Cited By
2024Expert SystemsData‐driven allocation of renewables quota among regional power industries under the policy of renewable electricity standardXiaohong Liu, Chengzhen Xu, Yinghao Pan, Xingchen Li, Qingyuan Zhu
2024Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: Vol. 121, Issue 25The spillover effect of mandatory renewable portfolio standardsShan Zhou, Barry D. Solomon, Marilyn A. Brown
2024The Energy JournalSpeeding Up Renewable Energy Integration with Invisible Hands: Ancillary Service Market and the COVID-19 Natural ExperimentHaoyang Li, Feng Song, Fang Xia
2023Energy: Vol. 264Analysis of the compound differential evolution game of new energy manufacturers’ two-stage market behavior under the weight of consumption responsibilityWanying Li, Fugui Dong, Zhengsen Ji, Meijuan Xia
2023WIREs Energy and Environment: Vol. 12, Issue 1Estimating the impacts of natural gas power generation growth on solar electricity development: PJM's evolving resource mix and ramping capabilityJoseph Nyangon, John Byrne
2022Journal of Environmental Management: Vol. 322Renewable portfolio standard: When does it play a positive role?Fanshuai Hu, Dequn Zhou, Qingyuan Zhu, Qunwei Wang
2022Energy Economics: Vol. 108Spatial merit order effects of renewables in the Italian power exchangeRita De Siano, Alessandro Sapio
2022American Journal of Agricultural Economics: Vol. 104, Issue 2Interstate protectionism: the case of solar renewable energy creditsJed J. Cohen, Levan Elbakidze, Randall Jackson
2022Energy: Vol. 238Impact of wind-hydro dynamics on electricity price: A seasonal spatial econometric analysisLe Wen, Kiti Suomalainen, Basil Sharp, Ming Yi, Mingyue Selena Sheng
2021Energy Policy: Vol. 148North American natural gas market and infrastructure developments under different mechanisms of renewable policy coordinationCharalampos Avraam, John E.T. Bistline, Maxwell Brown, Kathleen Vaillancourt, Sauleh Siddiqui
2020Journal of Environmental Planning and Management: Vol. 63, Issue 4The regional heterogeneity of wind power deployment: an empirical investigation of land-use policies in Germany and SwedenThomas Lauf, Kristina Ek, Erik Gawel, Paul Lehmann, Patrik Söderholm
2020Energy Policy: Vol. 145Electric sector impacts of renewable policy coordination: A multi-model study of the North American energy systemJohn E.T. Bistline, Maxwell Brown, Sauleh A. Siddiqui, Kathleen Vaillancourt
2020The Energy Journal: Vol. 41, Issue 2Spatial Effects of Wind Generation and Its Implication for Wind Farm Investment Decisions in New ZealandLe Wen, Basil Sharp, Erwann Sbai
2020Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 123Preventing early lock-in with technology-specific policy designs: The Renewable Portfolio Standards and diversity in renewable energy technologiesJung Eun Kim, Tian Tang
2019Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Vol. 106The economic geography of variable renewable energy and impacts of trade formulations for renewable mandatesJohn Bistline, Nidhi Santen, David Young
2019SSRN Electronic Journal Coherent Estimations for Residential Photovoltaic Uptake in Germany Including Spatial Spillover EffectsJan Paul Baginski, Christoph Weber
2018Journal of Cleaner Production: Vol. 192Renewable energy and politics: A systematic review and new evidenceTiago Neves Sequeira, Marcelo Serra Santos
2018Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy: Vol. 10, Issue 5Will the tradable green certifications and renewable portfolio standard policy work well in China: A recursive CGE analysisWei Li, Liguo Liu, Shu Zhang, Hongzhi Zhang


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