AU  - Brigitte Knopf
AU  - Ottmar Edenhofer
AU  - Christian Flachsland
AU  - Marcel T. J. Kok
AU  - Hermann Lotze-Campen
AU  - Gunnar Luderer
AU  - Alexander Popp
AU  - Detlef P. van Vuuren
PY  - 2010///
TI  - Managing the Low-Carbon Transition - From Model Results to Policies
JO  - The Energy Journal
VL  - Volume 31
DO  - 10.5547/ISSN0195-6574-EJ-Vol31-NoSI-9
IS  - SI
SP  - 223
EP  - 245
KW  - Climate policy
KW  - Low GHG stabilization
KW  - Cooperation
KW  - Technology policies
KW  - Managing low carbon transition
KW  - Regulation
SN  - 1944-9089
UR  - http://www.iaee.org/en/publications/ejarticle.aspx?id=2374