Cited By
2025Applied Energy: Vol. 382Network Operation Constraints on the Path to Net ZeroDaniel Davi-Arderius, Tooraj Jamasb, Juan Rosellon
2024Sustainability Nexus Forum: Vol. 31, Issue 1-4Closing the supply-side gap: using a novel vulnerability index to identify the right policy mix for coal producing countriesPaola Andrea Yanguas Parra
2024Energy Strategy Reviews: Vol. 54The REPowerEU policy’s impact on the Nordic power systemSiri Mathisen, Marianne Zeyringer, Kristina Haaskjold, Konstantin Löffler, Érika Mata, Akram Sandvall, Kristoffer Steen Andersen, Oskar Vågerö, Ove Wolfgang
2023Energy Research & Social Science: Vol. 97A collective blueprint, not a crystal ball: How expectations and participation shape long-term energy scenariosLeonard Göke, Jens Weibezahn, Christian von Hirschhausen
2023Energy Research & Social Science: Vol. 98Analysing intersections of justice with energy transitions in India - A systematic literature reviewStuti Haldar, Ananya Peddibhotla, Amir Bazaz
2022IEEE Access: Vol. 10Review on 100% Renewable Energy System Analyses—A Bibliometric PerspectiveSiavash Khalili, Christian Breyer
2021Energies: Vol. 14, Issue 23How to Reach the New Green Deal Targets: Analysing the Necessary Burden Sharing within the EU Using a Multi-Model ApproachFelix Kattelmann, Jonathan Siegle, Roland Cunha Montenegro, Vera Sehn, Markus Blesl, Ulrich Fahl
2021Applied Energy: Vol. 298Analyzing the necessity of hydrogen imports for net-zero emission scenarios in JapanThorsten Burandt
2021Intereconomics: Vol. 56, Issue 1A Real Chance for the Transatlantic Partnership on Climate PolicyClaudia Kemfert
2021AIMS Energy: Vol. 9, Issue 4The limits of renewable energyPatrick Moriarty, Damon Honnery
2020Energies: Vol. 13, Issue 18The Role of Electrification in the Decarbonization of Central-Western EuropeGauthier de Maere d’Aertrycke, Yves Smeers, Hugues de Peufeilhoux, Pierre-Laurent Lucille
2020e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik: Vol. 137, Issue 7Development and modelling of different decarbonization scenarios of the European energy system until 2050 as a contribution to achieving the ambitious 1.5 ∘C climate target—establishment of open source/data modelling in the European H2020 project openENTRANCEHans Auer, Pedro Crespo del Granado, Pao-Yu Oei, Karlo Hainsch, Konstantin Löffler, Thorsten Burandt, Daniel Huppmann, Ingeborg Grabaak
2020Energy: Vol. 196Coal phase-out in Germany – Implications and policies for affected regionsPao-Yu Oei, Hauke Hermann, Philipp Herpich, Oliver Holtemöller, Benjamin Lünenbürger, Christoph Schult


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