Energy Forum

Special Issue 2018
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"Presidents Message"
"The Critical Role of Economic Assumptions in Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Power Plant CO2 Capture and Storage"
by Chuan Zhang, Alessandro Romagnoli, Markus Kraft
"Will Russian Natural Gas Long-term Contract Prices Remain Oil Price Determined after the End of Oil-indexation?"
by Péter Kaderják, Péter Kotek, Alfa Diallo
"Innovation Policy for the Oil Industry in Brazil: an Analysis in the Light of New Technological Trends"
by Helder Pinto Jr. Edmar de Almeida and William Clavijo
"Merchant Storage Investment in a Restructured Electricity Industry"
by Afzal S. Siddiqui, Ramteen Sioshansi, Antonio J. Conejo
"To Pool or not To Pool? A Level Playing Field for Distributed Energy Resources in European Balancing Markets "
by Ksenia Poplavskaya and Laurens de Vries
"A Measure of Market Power in the German Electricity Market"
by Carlo Andrea Bollino, Lars Dittman and Georg Erdmann
"ElecXit: The Impact of Barriers to Electricity Trade after Brexit"
by Joachim Geske, Richard Green , Iain Staffell
"Investment in Zero Carbon Technologies under Uncertainty about Future Climate Policy: Should Governments Target CCS Instead of Renewables?"
by Simen Gaure, Rolf Golombek, Mads Greaker And Knut Einar Rosendahl
"Credit Constraints, Energy Management Practices, and Investments in Energy Saving Technologies: German Manufacturing in Close-up"
by Andreas Löschel, Benjamin J. Lutz, and Philipp Massier
"Measuring Underlying Energy Efficiency in the GCC Region"
by Shahad Alarenan, Anwar Gasim, Lester Hunt, and Abdel Rahman Muhsen
"Load Shifting Behavior Under Dynamic Electricity Pricing and The Role of Information Feedback"
by Yeonseo Kim, Soyong Yoo, and Jiyong Eom
"The Impacts of Massive Adoption of Distributed Photovoltaic Systems in Mexican Households: A Simulation Approach"
by Pedro Hancevic, Héctor M. Núñez, Juan Rosellón
"Capacity vs Energy Subsidies for Renewables: Benefits and Costs for the 2030 EU Power Market"
by Özge Özdemir, Benjamin F. Hobbs, Marit van Hout, Paul Koutstaal
"Strategic Trading and Hedging in Sequential Electricity Markets with Increasing Renewable Energy"
by Derck Koolen, Ronald Huisman and Wolfgang Ketter
"Stranded Generation Assets and the Future Implications for the European Gas Network"
by Conor Hickey, Paul Deane, Celine McInerney, and Brian Ó Gallachóir
"Cost Estimates and Economics of Nuclear Power Plant Newbuild: Literature Survey and Some Modeling Analysis"
by Ben Wealer, Claudia Kemfert, Clemens Gerbaulet, and Christian von Hirschhausen
"A Supra-National TSO to Achieve Offshore Meshed Grids Infrastructure in the Baltic Sea: A Legal-Regulatory Point of View "
by Claire Bergaentzlé, Kanerva Sunila, Bénédicte Martin and Ari Ekroos
"Evaluation of the Role of National and Local Authorities in Electric Vehicle Promotion Systems"
by Povilas Mačiuli, Inga Konstantinavičiūtė and Vaida Pilinkienė
"Can Transport Policies Contribute to the Mitigation Potential and Cost of Stringent Climate Change Targets?"
by Runsen Zhang, Shinichiro Fujimori and Tatsuya Hanaoka
"VIP Interviews"
by n/a

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