Association Webinars: Modelling the European energy system of the future under extreme technological, regulatory and societal developments



In eXtremOS, we developed pictures of the future European energy system. Using our holistic European energy system model, we mapped the coupling of European electricity markets and scenarios until 2050. What will the energy system of the future look like if we aim for approximate greenhouse gas neutrality in 2050, or if we fail to achieve climate targets? Starting from potential future scenarios such as these, our model landscape lets us tackle questions regarding the state of the European energy system in 2050. In this webinar, we will focus on the presentation of these models – how they work, what data they need and where their limitations lie. Since they will be used and further developed in the forthcoming energy system analyses in our current hydrogen research project TransHyDE-Sys, we are looking forward to discussing them with the international audience.

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Dr. Michael Bucksteeg is member of the board and CFO of the German Affiliate of the IAEE. He has a background in energy economics and is working as senior researcher at the Chair for Management Sciences and Energy Economics at the University of Duisburg-Essen since 2019. He has a broad experience in regulation and power market design and worked for the German Transmission System Operator Amprion GmbH from 2015-2018. In his doctoral thesis he studied the impact of high shares of variable renewable energy sources on selected market design elements. His research interests are in the field of model-based analysis of policy instruments and heterogeneity in energy system modelling. He has participated in international projects both in industry and research and coordinated several projects.


Andrej Guminski graduated from the Technical University of Munich in 2016 with a Master of Science degree in technology and management-oriented business administration. His master thesis on "Developing a Merit-Order of Electrification for the German Energy System" received the Best Thesis Award of the GEE. In 2016, he became a research associate at FfE GmbH and has been working on his PhD on "CO2 mitigation in the European industrial sector" since 2018. He submitted his dissertation in August 2021. He has led and worked on a number of research and consulting projects with a focus on greenhouse gas mitigation in industry, electrification, load flexibility, and green fuels. Internationally, he regularly represents FfE in expert groups of the International Energy Agency on the topics of industrial electrification, system integration of wind power and circular carbon. Since 2021, he is part of the management board of the FfE GmbH.

Stephan Kigle completed his master's degree in physics at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich and has since been working at the FfE e.V. There, as a research associate, he coordinates the field of energy system modeling and conducts research on the transformation pathways of the European energy system in order to achieve the climate protection goals. In addition to his research activities at FfE, Stephan assumed from 2019 to 2020 a lectureship at the University of Bavarian Economy (HDBW) on the topic of "Sustainability aspects in the energy industry". Since 2021, he is also the FfE deputy project manager in TransHyDE, one of the lead hydrogen projects of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Timo Kern studied Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Engineering at RWTH Aachen University and joined FfE GmbH in 2016. His focus is on energy system modeling, short-term electricity markets and the gas market. Since 2019 he is conducting his PhD at FfE on the “Added value of bidirectional electric vehicles from the perspective of actors and systems”.

Tobias Hübner is a research associate at FfE GmbH. There, he is involved in projects on renewable fuels (e.g. hydrogen), industrial transformation pathways and the energy-relevant gas infrastructure. At the Technical University of Munich, Tobias is also working on his dissertation with the working title "Modeling and Analysis of Industrial Transformation Pathways". As project manager at FfE GmbH, he is responsible for the hydrogen lead project "TransHyDE-Sys by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Likewise, Tobias is significantly involved in renowned projects such as the "Energy Turnaround in Industry" of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the Copernicus projects "SynErgie" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Michael Ebner studied Geography and Geoinformatics in Heidelberg, Germany, before moving to Munich in 2018 to join the geodata-team at FfE e.V. There, he carries out spatial analyses in energy research with a focus on wind and solar power from regional to global levels, works on power grid models and maintains the geo-database of the FfE with some colleagues. Since 2021, he is project manager of TransHyDE-Sys at FfE, a four-year research project on transport options of hydrogen and its integration into the energy system. TransHyDE is one of the lead hydrogen projects of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Timo Limmer has been a research associate at FfE e.V. since 2019. He studied "Geomatics" in the master's program at the Munich University of Applied Sciences. At FfE, he is involved in the processing and preparation of data, and in particular, geodata. He also focuses on open data and scientific communication.

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Event Date: January 18, 2022

Event Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Eastern Time

Topic: eXtremOS: Modelling the European energy system of the future under extreme technological, regulatory and societal developments

Moderator: Dr. Michael Bucksteeg

Price: FREE

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