policies and Its Application to Integrated Assessment Models of Climate ChangeTomas Havranek, Zuzana Irsova, Karel Janda, David Zilberman
2010Energy: Vol. 35, Issue 12Carbon dioxide neutral, integrated biofuel facilityE.E. Powell, G.A. Hill
2010Journal of Infrastructure Systems: Vol. 16, Issue 4Life-Cycle Optimization of Pavement Overlay SystemsGustav Engström, Johan Gars
2010Climate Policy: Vol. 10, Issue 3Economics of climate change: risk and responsibility by world regionDavid Anthoff, Richard S.J. Tol, Gary W. Yohe
2009Climatic Change: Vol. 96, Issue 4Evaluating Global Warming Potentials with historical temperatureYurika Nishioka, Jonathan I. Levy, Gregory A. Norris
2009SSRN Electronic JournalDiscounting for Climate ChangeSoumyananda Dinda
2009Ecological Economics: Vol. 68, Issue 3Equity weighting and the marginal damage costs of climate changeDavid Anthoff, Steven Rose, Richard S. J. Tol, Stephanie T. Waldhoff
2009Economics: Vol. 3, Issue 1Discounting for Climate ChangeDonald N. Dewees
2008Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space: Vol. 40, Issue 1Using Economic Instruments to Address Emissions from Air Transport in the European UnionRichard S.J Tol, Thomas E Downing, Onno J Kuik, Joel B Smith
2008Materials and Structures: Vol. 41, Issue 6Materials design for sustainability through life cycle modeling of engineered cementitious compositesAlissa Kendall, Gregory A. Keoleian, Michael D. Lepech
2008Climatic Change: Vol. 90, Issue 3“A convenient truth”: air travel passengers’ willingness to pay to offset their CO2 emissionsDavid Anthoff, Richard S. J. Tol
2008Energy Economics: Vol. 30, Issue 3Discount rates, equity weights and the social cost of carbonChris Hope
2008The Energy Journal: Vol. 29, Issue 2Pollution and the Price of PowerDavid Anthoff, Cameron Hepburn, Richard S.J. Tol
2008Climatic Change: Vol. 88, Issue 1Climate, development and malaria: an application of FUNDRichard S. J. Tol
2008Economics: Vol. 2, Issue 1The Social Cost of Carbon: Trends, Outliers and CatastrophesPaul L. Lucas, Detlef P. van Vuuren, Jos G.J. Olivier, Michel G.J. den Elzen
2007Environmental Science & Policy: Vol. 10, Issue 2Long-term reduction potential of non-CO2 greenhouse gasesAzam Ghezelbash, Vahid Khaligh, Seyed Hamed Fahimifard, J. Jay Liu
2007Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change: Vol. 12, Issue 5The double trade-off between adaptation and mitigation for sea level rise: an application of FUNDRichard S. J. Tol
2007SSRN Electronic JournalOn International Equity Weights and National Decision Making on Climate ChangeSofia Ahlroth, Göran Finnveden
2006Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal: Vol. 12, Issue 3Integrating Air Pollution, Climate Change, and Economics in a Risk-Based Life-Cycle Analysis: A Case Study of Residential InsulationM. Kenan Terzioğlu
2006Property Management: Vol. 24, Issue 2The social discount rate on climate changeW. Davis
2006The Energy Journal: Vol. 27, Issue 3_supplOverview of EMF-21: Multigas Mitigation and Climate PolicyGeorgina Santos
2006Environmental Science & Policy: Vol. 9, Issue 3Discounting and the social cost of carbon: a closer look at uncertaintyGernot Klepper
2006Energy Economics: Vol. 28, Issue 1Multi-gas scenarios to stabilize radiative forcingRandall Spalding-Fecher, David Khorommbi Matibe
2006Climatic Change: Vol. 75, Issue 1-2Exchange Rates and Climate Change: An Application of FundWilliam N. Caballero, Roi Naveiro, David Ríos Insua
2005MRS Proceedings: Vol. 895Guiding the design and application of new materials for enhancing sustainability performance: Framework and infrastructure applicationGregory Keoleian, Alissa M Kendall, Michael D Lepech, Victor C Li
2005Ecological Economics: Vol. 54, Issue 4Unilateral regulation of bilateral trade in greenhouse gas emission permitsIan W. H. Parry, Michael Toman
2005Environmental & Resource Economics: Vol. 32, Issue 4Declining Discount Rates: The Long and the Short of itTerry Barker, Jonathan Köhler, Marcelo Villena
2005Energy for Sustainable Development: Vol. 9, Issue 1Health benefits of electrification in developing countries: a quantitative assessment in South AfricaRandall Spalding-Fecher
2005Energy Policy: Vol. 33, Issue 18Optimising trans-national power generation and transmission investments: a Southern African exampleBernhard Graeber, Randall Spalding-Fecher, Brian Gonah
2005Journal of Industrial Ecology: Vol. 9, Issue 4Monetary Valuation of Emissions in Implementing Environmental PolicyMarc D. Davidson, Bart H. Boon, Jessica van Swigchem
2004Global Environmental Change: Vol. 14, Issue 3Distributional aspects of climate change impacts
2004Energy Policy: Vol. 32, Issue 9State responsibility and compensation for climate change damages—a legal and economic assessmentMichael A. Toman
2004Transport Policy: Vol. 11, Issue 2Environmental costs in European aviationWei Yu, Baogui Xin
2004Climate Policy: Vol. 4, Issue 3An emission intensity protocol for climate change: an application of FUNDRichard S.J. Tol
2003Ecological Economics: Vol. 44, Issue 1Economic valuation of the Leuser National Park on Sumatra, IndonesiaU. THARA SINIVASAN
2003Energy Policy: Vol. 31, Issue 8Electricity and externalities in South AfricaHan Zhang, Gregory A. Keoleian, Michael D. Lepech, Alissa Kendall
2003The Energy Journal: Vol. 24, Issue 1Modeling the Cost of Climate Policy: Distinguishing Between Alternative Cost Definitions and Long-Run Cost DynamicsHelena Fornwagner, Oliver P. Hauser
2002Energy Economics: Vol. 24, Issue 4Welfare specifications and optimal control of climate change: an application of fundJohannes Diederich, Timo Goeschl
2002Environmental Economics and Policy Studies: Vol. 5, Issue 2Costs of greenhouse gas abatement: meta-analysis of post-SRES mitigation scenariosJung A Lee, Jinhyung Chon, Changwoo Ahn
2002The Energy Journal: Vol. 23, Issue 1Early Emission Reduction Programs: An Application to C02 PolicyIan W.H. Parry, Michael Toman
2001The Energy Journal: Vol. 22, Issue 3Uncertainties in Responding to Climate Change: On the Economic Value of Technology Policies for Reducing Costs and Creating OptionsRichard S.J. Tol
2001Ecological Economics: Vol. 36, Issue 1Equitable cost-benefit analysis of climate change policiesDemetrios Papathanasiou, Dennis Anderson
2000SSRN Electronic JournalEarly Emission Reduction Programs: An Application to CO2 PolicyMark A. Delucchi
2000SSRN Electronic Journal Climate Change PolicyLucas M Z Mendes, Georgina Santos
2000The Energy Journal: Vol. 21, Issue 1Coal or Nuclear in New Power Stations: The Political Economy of an Undesirable but Necessary ChoiceMichael D. Lepech


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