Marcel Boiteux International Award

The 'Marcel Boiteux Best International Energy Economics Book Award' is named in recognition of Marcel Boiteux's contribution to fundamental energy economics theory and its application. This Award was created during the IAEE Council chaired by Yukari Yamashita in 2020.

Awarded since 2021 to an individual who has written an outstanding book contributing to the field of energy economics and its literature. Books reviewed in both the Energy Journal and the Economcis of Energy & Environmental Policy are solely considered for this award. The author must be living to receive the award.

Marcel Boiteux, born in May 1922, had a very rich career. He wrote over 50 scientific articles and created two key pieces of modern energy economics: marginal pricing for peaks; second-best pricing for natural monopolies. Boiteux interacted deeply with the best economists of his time, and was the research assistant of Maurice Allais (Nobel Laureate 1988) and roommate of Gerard Debreu (Nobel Laureate 1983). He was also well connected to the international economists' community.

Marcel Boiteux himself applied his new theories, and became Director for Economics at French utility EDF in 1958, then deputy Director General, DG, and President from 1967 to 1987. His theories are the basis for ticket pricing for airlines, AiRbnb, Uber, and others.

Marcel Boiteux has been a member of the French Academy since 1992. He has been President of the Econometric Society, and is Honoris Causa at the University of Yale.

Only books reviewed in both the Energy Journal and the Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy are considered for this award. The author must be living to receive the award.

This award is typically given at an IAEE International Conference and the winner is asked to address the audience with a few brief remarks, sometimes anecdotal, of no more than 5 minutes. The presentation of this award is usually given by the Vice President of Publications or, failing that, the President of IAEE.

China as a Global Clean Energy Champion: Lifting the Veil by Philip Andrews-Speed and Sufang Zhang
Crude Volatility: The History and the Future of Boom-Bust Oil Prices by Robert McNally
Imperfect Markets and Imperfect Regulation. An Introduction to the Microeconomics and Political Economy of Power Markets by Thomas-Olivier Léautier
Planetary Economics. Energy, Climate Change and the Three Domains of Sustainable Development by Michael Grubb with Jean-Charles Hourcade and Karsten Neuhoff

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