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Coal Transportation System Modeling-The Case of Taiwan: A Comment

R. K. Pachauri, Chia-Yon Chen, and Leena Srivastava

Year: 1985
Volume: Volume 6
Number: Number 3
DOI: 10.5547/ISSN0195-6574-EJ-Vol6-No3-9
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In his recent Energy Journal article, G. H. Tzeng emphasizes on the transportation aspects of increased coal use in Taiwan. He does not, however, offer much detail on the economic basis for the switch in National Energy Policy from imported oil to coal. While such a switch confirms that the exercise of rational fuel mix choices has found its due place in Taiwan, it seems appropriate to examine the efficiency of such a switch and its implications, especially for import balances. The new Taiwan energy policy Tzeng describes would increase coal consumption from 7.8 million tons (MT) in 1982 to 43.4 MT over the period ending in 2001. Ninety percent of this requirement would be imported. Of this, more than half would go to the electric power industry (23.8 MT by 2001). The total growth in coal consumption projected by Tzeng for this period amounts to 456 percent in 19 years.

A Structural Decomposition Analysis of Changes in Energy Demand in Taiwan: 1971-1984

Chia-Yon Chen and Adam Rose

Year: 1990
Volume: Volume 11
Number: Number 1
DOI: 10.5547/ISSN0195-6574-EJ-Vol11-No1-11
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Taiwan represents an interesting case study of a nation that has been able to adapt to the energy crisis remarkably well, registering sustained economic growth despite increased oil import expenditures. Certain characteristics of Taiwan's economy set it apart from a number of other developing countries. First, Taiwan's economy is very closely inter-linked with international markets. It is a major exporter of goods, and it has had to rely heavily on imports of energy since its indigenous energy resources are so meager. Second, the nation has had an unusually high rate of growth over the past 30 years. For example, Taiwan's GNP grew at an average rate of 9.1 percent per year during the period 1952-1980, as opposed to growth rates of generally below 5 percent experienced by many other LDCs during that period.

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