Cited By
2024Journal of Economic SurveysPerformance benchmarking for regulating electricity distribution: Insights from empirical academic researchPablo Arocena, Subal C. Kumbhakar, Gudbrand Lien
2022European Journal of Operational Research: Vol. 297, Issue 1Setting network tariffs with heterogeneous firms: The case of natural gas distributionTeresa Romano, Carlo Cambini, Elena Fumagalli, Laura Rondi
2022Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy: Vol. 44, Issue 4Measuring firms' dynamic inefficiency accounting for corporate social responsibility in the U.S. food and beverage manufacturing industryMagdalena Kapelko, Alfons Oude Lansink
2021Energy Economics: Vol. 96Network utilities performance and institutional quality: Evidence from the Italian electricity sectorGolnoush Soroush, Carlo Cambini, Tooraj Jamasb, Manuel Llorca
2019Journal of Econometrics: Vol. 213, Issue 2A new stochastic frontier model with cross-sectional effects in both noise and inefficiency termsLuis Orea, Inmaculada C. Álvarez
2018The Energy Journal: Vol. 39, Issue 5Impact of High-Powered Incentive Regulations on Efficiency and Productivity Growth of Norwegian Electricity UtilitiesLivingstone Senyonga, Olvar Bergland
2018The Energy Journal: Vol. 39, Issue 3A Spatial Stochastic Frontier Model with Omitted Variables: Electricity Distribution in NorwayLuis Orea, Inmaculada C. Alvarez, Tooraj Jamasb


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