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Sustainable Energy Policy and Strategies for Europe

Rome, Italy
October 28-31, 2014

Plenary Session
Africa energy outlook: a focus on enrgy prospects in sub-Saharan Africa.

Laura Cozzi

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Plenary Session
Challenges for a renewable support system using the example of Austria

Martin Graf

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Renewables

Plenary Session
Climate scenarios and policy in Europe.

Carlo Carraro

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Plenary Session
Energy challenge in the industrial sectors.

Giovanni Tagliabue

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Plenary Session
Energy challenge in the industrial sectors.

Paola Garrone

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Plenary Session
Energy challenges in the industrial sectors

Aldo Chiarini

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Plenary Session
Energy costs and competitiveness.

Linda DuCharme

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Plenary Session
Energy efficiency market.

Peter Bach

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Plenary Session
Energy geopolitics and market developments (shale gas & LNG)

Kostas Andriosopoulos

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Transportation

Plenary Session
Energy Roadmap

Andrea Ricci

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Transportation

Plenary Session
Energy Roadmap

Richard S.J. Tol

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Transportation

Plenary Session
Environmental challenges in Europe.

David Newbery

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Plenary Session
EU regulation of power market: fair… or repair?

Jean-Michel Glachant

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Electricity

Plenary Session
European energy roadmap 2050: EU electricity challenges.

Georg Erdmann, Markus Graebig

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Plenary Session
International Association for Energy Economics: Overview

Wumi Iledare

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Transportation

Plenary Session
New Horizons for RES development in the EU.

Carlo Andrea Bollino

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Renewables

Plenary Session
Regulating the changes of energy sector.

Alberto Biancardi

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Plenary Session
Regulation of energy markets.

Matteo Del Fante

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Electricity

Plenary Session
Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) Caspian Gas to Europe Caspian Strategy Institute.

Efgan Niftiyev

Purchase Presentation 

Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Impact of climate change and electricity market liberalization on hydropower plants with reservoir.

Ludovic Gaudard

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Self generation and payment for service reliability in Nigeria.

Musiliu O. Oseni

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Fossil fuel subsidies as a lose-lose: fiscal and environmental burdens in Turkey.

Sevil Acar, Sarah Challe, Stamatios Christopoulos, Giovanna Christo

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Oil and unemployment in a new-Keynesian Model.

Veronica Acurio Vasconez

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Energy efficiency saving, rebound effects and the impact of energy policy instruments: evidence from EU countries.

Morakinyo Adetutu, Anthony Glass, Thomas Weyman-Jones

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Battery vs hybrids? Future perspectives of electric vehicles.

Amela Ajanovic

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
An analysis on price formation in Turkish electricity market.

Volkan Alacam, Mustafa Gozen

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Euro-Mediterranean cooperation on renewable energy finance.

Isabella Alloisio

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Impact of unconventional gas prices on GCC economy; petrochemical industry.

Meshal Al-Samhan, Jamal Al-Fadli, Meshal Al-Ghanim

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Energy Specializations: Nuclear Power

Concurrent Session
Barriers to households investment in energy efficiency and renewables – evidence from the OECD survey on household environmental behaviour and attitudes.

Nadia Ameli, Nicola Brandt

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
A top-down scenario quantification methodology for electricity highways at 2050.

Thomas Anderski, Brahim Betraoui, Athanase Vaféas, Tiziana Pagano, Mihai Paun, Yvonne Surmann, Gerald Sanchis, Nathalie Grisey

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Socioeconomic impact of the renewables: the effect on the regional structuring.

Alfonso Aranda Uson, Eva Llera Satresa, Sabina Scarpellini, Miguel Marco-Fondevila, Juan Aranda

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Energy access: feeding of isolated areas with no local energy resources.

Antonio Ardito, Alessandro Clerici

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Sustainable growth with renewable and fossil fuels energy sources: a DSGE approach.

Amedeo Argentiero, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Silvia Micheli

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
The effect of financial incentives in promoting wind energy in Turkey.

Yildiz Arikan, Sinan Asal

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Testing the international crude oil market integration with structural breaks.

Kentaka Aruga

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Carbon footprint and the drivers of CO2 emissions in Africa.

Emmanuel Asane-Otoo

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Oil price shocks and the effect on the price of other commodities.

Frank Asche, Roy Endré Dahl

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Model based analysis of a massive development of electric vehicle in the Paris Ile de France region.

Edi Assoumou, Jérôme Houel, Jean-Paul Marmorat

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
A regional demand forecasting study for transportation fuels in Turkey.

Özlem Atalay, Gürkan Kumbaroglu

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Normalizing residential and commercial energy demand for climatic conditions.

Tarek Atallah, Alessandro Lanza, Silvio Gualdi

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
On the link between using low carbon fuels and energy efficiency improvements for attaining greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals.

Ofira Ayalon, Miriam Lev-On, Perry P. Lev-On

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Information feedback effects in retail electricity markets.

Rimvydas Baltaduonis, Julie Weisz

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Carbon pricing and distributional effects on firms: a methodological survey.

Rossella Bardazzi, Maria Grazia Pazienza

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Operational costs of the Spanish electricity system: a demand or supply effect?

Joan Batalla-Bejerano, Elisa Trujillo Baute

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
A range based MAMCA: a way to incorporate uncertainty in the participatory decision process.

Gino Baudry, Cathy Macharis, Thomas Vallée

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Business model innovation in the oil & gas industry.

Veronika Bauer, Nina Hampl, Sebastian Schröer, Wolfgang Sachsenhofer

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Macroeconomic impacts of regional climate change adaptation strategies.

Robert Beestermoller, Ulrich Fahl

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Probabilistic welfare analysis for system adequacy analytical insights.

Julia Bellenbaum, Christoph Weber

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Smart grid and demand response: a generators-centered approach in the current European context.

Claire Bergaentzlé

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Transparency and bidding behavior in electricity wholesale markets.

Olvar Bergland, Angelica Gianfreda

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Flexible and integrated: photovoltaic investment evaluation in a Smart Grid environment.

Marina Bertolini, Michele Moretto

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Mitigating the climate action GAP with technology policies.

Christoph Bertram, Gunnar Luderer, Robert Pietzcker, Elmar Kriegler, Ottmar Edenhofer

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The Up- and Downside of Hiding Information – zonal vs nodal pricing in electricity markets.

Joachim Bertsch

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Participatory decision support for power systems planning: empirical findings from a case study in the context of the German energy transition.

Valentin Bertsch, Viktor Slednev, Wolf Fichtner

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
How to support energy efficiency – an experimental investigation of individual preferences.

Gregor Beyer, Roland Menges

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Effect of dynamic electricity transmission tariffs on investment allocation.

Ilya Bilibin, Jürgen Sachau

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Integrated power transmission and generation expansion planning – a model formulation for Germany in 2033.

Andreas Bloess, Clemens Gerbaulet

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Evaluating the energy savings effects of a utility DSM program using a difference-in-difference coarsened exact matching approach.

Richard Boampong

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
The impact of support schemes applied for electricity produced from renewable energy sources on electricity prices in the Baltic States.

Viktorija Bobinaite

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The impact of the policy mix for renewable power generation technologies on invention: a patent analysis for Germany.

Paul Boedeker, Karoline Rogge

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Promoting renewable energies in the Mena region: regulatory developments and possible interactions with future eu support schemes for RES-E.

Inga Boie, Mario Ragwitz, Simone Steinhilber

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Energy consumption and efficiency in the EU stock of shopping malls.

Raphael Bointner, Agne Toleikyte

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Increased electricity demand flexibility enabled by smart grid: impacts on prices, security of supply and revenues in Northern Europe.

Torjus Folsland Bolkesjø Iliana Ilieva, Åsa Grytli Tveten

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Optimal design for hourly electricity price in the Italian Market. Preliminary results.

Carlo Andrea Bollino e Simona Bigerna

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Effects of energy prices on economic growth.

Kwanruetai Boonyasana

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Energy security indicators: are they helpful in assessing policies addressing energy security?

Markus Bortolamedi, Christoph Böhringer

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Modelling the flex-offer as a commodity.

Luis Boscan, Peter Bogetoft, Peter Møllgaard

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Integration of offshore wind energy into the grid system in Germany- modeling of a market oriented prevision.

Yassin Bouyraaman, Jörg Bendfeld, Stefan Krauter

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Large-scale land acquisitions in Africa. Exploring players, roles and responsibilities.

Stefania Bracco

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Economics for flexible consumers in balancing markets.

Christine Brandstaett

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Reaping the carbon rent: abatement and overallocation profits in the European cement industry, insights from an LMDI decomposition.

Frederic Branger, Philippe Quirion

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Why is spot carbon so cheap and future carbon so dear? The term structure of carbon prices.

Don Bredin, John Parsons

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Energy Specializations: Coal

Concurrent Session
Is policy mix consistency a necessary but not sufficient condition for technological change in renewable power generation technologies?

Barbara Breitschopf

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Investigating the degrowth paradigm through prospective modeling: the case of France.

François Briens, Nadia Maïzi

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Regulatory barriers to energy storage technologies.

Tom Brijs, Cedric De Jonghe, Ronnie Belmans

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Flexibility in competitive electricity markets.

Christoph Brunner

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Reach a 20% CO2-reduction at no extra costs with a cost-minimizing investment and dispatch model to cover the combined electricity and heat demand for the region of Vienna.

Richard Buechele, Reinhard Haas, Michael Hartner

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Could a real level-playing field in middle European electricity markets by a full internalization of environmental costs trigger the required energy transition?

Heimo Buerbaumer, Herbert Tretter, Martin Baumann, Gregor Thenius, Gunda Kirchner

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Cost/benefit analysis of further expansion of the Austrian transmission grid to enable further res-e integration.

Bettina Burgholzer

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Can renewable energy energise remote Australian communities?

Liam Byrnes, Colin Brown, Liam Wagner, John Foster

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
What are the costs and benefits associated to Renewable Energies deployment in Spain? Evidence for the period 2005-2010.

Natalia Caldés Gomez, Cristina de la Rúa Lope, Helena Cabal, Yolanda Lechón, Elena López Bernabè, Marta Santamaría Inés López Dorica.

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Environmental impacts of the French final consumption.

Gael Callonnec, Laurent Meunier, Frédéric Gilbert, Eric Vidalenc

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
A carbon Kuznets curve with oil prices: the Spanish case.

Manuel Cantavella-Jordá, Jacint Balaguer

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Working progress of Italian position in to framework of set plan.

Marcello Capra, Riccardo Basosi, Romano Giglioli

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The renewable vs. non-renewable electricity and industrial production nexus in Greece: an ARDL approach.

António Cardoso Marques, José Alberto Fuinhas, Angeliki N. Menegaki

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Second raw materials: packaging recovery.

Davide Carminati

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Banning non-conventional oil extraction: would a unilateral move of the EU really work?

Samuel Carrara, Emanuele Massetti

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Energy Specializations: Nuclear Power

Concurrent Session
An unorthodox way of reducing public debt burden: the potential role of renewable energy.

Laura Castellucci, D'Amato Alessio, Diluiso Francesca

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Microgrids and pricing of electricity.

F. Cigdem Celik

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Risk management and portfolio optimization for gas-and coal-fired power plants in Germany: a multivariate garch approach.

Georgios Charalampous, Reinhard Madlener

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Measuring the impact of existing environmental regulations and fiscal legislations on the European road transport demand: a dynamic panel data econometric analysis.

Benoît Cheze, Pascal Gastineau

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Land-use competition between energy and food – the case of climate change mitigation Ireland.

Alessandro Chiodi, James Breen, Trevor Donnellan, Maurizio Gargiulo, Paul Deane, Brian Ó Gallachóir

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Energy efficiency and the rebound: estimating income and substitution effects.

Mona Chitnis, Steve Sorrell, Angela Druckman

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The role of independent regulation in the relationship of power tariff and election.

Sung Bong Cho, Changsuh Park, Bora Nam

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The value of better wind information.

Michail Chronopoulos, Gunnar S. Eskeland

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
The Future of Natural Gas in Ukraine: implications for Europe’s security of gas supply.

Chi Kong Chyong

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Adaptation to climate change and US residential energy use – does adaptation reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

Francois Cohen, Matthieu Glachant, Magnus Soderberg

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Carbon tax, pensions and public deficits: the hidden cost of the compartmentalization of expertise.

Emmanuel Combet, Jean Charles Hourcade

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
A functional efficiency index of energy futures markets.

Meliyara Consuegra, Javier García-Verdugo

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Seller density and retail prices: empirical evidence from the Spanish automotive fuel market.

Ignacio Contín-Pilart, Alejandro Bello, Pablo Arocena

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Problems connected to the integration of non-programmable RES into the power system: the EU and the Italian case.

Bruno Cova, Sandro Clerici

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Understanding the evolution of global energy use.

Zsuzsanna Csereklyei, David. I. Stern

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Economic development and pollution leakage.

Cui Cathy Xin, Kim Swales, Karen Turner

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Calculation of the maximum commercial border capacity in interconnected gas networks.

Chris Cuijpers, Andreas Tirez

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Estimating fluctuations in oil and gas investments.

Roy Endre Dahl, Petter Osmundsen

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
The role for Power-to-Gas in future energy systems: a model-based assessment for the Netherlands.

Jeroen De Joode

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Assessment of the magnitude and location of socio-economic benefits of Spanish biofuel production.

Cristina De La Rua, Natalia Caldés, Yolanda Lechón

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
The role of curtailment in dealing with the variability of renewables.

Erik Delarue

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Dynamic I/O and NAMEA matrices: a tool to assess the overall effects of European programmes.

Roberto Del Ciello, Cecilia Camporeale, Maria Velardi, Giovanni Galli, Biagio Quattrocchi

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Development and assessment of mitigation climate change policy portfolios for Estonia.

Nadežda Dementjeva, Popi Konidari, Anna Flessa

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Explanatory factors of extreme pricing days on the Hungarian Power Exchange (HUPX) day-ahead market.

Barnabás Máté Derekas

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Variable Renewable Energies and storage development in long term energy modeling tools.

Jacques Despres, Nouredine Hadjsaid, Patrick Criqui, Silvana Mima Isabelle Noirot

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Generation adequacy outlook in a bipolar electricity system. Electricity supply security assessment for Belgium up to 2050.

Danielle Devogelaer, Dominique Gusbin

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Negative electricity market prices in Central-Western Europe.

Kristof De Vos

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Modeling and forecasting the short run electricity demand: a comparison of econometric methods for EU and Latam countries.

Claudio Dicembrino, Giovanni Trovato

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Energy manager as an obligation for large end users: the Italian experience.

Dario Di Santo, Giuseppe Tomassetti, Francesco Belcastro, Enrico Biele, Stefano D’ambrosio

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Territorial open data to support seap development.

Fabio Disconzi, Arturo Lorenzoni

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Benefits of incorporating non-energy and non-CO2 processes into energy systems models.

Paul Dodds, Hannah Daly, Birgit Fais

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Energy consumption and poverty reduction in Africa.

Ute Dubois

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Climate policy analysis with sectoral targets for the steel sector.

Vicky Duscha, Everett Peterson, Joachim Schleich, Katja Schumacher

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Two price zones in the German electricity market – distributional effects of regional price signals.

Jonas Egerer, Jens Weibezahn, Hauke Hermann

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Enhancing cost-efficiency of residential battery systems (RBS) in conjunction with PV, micro-CHP and balancing power provision.

Anselm Eicke, Heiko Birkholz, Markus Graebig, André Huschke

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Peak-load pricing with different types of dispatchability.

Klaus Eisenack, Linda Neubauer

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Petroleum taxation and investment behaviour.

Magne Emhjellen, Thore Johnsen, Christian Riis, Alexander Kemp, Petter Osmundsen

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
About business model specifications of a smart charging manager to integrate electric vehicles into the German electricity market.

Alex Ensslen, Philipp Ringler, Patrick Jochem, Dogan Keles, Wolf Fichtner

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Abuse of dominance in vertically disintegrated gas markets.

Heloisa Borges Bastos Esteves

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Assessment of levelized economics of fossil-fuel-based polygeneration energy systems.

Karim Farhat, Stefan Reichelstein

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Techno-economic modeling and analysis of cogeneration units in France.

Arash Farnoosh, Frédéric Lantz

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Managing investor and consumer exposure to electricity market price risk through: feed in tariff design.

Niall Farrell, Mel Devine, William Lee

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Europe, Ukraine and Russian gas: could the crisis in Ukraine threaten the security of Europe's energy supply?

Jean-Pierre Favennec

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Solar photovoltaics in Brazil: adressing the chasm preventing the deployment of its DG generation.

Clarice Ferraz

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
The renewables influence on market splitting: the Iberian spot electricity market.

Nuno Figueiredo, Patrícia Pereira da Silva, Pedro Cerqueira

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Underlying “energy efficiency” in the US residential sector and potential CO2 savings.

Massimo Filippini, Anna Alberini

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Investment planning and optimization of urban and rural hybrid energy systems.

Andreas Fleischhacker

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Intra-sectoral efficiency gains vs delocalization: a decomposition analysis of global energy intensity between 2001 and 2007.

Silvia Forin, Jan Christoph Steckel, Alexander Radebach, Hauke Schult

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Evaluating investments for existing district heating networks depending on the development of buildings’ heating demand applying robust optimization.

Sara Fritz

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
From fuel taxation to efficiency standards: a wrong turn in European climate protection?

Manuel Frondel, Colin Vance

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
A study of the actual conditions of renewable energy use in Japanese municipalities.

Kohei Fujii, Hidetoshi Yamashita, Shinichiro Okushima

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
The effect of fluctuations in natural gas prices on competition in oligopolistic electricity markets.

Nurit Gal Irena Milstein, Asher Tishler, C.K. Woo

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
How do capacity markets affect demand flexibility: welfare effects of dynamic capacity pricing in the presence of high shares of fluctuating renewable resources.

Christian Gambardella, Michael Pahle, Wolf-Peter Schill

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Modelling macroeconomic impacts of carbon constrained energy system using Irish-times MSA.

Maurizio Gargiulo, James Glynn, Brian Ó’Gallachóir

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Balancing forecast errors in continuous-trade intraday markets.

Ernesto Garnier, Reinhard Madlener

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Impact of the flexibility in the international carbon credits market on the European allowances price.

Claire Gavard, Djamel Kirat

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Life cycle assessment of waste to energy plant with and without carbon dioxide capture technology.

Antonio Geracitano

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Cost-minimal investments into generation capacities in Europe given a Europe-wide renewables policy.

Clemens Gerbaulet, Casimir Lorenz, Friedrich Kunz, Christian von Hirschhausen, Benjamin Reinhard

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Fundamental drivers of regime-switching: an analysis of German power prices.

Andreas Gerster

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Tail risk in power price modelling and forecasting with RES.

Angelica Gianfreda, Derek W. Bunn, Dipeng Chen

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Energy and chaos: modeling energy in a dynamics growth model with chaotic bifurcation.

Gaël Giraud

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
The gainers and losers of global warming: implications for adaptation and mitigation.

Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet, Céline Guivarch

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Modelling global macroeconomic impacts of a carbon constrained energy system using ETSAPTIAM MSA.

James Glynn, Maurizio Gargiulo, Brian Ó’Gallachóir

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
The impact of uncertainty on the European energy market: a scenario aggregation approach.

Rolf Golombek, Kjell Arne Brekke, Michal Kaut, Sverre A.C. Kittelsen, Stein W. Wallace

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Fostering renewables and recycling a carbon tax: joint aggregate and intergenerational redistributive effects.

Frédéric Gonand

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
An analysis on residential customers’ choice behaviors of electricity tariffs: focusing on flat tariffs and time-of-use tariffs.

Hisanori Goto

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Power plant investments under uncertainty - a linear mean risk model for selecting efficient power plant portfolios.

Johann Gottschling, Alfred Voß

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
INTEGRATIVE SMART CITY PLANNING - Buildings and Mobility in Évora

Joao Gouveia, Júlia Seixas, Nuno Bilo, António Valentim, Vera Nunes, George Giannakidis, Darren Robinson, Duncan Irons, Maurizio Gargiulo

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
How to implement customer participation within distribution system operators (DSOS).

Markus Graebig, Sebastian Preiß

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Assessment of industrial power prices.

Katharina Grave, Martin Pudlik

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Micro auctions for distributed generation with flexible zones.

Thomas Greve, Michael G. Pollitt

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Theoretical analysis of the impact of energy poverty on vulnerable populations’ behavior; the case of two developed countries: France and the United Kingdom.

Vanesha Guirdarlal

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
EU Climate/Energy policies and energy supply security in a small open economy. Energy supply security assessment for Belgium up to 2030.

Dominique Gusbin, Danielle Devogelaer

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
An efficient assessment of capacity mechanisms in electricity market.

Reinhard Haas, Hamid Aghaie

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Integrating larger shares of intermittent renewables into the electricity system: competitive or centrally planned ?

Reinhard Haas, Hans Auer

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Carbon divestment as rational climate policy measure?

Florian Haebermacher

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Inefficiencies of grid regulation - the case of blackouts in electricity grids.

Simeon Hagspiel, Joachim Bertsch

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Outlook of the Japanese economy and energy supply-demand structure toward 2030.

Sumio Hamagata, Yuko Hoshino, Yutaka Nagata

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Assessing the disruptive potential of new technologies in the European energy market.

Nina Hampl, Sebastian Schröer, Katharina Wittmann

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
FLECH Market Design - A clearing house for congestion management.

Silas Harbo, Peter Meibom, Lars Henrik Hansen

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Evaluation of the development of non-GHG emissions from the European electricity sector.

Rupert Hartel, Dogan Keles, Wolf Fichtner

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Assessing dynamic effects of capacity remuneration mechanisms on generation investment: comparison between strategic reserve mechanism and capacity market.

Nicolas Hary, Vincent Rious, Marcelo Saguan

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Diversity of the means of natural gas purchase.

Satoru Hashimoto

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Residential bottom-up load modelling with price elasticity.

Marian Hayn, Valentin Bertsch, Wolf Fichtner

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Long-term modelling of power-to-gas capacity developments and operation in the German power system.

Tobias Heffels, Russell McKenna, Wolf Fichtner

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Quantum Leap - why and how energy utilities aim to servitize their business models.

Thorsten Helms

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Quantitative analysis of gas supply strategies from a German plant operator´s perspective.

Andreas Henke, Nadja Löper

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Economic curtailment of renewable energy sources.

Arthur Henriot

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
GEODIS - geographic dispersed and integrated energetical systems.

Afonso Henriques Moreira Santos, Maíra Dzedzej

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Structural similarity and dependency of research networks in the German PVindustry– Does the comprehensiveness of the policy mix matter?

Johannes Herrmann, Stefan Töpfer

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
On the ambiguous market prospects of storages for promoting electricity generation from intermittent renewables.

Albert Hiesl, Amela Ajanovic, Reinhard Haas

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Opportunity cost of reactive power provision.

Fabian Hinz, Dominik Möst

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Ten propositions on electricity market design: energy-only vs. capacity markets.

Lion Hirth, Falko Ueckerdt

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Energy productivity: aligning global agendas.

Nicholas Howarth, Tarek Atallah, Patrick Bean, Berenice Garcia Tellez, Anwar Gasim

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
RES load diagram analyses - step towards virtual power plant

Michaela Hrochova, Jaroslav Knápek, Tomáš Králík

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Determinants of energy-efficient investments in Slovenian manufacturing industries.

Nevenka Hrovatin, Nives Dolšak, Jelena Zoric

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Impact of the optimal energy mix with renewable risk on industrial greening.

Chung-Huang Huang, Chin-Wen Yand, Chiung-Wen Chang, Pei-Yun Chu, Chih-Kai Yang, Te-Chin Wang

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
An analysis of household energy consumption in Taiwan: evidence from quantile regression.

Wen-Hsiu Huang, Ming-Che Chao

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Adjusting the electricity consumption: consumer's option to choose.

Oana Ionescu

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Electricity derivative markets and Samuelson hypothesis.

Edouard Jaeck, Delphine Lautier

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Wind Power Deployment: the role of public participation in decision-making process.

Anahita Jami, Philip Walsh

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Mode choices of transport to work in Switzerland.

Vishal Chandr Jaunky, Jan Oliver Imhof

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Oil price shocks and Spain’s macroeconomic developments.

Rebeca Jimenez Rodriguez, Marcelo Sánchez

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
The road to the first best – Congestion management of electricity transmission in the CWE region.

Lisa Just, Joachim Bertsch, Simeon Hagspiel

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
How dependent is growth from primary energy? An assesment for OECD countries.

Zeynep Kahraman, Gaël Giraud

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Interplay between electricity and transport sectors – Integrating the Swiss car fleet and electricity system.

Ramachandran Kannan, Hal Turton

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
The impact of shale gas on the costs of climate policy.

Jan Kersting, Vicki Duscha

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Energy Specializations: Nuclear Power

Concurrent Session
The EU emission trading scheme: first evidence on phase 3.

Claudia Kettner

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Exploring transaction costs in passive house-oriented retrofitting.

Bernadet Kiss, Luis Mundaca

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Promoting CCS in Europe: a case study for strategic trade policy?

Sverre A.C. Kittelsen, Simen Gaure, Mads Greaker, Knut Einar Rosendahl, Rolf Golombek

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The global economic long-term potential of modern biomass in a climate constrained world.

David Klein, Florian Humpenöder, Nico Bauer, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Alexander Popp, Benjamin Bodirsky, Markus Bonsch, Hermann Lotze-Campen

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Peak demand and time-of-use pricing in a field study of residential electricity demand in Germany.

Marian Klobasa, Joachim Schleich

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
A new approach for biomass potential determination – a case study for the Czech Republic.

Jaroslav Knapek, Kamila Vávrová

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Real-time price elasticity of electricity demand in wholesale markets.

Andreas Knaut, Simon Paulus

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Reform potentials for congestion management in European electricity networks.

Günter Knieps, Rosalowsky Birgit

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
"Power-to-value”: converting excess wind power into valuable products or processes.

Hamilcar Knops, Anish Patil, Rob Stikkelman

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Conventional power system flexibility in Germany.

Lisa Marina Koch

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Analysis for extensive integration of variable renewables with dynamic multiregional optimal power generation mix model.

Ryoichi Komiyama, Yasumasa Fujii

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Forecast of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in Lithuania.

Inga Konstantinaviciute, Vaclovas Miskinis, Arvydas Galinis, Vidas Lekavicius

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Modeling concept for renewable energy expansion and interaction in Europe: the case of Germany and Greece.

Christoph Kost, Niklas Hartmann, Charlotte Senkpiel, Thomas Schlegl

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Integrating renewable energy in power systems: challenges and solutions.

Vincent Krakowsky, Edi Assoumou, Nadia Maïzi, Vincent Mazauric

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
What are favourable policies to increase RES-H and energy efficiency in the EU building stock?

Lukas Kranzl, Andreas Müller, Agne Toleikyte, Marcus Hummel, Clemens Rohde

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Smart city Hartberg: smart city development on small-town scale.

Alois Kraussler

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Cost estimation of existing German renewable energy installations in the current support mechanism till 2030.

Sebastian Kreuz, Felix Müsgens, Ralf Wissen

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Social preferences and political support for Germany's energy turnaround: an experimental study of consumer behavior.

Ole Kutzschbauch, Stefan Traub

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
A dynamic approach of the fuel poverty phenomenon. Evidence from the French data of the European Union of statistics of income and living conditions (EUSILC)

Elie Lacroix, Corinne Chaton

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
The role of nuclear power in sustainable low-carbon electricity systems.

Erik Laes, Aviel Verbruggen

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Energy Specializations: Unconventional Fossil Resources

Concurrent Session
Smart meters, efficiency gains and economy-wide rebound effects.

Patrizio Lecca, Marie Tamba, Peter McGregor, Kim Swales

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
EU climate and energy policy beyond 2020: Are additional targets and instruments for renewables economically reasonable?

Paul Lehmann, Jos Sijm, Erik Gawel, Unnada Chewpreecha, Jean-Francois Mercure, Hector Pollitt, Sebastian Strunz

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Who benefits from renewables? Economic impacts of renewable energy along the value chain and value creation policies.

Ulrike Lehr, Barbara Breitschopf

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Construction of hybrid input-output tables for E3 CGE model calibration and consequences on energy policy analysis.

Gaelle Le Treut, Frederic Ghersi, Emmanuel Combet, Julien Lefevre

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
The impact assessment of various carbon tax rate on the economy and CO2 emission of Taiwan.

Chi-Yuan Liang, Ruei-He Jheng

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Understanding the interactions between global and regional seasonality of crude oil consumption.

Jun Li, Julian Inchauspe

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
The use of renewable energy cooperation mechanism: evidence from hydropower projects in Norway.

Kristin Linnerud, Erling Holden

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Quantifying the impact of wind power generation in day-ahead market: the case of Denmark.

Yuanjing Li

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
On the impact of market concentration on investment decisions and security of supply in electricity markets – an agent-based analysis.

Stefan Lorenczik, Raimund Malischek

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
New cross-border balancing arrangements in Europe: what are the efficiency gains and who reaps them?

Claudio Casimir Lucas Lorenz, Clemens Gerbaulet

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Stochastic LCOE and risk/cost trade-off in electricity generation portfolio selection.

Carlo Lucheroni, Carlo Mari

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Comparative statics for real options on oil: what stylized facts to use?

Diderik Lund, Ragnar Nymoen

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Energy price volatility: the link between fossil energy and woody bioenergy.

Robert Lundmark

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Energy reference forecast and energy policy targets for Germany.

Christian Lutz, Dietmar Lindenberger, Michael Schlesinger, Christian Tode

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Willingness-to-pay for alternative fuel vehicle characteristics: a stated choice study for Germany.

Reinhard Madlener, André Hackbarth

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Modeling resource use with endogenous time preference and minimum consumption requirement.

Akira Maeda, Makiko Nagaya

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Measuring the efficiency of energy-intensive industries across 23 EU countries.

Georgia Makridou, Kostas Andriosopoulos, Michael Doumpos, Constantin Zopounidis

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
The European steel technology platform’s strategic research agenda vision for the sustainable steel production 2030s.

Enrico Malfa, Jean Pierre Birat, Valentina Colla, Jean Sebastien Thomas Arcelor

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Modeling the integration of variable renewable energies (VRE) into the electrical grid in the witch model: techno-economic impacts of different approaches.

Giacomo Marangoni, Samuel Carrara

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Renewable Energy Incentives and CO2 abatement in Italy.

Claudio Marcantonini, Vanessa Valero

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Changes of the Italian energy system from 1990 to 2014 with particular reference to the industrial sector: implications for the future.

Marghella Francesco, Vittorio D'Ermo, Nino Morgantini

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Electricity price dependency of German industrial sectors and exemption from the “EEG Apportionment”.

Ralf-M Marquardt

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
On the global energy consumption and economic growth nexus: a long ARDL bounds test approach.

Luis Miguel Marquez, José Alberto Fuinhas, António Cardoso Marques

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
A Markov-Switching approach to modeling the asymmetric price transmision: an application for the Spanish fuel market.

José María Martin Moreno, Rafaela Pérez, Baltasar Manzano, Jesús Rúiz

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Reliability option contracts: the effect of the explicit penalty on the merit order of the auction.

Paolo Mastropietro, Pablo Rodilla, Carlos Batlle

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The Economic and environmental impact of the UK offshore wind energy sector.

Peter Mc Gregor, Patrizio Lecca, Kim Swales, Marie Tamba

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Oil and debts: are they substitutes?

Florent Mc Isaac, Gaël Giraud

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Analyzing scale effects of energetic autarky with an economic capacity and dispatch optimization model.

Russell Mc Kenna, Erik Merkel, Tobias Jäger, Wolf Fichtner

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Households facing constraints. Fuel poverty put into context.

Helena Meier, Ute Dubois

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
The role of regions and provinces to support the participation of small local authorities in the Covenant of Mayors.

Giulia Melica, Paolo Zancanella, Albana Kona, Silvia Rivas-Calvete Irene Gabrielaitiene, Andreea Iancu, Paolo Bertoldi

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Market power rents and climate change: a rationale for export taxes on coal?

Roman Mendelevitch, Frank Jotzo, Philipp Richter

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The influence of individual wind feed-in time series on electricity spot market prices and their effect on the economic evaluation of storage systems.

Julia Michaelis, Patrick Plötz, Sebastian Müller

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Switching from fossil fuel to renewables in residential heating systems: an empirical study of homeowners’ decisions in Germany.

Carl Christian Michelsen, Reinhard Madlener

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Innovative device for control of electric energy consumption.

Alexander Mikhalevich, J. Matukas, Palenskis, S. Žvirblis

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Regional gas market integration in the changing geopolitical landscape.

Irina Mironova

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Vertical integration and the valuation of international oil companies.

Bård Misund, Petter Osmundsen, Marius Sikveland

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Temperature effects on firms’ electricity demand: an analysis of sectorial differences in Spain.

Julian Moral-Carcedo, Julian Perez Garcia

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
A two stage energy planning model integrating power expansion and regional energy systems for the assessment of solar and CGS.

Shunsuke Mori, Kazuhisa Kamegai, Yuya Makishita

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Dynamic modelling of cost systems applied to energy transition.

Clément Morlat, Kleber Pinto-Silva

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Australia’s million solar roofs: disruption on the fringes or the beginning of a new order?

Bruce Mountain & Paul Szuster

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Energy-efficient innovation a response to market -based incentives?

Boris Mrkajic, Paola Garrone, Luca Grilli

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Distribution grid monitoring through pilot injection and successive interference cancellation.

Surena Neshvad, Symeon Chatzinotas, Jürgen Sachau

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Long term scenario for an energy transition in the French transportation sector under multiple policy objectives.

Claire Nicolas, Frédérique Bouvart, Andréa Diaz, Daphné Lorne, Emmanuel Hache, Valérie Saint-Antonin, Stéphane Tchung-Ming

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Policy Instruments and market integration of renewables – an Agent-Based Model Analysis.

Kristina Nienhaus, Marc Deissenroth, Matthias Reeg

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Equilibrium pricing of reserve power.

Lenja Niesen, Christoph Weber

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
An analysis on changes in economics of smart house using photovoltaic cell and electricity storage system.

Yoshiki Ogawa

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Gas Transport: pipeline versus LNG.

Atle Oglend, Petter Osmundsen

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Exploring barriers to company adoption of load shift.

Mark Olsthoorn, Joachim Schleich, Marian Klobasa

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Quantitative analysis of the merit order effect from photovoltaic production in key European countries and effect of market coupling.

Sinead Orlandi, Henri Gouzerh, Nicolas Gourvitch, Gaetan Masson

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
An analysis of UK households’ willingness to shift energy consumption.

Musiliu O. Oseni, David Reiner, Michael Pollitt

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Rig services and taxation.

Petter Osmundsen

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Encouraging hydro-solar complementarity in the Swiss electricity market.

Sebastian Osorio, Ann Van Ackere

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Analysis of the German border power transmission lines and congestion management as an element towards a single European electricity market.

Fernando Oster

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Gross employment from renewable energy in Germany.

Marlene O Sullivan, Ulrike Lehr, Dietmar Edler

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Value of flexibility for balancing wind power generation.

Ozge Ozdemir, Marit Van Hout, Paul Koutstaal

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
An analysis of the allocation and costs of risk under different renewable support instruments.

Michael Pahle, Oliver Tietjen, Philippe Quirion

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
A systematic mapping and evaluation of barriers and benefits of the demand side resource participation in electricity markets.

Joonas Paivarinta, Reinhard Madlener

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
A comparison of new energy technology competitiveness index by countries.

SooUk Park, ChiHye Bae, Deokki Lee

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Dynamic analysis of the German Day-Ahead Electricity Spot Market.

Marius Paschen

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Exploring uncertainties in CCS - decarbonization of the power sector & countrywise opportunities.

Rajesh Mathew Pattupara, Kannan Ramachandran

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The effect of renewable subsidy schemes and market design on the spatial distribution of wind energy installation.

Anna Pechan

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
In a world without support schemes: investments in wind power by the energy-only market.

Marie Petitet

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Dynamics of industrial consolidation in the EU27 electricity and gas industry (2009-2014).

Marc Petz

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Power sector decarbonization – which technologies matter?

Robert Pietzcker, Gunnar Luderer

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The oil-growth nexus in oil producers: macro panel evidence.

Alcino Pinto Couto, António Cardoso Marques, José Alberto Fuinhas

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Evolve or die: new bidding strategies for combined cycle electricity plants after the introduction of renewable energy.

Cristina Pizarro Irizar, Aitor Ciarreta, Maria Paz Espinosa

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
The probability of long phases of very high and low wind power feed-in and residual load.

Patrick Ploetz, Julia Michaelis

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Mechanisms for generating capacity expansion and power market structures: Russian case study.

Sergey Podkovalnikov, Oleg Khamisov, Konstantin Semenov

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Emission payments and sustainability criteria for solid wood biomass: optimal energy mix and costs of targets.

Johanna Pohjola, Jani Laturi, Jussi Uusivuori, Jussi Lintunen

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
A fast method for generation-park-development analysis.

Niklas Poier, Christian Rehtanz

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Energy only markets: are they efficient with large amounts of intermittent generation?

Stephen Poletti, Oliver Browne, David Young

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
The importance of integrating the variability of renewables in long-term energy planning models.

Kris Poncelet, Erik Delarue, William D’haeseleer, Dean Six, Jan Duerinck

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Dynamic efficiency and incentive regulation: an application to electricity distribution networks.

Rahmatallah Poudineh, Grigorios Emvalomatis, Tooraj Jamasb

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Impact assessment of energy/climate policies: a hybrid general equilibrium analysis for Portugal.

Sara Proença, Miguel St. Aubyn

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
The green bank as climate financial instrument to build a green low carbon economy.

Stefania Proietti, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Stefano Santocchia

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Local pricing with agents in the distribution grid.

Jessica Raasch, Christoph Weber

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Long-term investment strategies for power and heat generation portfolios with minimal costs.

Nikolaus Rab

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Integration of wind power into the Danish power system.

Viktor József Racz, Niels Vestergaard, Priyadarshini Yadav

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Soybean and Sugarcane land competition: implications on deforestation in the Brazilian amazon.

Anelise Rahmeier Seyffarth, Emmanuel Asane-Otoo

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The convenience yield implied in the European natural gas markets - the impact of storage and weather.

Margarethe Rammerstorfer, Thomas Kremser

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Reaching the smart grid’s potential: defining local markets for flexibility.

Ariana Ramos Gutierrez, Cedric De Jonghe, Virginia Gómez, Ronnie Belmans

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Emissions trading in the presence of price-regulated polluting firms: how costly are free allowances?

Sebastian Rausch, Bruno Lanz

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Possible impacts of sustainability initiatives in international biofuels trade: analysis from certification experience in other economic sectors.

Rachel Ravagnani, Arnaldo Walter

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Changed risk premiums and equity debt requiments due to different RES-E policy instruments for market integration of renewable energies in Germany.

Matthias Reeg, Mohamed Mamdouh Elkadragy

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Carbon prices and CCS investments: a comparative study between the European Union and China.

Marie Renner

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Modelling the impacts of policies on microalgae biofuel feedstocks diffusion.

Lauro André Ribeiro, Patrícia Pereira Da Silva, Leila Ribeiro, Luis Fernando Dotti

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Will China’s quest for natural gas affect Europe’s energy security?

Ronald Ripple

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Market liberalisation and pricing mechanisms in the European natural gas market.

Andrzej Robaszewski

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Fuel cell vehicles are close to commercialization and it’s time to think hydrogen fuel cell powertrain as power plant. Consideration about Germany, UK and Italy in EU context.

Mario Valentino Romeri

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Time recurrence structures of electricity markets: the case of United Kingdom.

Alessandro Rubino, Angelo Facchini

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Regulatory incentives for network investments – a system dynamics approach for analysing the sustainability of regulatory framework decisions in the German electricity industry.

Katharina Ruikis, Sören Agne, Micheal Brandau, Andreas Hoffjan

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
The effect of limited renewable resources on the electricity generation in a low-carbon Europe.

Pablo Ruiz Castello, Sofia Simoes, Wouter Nijs, Alessandra Sgobbi, Christian Thiel

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Restructuring and reliability in the electricity industry of OECD countries: investigating causal relations by econometric model.

Hanee Ryu, Pilseong Jang, Sergio Aldana, Yeonbae Kim

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Internality losses can outweigh externality gains.

Anshuman Sahoo, Nik Sawe

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Do social norms matter to energy saving behavior? Endogenous social and correlated effects.

Mari Sakudo, Hajime Katayama, Arimura

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
China’s omnipresence in the global oil market.

Mamdouh Salemeh

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Energy Specializations: Petroleum

Concurrent Session
Real-Time pricing in the Cypriot electricity market.

Sener Salci

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Investor-specific cost of capital as explanatory factor for heterogeneity in energy investment decisions– a conceptual model.

Sarah Salm, Rolf Wüstenhagen, Thorsten Helms

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
State and trends of the voluntary carbon credits market.

Francesco Santocchia, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Stefania Proietti

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
"Consumers vulnerability” characterization: a methodology approach of energy poverty in Europe.

Sabina Scarpellini, Miguel Marco-Fondevila, Inés Suarez-Perales, Afonso Aranda-Usón

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Prospects of optimized distributed generation and electric vehicle charging in micro grids.

Johannes Schaeuble, Patrick Jochem, Wolf Fichnter

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Large-scale integration of fluctuating renewables: the role of storage.

Wolf-Peter Schill, Alexander Zerrahn

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Can torrefied products enhance the European bioenergy portfolio?

Fabian Schipfer, Kathrin Bienert, Rita Ehrig, Lukas Kranzl, Stefan Majer, Julian Matzenberger, Christoph Strasser, Martin Svanberg, Markus Meyer, Jörg A.Priess

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
A brighter future? Quantifying the rebound effect in energy efficient lighting.

Joachim Schleich, Brad Mills, Elisabeth Dütschke

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The effects of regulatory frameworks on electricity supply security: a European analysis.

Michael Schmidthaler, Stefan Schmidinger, Jed Cohen, Johannes Reichl

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Trade in carbon and the effectiveness of carbon tariffs.

Jan Schneider, Christoph Bonringer, Emmanuel Asane-Otoo

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Strategic behavior of energy suppliers in balancing markets under increased renewable supply.

Dominik Schober, Sven Heim

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Incentives of commercial banks to finance energy efficiency.

Anne Schopp

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Social acceptance and energy pathways: deviations of public opinion and energy targets.

Josef Schubert, Daniel Kurt, Dominik Möst

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Designing business models for different market participants in a hybrid retail energy market.

Daniel Schwabeneder

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Technical efficiency among gas producers in the Barnett shale play.

Likeleli Seitlheko

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Toward the future climate regime: a regional long term perspective of political targets and technological options.

Sandrine Selosse, Nicolas Garcia, Nadia Maizi

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Investment in low carbon techologies: assessment of European mix evolution with world model DNE21+ combined to investment preference indicator.

Bianka Shoai Tehrani, Keigo Akimoto, Fuminori Sano

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Creating a framework for assessing the sustainability of geothermal energy developments.

Ruth Shortall, Gudni Axelson, Brynhildur Davidsdottir

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Distributional effects of the German biofuel quota.

Luisa Sievers, Vanessa Spieth, Axel Schaffer

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Long-term European strategies to enhance gas supply security.

Baltazar Solano Rodriguez, Christophe Mcglade

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Economic analysis of undiscovered petroleum resources in the Norwegian Artic: a combined Monte Carlo and scenario approach.

Terje Sorenes, Benvenutta Henriksen, Mari Kvaløy

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
SAIPEM’s contribution to local development: a measure of local content externalities can help in defining a growth strategy in the oil and gas services sector.

Marco Stampa, Raffaella Bersani

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Is there a rebound effect in green taxation on transportation? Evidence from a natural experiment in Israel.

Aviv Steren, Ofir Rubin, Stav Rosenzweig

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Analysing demand side management in energy system models.

Martin Steurer, Thomas Haasz, Ulrich Fahl, Alfred Voß

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Financial and economic justification of subsidised off-shore Wind Projects. A case study.

Klaus Stocker

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Determinants of household energy consumption in France: behavior approach.

Elena Stolyarova, Hélène Le Cadre, Dominique Osso, Benoit Allibe, Christophe Marchand, Nadia Maïzi

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
The combined transportation GHG reduction strategies.

Han-Pang Su, Chiung-Wen Chang, Pei-Yun Chu, Chih-Kai Yang, Chung-Huang Huang, Te-Chin Wang

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Consumer’s willingness to pay for green electricity: a meta-analysis of the literature.

Swantje Sundt, Katrin Rehdanz

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Gas pricing system in Asia Pacific : influence of USA and Europe.

Jinseok Sung

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Outage acceptance and feasibility of reducing reserve power capacity in Japan.

Makoto Tamura, Abdur Rohman, Hisashi Kobayashi

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Aspects of governance and CO2 emissions: a non-linear analysis.

Yashar Tarvedi Mamaghani

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Economic initiatives for integration of renewable energy sources into the households.

Dalius Tarvydas, Valentinas Klevas, Viktorija Bobinaite

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
An empirical study of market performance in wholesale electricity markets.

Koichiro Tezuka, Masahiro Ishii, Motokazu Ishizaka

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The role of the EU car CO2 regulation to achieve lower CO2 emissions from transport by 2030.

Christian Thiel, Wouter Nijs, Sofia Simoes, Johannes Schmidt, Arnold Van Zyl, Erwin Schmid

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Decentralised market agent – developing a new market role in distributed electricity systems.

Jessica Thomsen, Niklas Hartmann

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Macroeconomic effects of the new flexible energy storage system power-to-gas.

Robert Tichler

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Analyzing investment risks in conventional and renewable energy dominated electricity markets.

Oliver Tietjen, Michael Pahle

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Economy

Concurrent Session
Energy poverty in the European union: temporal and spatial patterns.

Sergio Tirado-Herrero, Saska Petrova, Stefan Bouzarovski

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
The law of one price in global natural gas markets – a threshold Cointegration analysis.

Benjamin Tischler, Sebastian Nick

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Sustainable electricity grid development and the public: an economic approach.

Wenche Tobiasson, Tooraj Jamasb

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Assessing flexibility in residential electricity demand: findings from the analysis of UK time use data.

Jacopo Torriti, Richard Hanna

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Forecasting the EU electricity wholesale prices: do multiple time series models perform better?

Marta Trabucchi, Michele Dalena

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Short-term electricity consumption in Norwegian households – drivers and profiles.

Erik Trømborg, Anna Kipping

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Mitigation of wind farm output variability via geographic dispersion and turbine diversification: a mean-variance economic model.

Akiner Tuzuner, Fikret Korhan Turan, Selcuk Goren

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Polito-economic aspects of renewable energy: voting on the level of renewable energy support.

Vladimir Udalov

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Price elasticity of demand in the European wholesale electricity market.

Niyaz Valitov, Sebastian Nielen, Werner Bönte, Torben Engelmeyer

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Modeling transmission investment under different regulatory regimes.

Martti J. Van Blijswijk, Laurens J. de Vries

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The interaction of a high renewable energy/low carbon power system with the gas system through power to gas.

Jeroen Vandewalle, Kenneth Bruninck, William D’Haeseleer

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The impact of operating reserves in generation expansion planning with high shares of renewable energy sources.

Arne Van Stiphout, Kris Poncelet, Kristof De Vos, Geert Deconinck

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Comparison of natural gas supply responses to seasonality.

Sam Van Vactor, Don Winslow

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Energy Specializations: Natural Gas

Concurrent Session
Replacing Italy’s RES-E surcharge with a carbon tax: a macroeconomic analysis.

Stefano Verde, M.G. Pazienza

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Productivity and efficiency measurement of the Danish centralized biogas power sector.

Niels Vestergaard, Viktor J. Racz

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
A stochastic dynamic game of the 2050 European energy roadmap with CCS uncertainties.

Marc Vielle, Alain Haurie, Frédéric Babonneau

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Market coupling between Electricity Markets: theory and empirical evidence for the Italian- Slovenian interconnection.

Lucia Visconti Parisio, Matteo Pelagatti

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Time and tide wait for no man pioneers and laggards in the deployment of CCS.

Stefan Voegele, Dirk Rübbelke

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
The role of Gazprom in European natural gas supplies.

Von Hirschhausen, Hella Hengerer, Franziska Holz, Claudia Kemfert, Philipp Richter

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Energy Specializations: Transportation

Concurrent Session
Improving the integration of renewables in continuous intraday markets for electricity.

Alexander Von Selasinsky

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Renewables for electricity – Experiences in Germany.

Hermann-Josef Wagner

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
A trendy design or wise business solution? An analysis of leed office buildings in top U.S. cities.

Yongsheng Wang, Jordan Stanley

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Risk and Return under Renewable Support mechanisms – towards a coherent framework.

Christoph Weber, Lena Kitzing

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Willingness to pay for fuel economy in the Swiss car market.

Sylvain Weber, Arnaud Blaser, Mehdi Farsi

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Macro planning of photovoltaic capacity: matching orientation and tilt angles to load profiles in absence of free markets.

Manfred Weissenbacher, Therese Attard

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
Analysing the consistency of the policy mix for renewable energy technologies on the macro-level.

Kirsten S. Wiebe, Christian Lutz

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
A methodology to reconcile the EU ETS with National Economic and Environmental Accounts.

Matthew Winning, Grant Allan, Peter McGregor, Kim Swales

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Measuring irregular cycles in economic time series.

Oliver Woll, Dominik Schober

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Energy efficiency convergence and oil price volatility: evidence from the Mediterranean.

Konstantina Xarcha

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Energy Specializations: Energy Access

Concurrent Session
Smooth transition to low carbon world with optimal policies for natural gas and renewable energies.

Yuri Yegorov, Franz Wirl

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Fuel subsidies, oil markets and the global economy.

Mine Yucel, Nathan Balke, Michael Plante

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
An analysis of allowance banking in the EU ETS.

Aleksandar Zaklan, Vanessa Valero, Denny Ellerman

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
The nuclear power controversy and further recommendations in Taiwan.

Meng-Feng Zeng, King-Ming Wang, Jong Jong, Shun Chen, Fu-Kuang Ko

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Energy Specializations: Unconventional Fossil Resources

Concurrent Session
Sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind? The effect of wind turbines on residential well-being.

Alexander Zerrahn, Christian Krekel

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
A temporally and spatially explicit framework for analysing long-term decarbonisation strategies case study for wind energy in the UK.

Marianne Zeyringer, Hannah Daly, Birgit Fais, Ed Sharp, Neil Strachan

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Energy Specializations: Renewables

Concurrent Session
Uncertainties in the balancing markets for electricity - barriers for renewable energy sources.

Michael Zipf, Dominik Möst

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Energy Specializations: Electricity

Concurrent Session
An analysis and comparison of the climate policy and emission trading in European countries.

Vanessa Zorilla Muñoz, Marc Petz

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Energy Specializations: Energy and the Environment

Concurrent Session
Sustainable energy development: countries and strategies.

Tatsiana Zoryna

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Energy Specializations: Energy Efficiency

Concurrent Session
Natural Gas Vulnerability Index of Natural Gas Importing Countries: Reflecting the dimension of Environmental Sustainability in the Vulnerability Trend from 1998

Ibrahim M. Buba and Fazel M. Farimani


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