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2024Heliyon: Vol. 10, Issue 9Urbanization and renewable energy consumption in the emerging ASEAN markets: A comparison between short and long-run effectsDuc Hong Vo, Anh The Vo, Chi Minh Ho
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2017Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 71Urbanization, energy consumption and emissions in the Indian context A reviewSainu Franco, Venkata Ravibabu Mandla, K. Ram Mohan Rao
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2015Journal of Cleaner Production: Vol. 102Does urbanization lead to more direct and indirect household carbon dioxide emissions? Evidence from China during 1996–2012Yanmei Li, Rui Zhao, Tianshu Liu, Jianfeng Zhao
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2015Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 47The effect of urbanization, affluence and trade openness on energy consumption: A time series analysis in MalaysiaMuhammad Shahbaz, Nanthakumar Loganathan, Rashid Sbia, Talat Afza
2013OPEC Energy Review: Vol. 37, Issue 2Determinants of the dynamics of electricity consumption in NigeriaObinna Ubani
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2004Energy Economics: Vol. 26, Issue 2Residential electricity demand in TaiwanPernille Holtedahl, Frederick L. Joutz
1999Management and Labour Studies: Vol. 24, Issue 3The Integration of the Indian Oil Industry with the World Oil Market — A Macroeconomic Pricing AspectDebesh C Patra
1995OPEC Review: Vol. 19, Issue 1Domestic pricing of petroleum products in OPEC Member Countries – an overviewEnrique Paga, Fatih Birol


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