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2024Discover Sustainability: Vol. 5, Issue 1Nexus between natural resource endowments and economic growth in selected African countriesMeshesha Zewdie Amare, Wondaferahu Mulugeta, Malebo Mencha
2024Journal of Economic Criminology: Vol. 5Re-examining the curse of natural resources in SSA: New evidence from disaggregated natural resources and types of corruptionItchoko Motande Mwa Ndjokou Mondjeli, Pierre Christian Tsopmo, Martin Messy Ambassa
2024Social Sciences & Humanities Open: Vol. 9A Stakeholder’s perspective of petroleum revenue management after a decade of upstream exploration and production activities in GhanaShafic Suleman, Godfred Kwaku Ennin
2023Ecological Economics: Vol. 204The energy transition and export diversification in oil-dependent countries: The role of structural factorsFatih Karanfil, Luc Désiré Omgba
2022International Journal of Finance & Economics: Vol. 27, Issue 1FDI inflows and economic growth in Arab region: The institutional quality channelOmar G. Aziz
2022Mineral Economics: Vol. 35, Issue 2Relationship of iron ore price with other major commodity pricesYoochan Kim, Apurna Ghosh, Erkan Topal, Ping Chang
2021Energy Policy: Vol. 158Do high human capital and strong institutions make oil-rich developing countries immune to the oil curse?Karim Eslamloueyan, Mahbubeh Jafari
2020Review of Middle East Economics and Finance: Vol. 0, Issue 0Does Bank Profitability Stimulate Economic Growth in the Arab Region?Omar Ghazy Aziz
2019Energy Policy: Vol. 133The green paradox and budgetary institutionsSarah Najm
2019The Energy Journal: Vol. 40, Issue 2_supplDrilling Down: The Impact of Oil Price Shocks on Housing PricesValerie Grossman, Enrique Martínez-García, Luis Bernardo Torres, Yongzhi Sunc
2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series: Vol. 1265, Issue 1A panel data analysis of tourism and economic development in Southeast Asian countriesK Yunitaningtyas, A M Yolanda, Indahwati
2017Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi: Vol. 35, Issue 4EKONOMİK BÜYÜME MODELLERİNDE ÇEVRE: EKOLOJİK AYAK İZİNİ ESAS ALAN BİR UYGULAMARecep ULUCAK, Ekrem ERDEM


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